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之前因为这个打过一场官司。1954 Handlel vs. Washington Post 后来FCC
Federal Communications Commission规定所有漫画必须用大写
Federal Communications Commission规定所有漫画必须用大写
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Mainly, it's to prevent letters from running together.
All capital letters are exactly the same height. But some lowercase letters
have tails that project below the baseline: g, j, p, q, and y. These tails
can overlap letters on the line below, making the text difficult to read.
You can prevent this by spacing your lines of text farther apart, but that
means fewer lines will fit inside your word balloon. By using all capitals,
you can space lines closer together, and fit more words in a balloon.
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_are_comic_strips_written_in_all_capital_letters#ixzz1HSKIPbVm
【在 j****i 的大作中提到】
: 之前因为这个打过一场官司。1954 Handlel vs. Washington Post 后来FCC
: Federal Communications Commission规定所有漫画必须用大写
Mainly, it's to prevent letters from running together.
All capital letters are exactly the same height. But some lowercase letters
have tails that project below the baseline: g, j, p, q, and y. These tails
can overlap letters on the line below, making the text difficult to read.
You can prevent this by spacing your lines of text farther apart, but that
means fewer lines will fit inside your word balloon. By using all capitals,
you can space lines closer together, and fit more words in a balloon.
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_are_comic_strips_written_in_all_capital_letters#ixzz1HSKIPbVm
【在 j****i 的大作中提到】
: 之前因为这个打过一场官司。1954 Handlel vs. Washington Post 后来FCC
: Federal Communications Commission规定所有漫画必须用大写
5 楼
【在 k*****e 的大作中提到】
: 查不到这个官司
: answer.com的解释
: Mainly, it's to prevent letters from running together.
: All capital letters are exactly the same height. But some lowercase letters
: have tails that project below the baseline: g, j, p, q, and y. These tails
: can overlap letters on the line below, making the text difficult to read.
: You can prevent this by spacing your lines of text farther apart, but that
: means fewer lines will fit inside your word balloon. By using all capitals,
: you can space lines closer together, and fit more words in a balloon.
: Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_are_comic_strips_written_in_all_capital_letters#ixzz1HSKIPbVm
【在 k*****e 的大作中提到】
: 查不到这个官司
: answer.com的解释
: Mainly, it's to prevent letters from running together.
: All capital letters are exactly the same height. But some lowercase letters
: have tails that project below the baseline: g, j, p, q, and y. These tails
: can overlap letters on the line below, making the text difficult to read.
: You can prevent this by spacing your lines of text farther apart, but that
: means fewer lines will fit inside your word balloon. By using all capitals,
: you can space lines closer together, and fit more words in a balloon.
: Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_are_comic_strips_written_in_all_capital_letters#ixzz1HSKIPbVm
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