嫌犯已經被抓起來了# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Toronto man charged in slaying of York U student
Published 11 minutes ago
Curtis Rush Staff Reporter
A 29-year-old Toronto man has been charged with first-degree murder in the slaying of 23-year-old York University student Qian Liu.
Brian Dickson is scheduled to appear in court Thursday morning.
A police source told the Star a missing webcam, laptop and cellphone were not seized as part of the arrest. They are still missing and hold key clues
to the investigation.
Police announced the arrest as a plane carrying Liu’s grieving parents
touched down Wednesday afternoon.
The exhausted couple was ushered through Pearson airport by Chinese
consulate staff, stopping momentarily to address reporters before being
ushered out a private exit.
“We are very sad but we would like to take this opportunity to thank . . .
everyone, the media, community and Chinese consulate staff,” Jianhui Liu,
the victim’s father, said after the 13-hour flight from Beijing. “Thank
you, but we are really tired.”
He is research director of Communist Party history at a school that trains
party officials and a much-admired lecturer.
His daughter’s body was discovered by two friends and her landlord at 27
Aldwinckle Heights on Friday morning, after they were alerted by Meng
Xianchao, the victim’s boyfriend in China, who said he witnessed part of
the struggle between the woman and an intruder by webcam the night before.
Liu was found in a basement apartment naked from the waist down, police said
, adding there were no obvious signs of trauma.
Police are still awaiting toxicology test results to determine the cause of
Police asked the media not to publish photos of Dickson, saying it will
compromise their investigation. They also stressed that a photograph of man
circulating in Chinese-language Internet chatrooms, purported to be
connected to the killing, is not of Dickson.
This week, the Star reported that Liu had been stalked by a man, painted as
a rejected suitor in a popular Chinese chatroom. However, police said there
is no evidence of “criminal stalking.”
Liu arrived in Canada in September and lived in a house on Haynes Ave.
before moving to the Aldwinckle Heights apartment in January.
Police forensic vans were parked this week in front of both residences,
located near York University.
A friend of Liu posted online that the suspect once lived with the victim,
but police wouldn’t confirm that, or explain why she moved so suddenly.
A person of interest was interviewed early in the investigation and released
. At the time, police said they were checking out his alibi.
Police wouldn’t confirm whether the man arrested is the person they had
The victim’s boyfriend in China told CTV News in Beijing of watching a man
try to hug Liu before assaulting her.
He said his webcam conversation with his girlfriend was interrupted when Liu
heard a knock at the door at about 1 a.m. Friday. A man entered the
apartment and wanted an embrace, but grew aggressive when Liu refused. The
webcam was then disconnected.
“At that moment my mind went blank and I was cursing him from my webcam, I
was so far away I couldn’t reach her. I felt so helpless and I couldn’t
calm down until in the end the guy closed the computer,” he told CTV,
adding he then contacted Liu’s friends in Canada.
The head of the Toronto police homicide squad said a new “team approach”
to investigating murders — assigning a team of detectives to a fresh case
instead of just two — led to the quick arrest. The approach, used by the
highly successfully Peel police force, means a witness can be interviewed
five times if necessary.
Police put out a description of the suspect but never said whether they had
interviewed more than one person matching that profile.
With files from Nicholas Keung, Dan Robson and Bill Schiller

slaying of 23-year-old York University student Qian Liu.
not seized as part of the arrest. They are still missing and hold key clues

【在 p**********d 的大作中提到】
: http://www.thestar.com/news/article/978001--toronto-man-charged
: Toronto man charged in slaying of York U student
: Published 11 minutes ago
: Curtis Rush Staff Reporter
: A 29-year-old Toronto man has been charged with first-degree murder in the slaying of 23-year-old York University student Qian Liu.
: Brian Dickson is scheduled to appear in court Thursday morning.
: A police source told the Star a missing webcam, laptop and cellphone were not seized as part of the arrest. They are still missing and hold key clues
: to the investigation.
: Police announced the arrest as a plane carrying Liu’s grieving parents

"A man entered the apartment and wanted an embrace, but grew aggressive when
Liu refused."


【在 n*******1 的大作中提到】
: "A man entered the apartment and wanted an embrace, but grew aggressive when
: Liu refused."
: 说明他们以前拥抱过的。看来女的不能太nice了,据人就要据的干脆;被骚扰的话就要
: 立刻反击!防不了有的男的不但精虫上脑还反社会,之前的一个拥抱就以为对方对自己
: 有所暗示了。



【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】
: 这个嫌犯跟死者应该比较熟悉吧
: 哪个单身女孩子会在深夜一点给一个陌生男人开门啊?我一男人,都不敢这么干
: slaying of 23-year-old York University student Qian Liu.
: not seized as part of the arrest. They are still missing and hold key clues

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