Zakaria: Will China stay on course?
Zakaria: Will China stay on course?# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Will China stay on course?
By Fareed Zakaria, CNN
Events in the Middle East and North Africa are of historic importance, but
the even bigger, long-term story is the rise of China. What path will it
choose at home and abroad in the years ahead?
For decades there has been debate at the highest levels of the Chinese
government about how much to modernize politically to ensure growth and
stave off revolution.
It’s notoriously difficult to analyze the inner workings off the Chinese
Communist Party. But today it seems that the liberals are losing the debate
. China seems to be turning inward - moving away from a strategy of
increasing openness and connection to the West and toward one of greater
self-reliance and tighter internal controls.
Just look at China’s response to the uprisings in the Middle East. The
country’s leadership made no concessions or openings. Instead, it cracked
down on any inkling of protest, banned sensitive Internet searches and
clamped down on the media.
China not only banned the word “jasmine”, it banned jasmine flowers too
out of fear of a “Jasmine Day” of protests. Rather than letting off
popular steam through greater openness and freedom, China has come down on
the side of increasing restrictions.
China’s inward turn is embodied in the rise of Bo Xilai, a potent new force
in Chinese politics. Bo Xilai is the current head of the Chongqing
Communist Party. He has been a very effective head of Chongqing - a city of
30 million people. His method of rule has been to pursue strong anti-
corruption and accountability standards for government officials. He has
also generated popular support by constantly talking about the virtues of
Mao Zedong while complaining about how modern Chinese society has become too
materialistic and permissive.
Bo is running the first individual political campaign we’ve seen in China.
He is pushing for one of nine Politburo spots in a very public, unusual
Bo’s success suggests that the forces that are in the ascendancy in China
are those that say, “We need a period of consolidation and control - not
more reform and openness.” These forces embrace a certain kind of social
conservatism and a turning inwards.
Similar inward-looking tendencies exist on the economic side as well.
Liberals who are in favor of more market reform are losing out to those who
say, “We’ve had a lot of growth. We don’t need to follow the American
model. Look at what happened to the West in the financial crisis. What we
need is a distinctly Chinese way. We need to support our own companies.”
In fact, political restrictions and economic restrictions often work
together. By making life difficult for external Internet search engines for
political reasons, China is also empowering Chinese search engines like
Baidu. Censorship has even led to a Chinese clone of Twitter, which faces
content restrictions.
This is happening in industry after industry. China is now focusing more
and more of its attention on developing and empowering local Chinese
companies. General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt complained about this publicly.
He said that it was becoming very difficult for multinational firms to do
business in China because it was not clear that the Chinese government
wanted any Western firms to succeed (of course, because of the scale of the
Chinese market, Immelt had to retract what he said).
Foreign Policy
2010 was a very bad year for China’s foreign policy. China’s leaders seem
to understand this. There was the tiff over the Senkaku Islands, which irked
Japan; the assertion of sovereignty in the South China Seas annoyed a
number of the neighboring countries; the People’s Liberation Army tested
its stealth bomber during U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates’s visit to
China, which raised American hackles.
China is trying to correct course now. You can see that in a number of
statements that have been made recently by senior officials. Dai Bingguo, a
senior foreign policy leader in China has clearly been given authority to
reset the Communist Party line and to make clear that China does not seek
confrontation with the United States.
On the other hand, Chinese leaders clearly are intrigued by the geopolitical
opportunities that present themselves. They have an ongoing economic and
political push in Africa where they have cultivated African countries as
markets and as potential opportunities for investment. China’s President
Hu Jintao hosted an Africa Summit at which almost every African head of
state showed up, which was truly extraordinary.
Closer to home you see the Pakistanis asked the Chinese to take over
operations of a port and to build a naval base at Gwadar. What’s
interesting about that is the Pakistanis did it in a very brazen way,
literally trying to play the Chinese off the Americans. But the Chinese did
not reciprocate. They did not make any public statements.
If you look at China’s actions, however, and not their words, you see
something else. China has a port in Pakistan, and is building ports in
Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. These ports secure China's energy supplies from
the Straits of Hormuz through the Straits of Malacca up to China. It’s a
hugely important route for them.
But at another level, the three main ports happen to encircle India. Given
that China has had 16 border disputes over the last 30 or 40 years – and
the only dispute that remains completely unresolved is the one with India –
you can tell that China must be thinking about ways in which they can
maintain some level of pressure in the Indo-Chinese relationship.
The way forward
Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger just published a book On
China. The central thesis of the book is that if you look structurally at a
rising power of the magnitude of China and an established power of the
magnitude of the United States - with the huge cultural differences and the
huge differences in their perspectives on history - there is, at some level,
an almost inevitable clash.
How can this be avoided? What is the strategy that both countries should
follow so that you don’t end up with this historical drama replaying itself
one more time?
The answer is you need a real strategic commitment from the elites of both
countries to try to maintain a very strong relationship. Both sides must
understand the stakes.
This would not be a relationship of allies. But both countries would
understand that it would be bad for all if their relations went into a
downward spiral. For this reason, elites on both sides must say, “We need
to understand your world and you need to understand ours.”
I interviewed Henry Kissinger for GPS and he said he thinks that China's
rise is the central challenge of American foreign policy. Kissinger also
thinks that the Obama people are doing all right at it; Obama's people get
the importance of the U.S.-China relationship, Kissinger said.
Indeed, U.S. foreign policy toward China since President Richard Nixon has
been stunning for its continuity. American has maintained a basic strategy
of trying to integrate China into the world. We’ve helped them get World
Trade Organization membership. We have maintained the same red lines we’ve
always maintained - no invasion of Taiwan. We’ve talked about human
rights. U.S.presidents have met with the Dalai Lama.
Ever since Nixon and Kissinger set a template, America's policy toward China
has remained the same because the stakes are so high.
The real question I have is: Is China going to be able to maintain
consistency on its end? Or will it take an inward turn?
Given all the political forces in China – especially, the rise of a new
generation of Chinese policy makers and the increasingly important role of
the People’s Liberation Army – I wonder where China will be five or seven
years from now. This is the big question of our time.
David Schaum
Great piece Fareed! Now this was extremely informative and thought
provoking. This high level of journlism is what we expect from a great mind
like yours.
June 9, 2011 at 9:31 pm | Reply
John Denver's ghost
"Dai Bingguo, a senior foreign policy leader in China has clearly
been given authority to reset the Communist Party line and to make clear
that China does not seek confrontation with the United States."
Also known as stalling because they weren't ready yet.
June 10, 2011 at 1:18 am | Reply
Tony L
Ready for what ? Unlike USA which has a habit of bombing other
countries, China has no intention of starting a third World War. Is that you
guys are good for nowadays... dropping bombs. Go and fix your economy and
June 10, 2011 at 1:43 am |
This Chinese media agent just responded... so yes they are not
ready yet. They wont try to muscle the US right now.
June 10, 2011 at 8:10 am |
Tony – Get a clue
June 10, 2011 at 10:10 am |
Yes, but Tony's mostly correct. The U.S. is dumping a tremendous
amount of money into other countries and war efforts rather than addressing
internal & infrastructure issues in their own country. China is spending
virtually no money outside its own country.
June 10, 2011 at 10:34 am |
Jack Burton...Me
Why the heck would they want to fight us? If things keep going
this way...They are going to own us lock stock and key here in a few years.
Imperialism is probably inevitable for this country but lets not pretend we
can take on China either. China doesn't want to fight cause they understand
it would destroy us both. They're economic warfare is far superior to their
military force.
June 10, 2011 at 10:47 am |
Bob Brush
This piece can only be written by an Indian Muslim. China irked
Japan over Senkaku! I guess the Jews irked the Nazis by their existence.
June 10, 2011 at 1:20 am | Reply
Maibam Louremba Meetei
So, Mr. Bob – you are the living great great grandson of HITLER
This discussions of intellectual in nature not racial – hope
you understand it.
June 10, 2011 at 3:38 am |
j. von hettlingen
No, Bob! This piece is written by an educated America with
sensible and valid world views! He is trying to help steer his country out
of murky waters.
No doubt the economic growth enables China to be self-assertive.
It can now afford to shun off its nickname as "copy-cat" of the West and is
strong enough to stand on its own and re-invent itself. In order to find
its identity, it has to turn "inward", preaching Chinese values and sparking
After years of deprivation people right now want to enjoy life
and cultivate the image of success. Consumerism sees the biggest spending on
foreign luxury goods and incremental widening of social gaps. But the new
generation, growing up in relative prospertiy would see the urge of keeping
up appearances differently. In this regard the country faces the dilemma.
Either it adopts the liberal model of Taiwan totally or it sees a
renaissance of Maosim, modified to adapt to the 21st century.
June 10, 2011 at 4:56 am |
@fake name Bob Brush: first of all what has his religion got to
do with the Japan comment? Secondly, please at least have the courage to use
your real name dude !!
June 10, 2011 at 5:00 am |
Bob has a point. The article is annoying like many others
Zakaria peddles. Big on sensationalism, little on substance. Plus he is a
fear mongerer. It is all the same: China – oh my God! Failing American
education – oh my God! Zakaria has no clue what he is taking about.
June 10, 2011 at 10:35 am |
Funny to know lots of people have been brainwashed by idoit western
media, like CNN. Just go to school to learn history, you know nothing about
June 10, 2011 at 6:42 am | Reply
No doubt the Chinese history books are accurate and objective.
June 10, 2011 at 7:17 am |
I hope you are being sarcastic when you say "China's history is
objective and accurate." Emperor Qin Shi Huang of the Qin dynasty actually
burned books to discourage free thinking and buried many scholars alive.
There were a couple other emperors who did this as well. While China has a
very rich and diverse culture with much to offer, claiming that their
history is objective and accurate is like saying the British were merely
spreading peace and joy throughout the world during their hegemony.
June 10, 2011 at 8:31 am |
I think India is just jealous that China is rising so fast. China
went from a broke and closed Communist system to a rich and dominant
superpower in 50 years while India is still lagging far behind. Fareed,
jealous much?
June 10, 2011 at 6:56 am | Reply
What a stupid comment. If that's the best you can do, please don
't bother.
June 10, 2011 at 8:11 am |
I agree with TSRVT. That kind of petty thinking fogs all
communication, let alone complicated thinking on foreign affairs.
June 10, 2011 at 8:44 am |
Whatever it it, China is still eat rice daily. But every now and then
they might eat some western food for meal. If you force them to eat western
food daily. I don't think so. However, they might make western food look
like Chinese food for sure. If you know what I mean. :)
June 9, 2011 at 11:53 pm | Reply
keith gore
So silly...and you think you are funny or clever.
June 10, 2011 at 12:34 am | Reply
Well said !
June 10, 2011 at 1:32 am |
agreed! western and other countries always look at China only
through their distorted cylindrical lenses.
June 10, 2011 at 2:43 am | Reply
BLABLABLA!Don't you see China always tortures and kills his own
people?Are you blind?They're anti-freedom &anti-univesal values,like a
blackhole detroying the world!!!China is the new evil empire!
June 10, 2011 at 5:00 am |
H. Steven
The real question is what the hell have you been smoking?
June 10, 2011 at 3:44 am | Reply
Jonathan Brazee
The information presented in the article was appropriate and thought-
provokng, but I would like to think that an article on a CNN site would be
edited to remove typos, poor grammar and punctuation, and simple problems
with sentence construction.
June 10, 2011 at 12:01 am | Reply
Up with which you will not put ?
June 10, 2011 at 8:47 am | Reply
Communist China is one country, which the world and India in especial
cannot afford to ever trust, China has a double policy, while on one hand it
talks nicely publicily, yet it acts in a very differnt manner, during the
1962 when it invaded India, it stiil controls vast terrority of India, now
it claims the Indian state of Arunachel Pradesh as it's own state, what the
United States should do is cut down economic ties with China, and increase
economic ties with India.
June 10, 2011 at 12:05 am | Reply
John L
Contrary to popular belief, India invaded China in 1962. Nehru's
forward policy setup military post even BEYOND the agreed McMahon Line –
which is far inside even the disputed border, and right into Chinese
sovereign land. If China is to setup military posts all over Delhi do you
think you guys would allow that? LOL.
June 10, 2011 at 12:46 am | Reply
China will ultimately implode and I will await that day with joy
. US and India and Japan better get their acts together or it will face dire
consequences in the future. India should be thoroughly worried as China
aggressively asserts land ownership of Arunchal Pradesh which really
belonged to Tibet. Now they are picking fights with everyone, Vietnam, Japan
etc. You also have the water crisis looming in the near future as China is
aggressively damming major river sources and diverting them to China. When
that day comes, I will fight against Chinese interest for FREE.
June 10, 2011 at 2:30 am |
Tony L
How typical Indian. Steal China's land and say that it is China
stealing your land.
June 10, 2011 at 1:40 am | Reply
How typical Chinese, steal Tibetan land and blame others.
Tibetans have learnt never to trust Chinese. They will come with smiling
faces and drive a knife in your back the first chance they get. Ask Nehru,
the poor guy was busy singing praises of China "China India Bhai Bhai (
brother, brother)" and then China attacked in 1962 and shocked the poor
fellow so much, he was never again the same after that.
June 10, 2011 at 2:39 am |
Tony L – you slinky stupid creeky eyed chinese thug.You are the
ones who copy and steal everything from all over the world.Spineless
creature state your real ching chong name
June 10, 2011 at 10:29 am |
i think you should go to learn history, S guy . China never invaded
June 10, 2011 at 4:12 am | Reply
I am Indian too. I think you are not aware of history. You are miss
guided what current govt and media is propagating and you are caught in that
propaganda. 1962 war was provoked by Indians and Chinese taught India a
lesson to tell India what is their boundary. In the process, they encroached
12 km in to India and told this is your red line. They went back 24 km and
said that is going to be their red line. Now the middle is still India can
claim but with an assurance to China that India will not provoke from that
line. Indian Govt licking the assss of US now misleading the country and
trying to become part of US conspiracy in the region and now want to claim
that 12 km belt.
June 10, 2011 at 4:19 am | Reply
2011 now
So GLAD to have some one like you saying the truth not on one
sided as many PEOPLE ARE BRAINWASHED and HENCE causing so much dishamoney in
this World. The War Fever Countries love to stir up the world and see them
fighting each other so that they can sell their weapons for big money since
the economy is so bad right now ........AN EVIL WORLD
June 10, 2011 at 6:31 am |
You clearly looks like one of those thousands employed by
Chinese govt. to add comments. You have no idea about history just like
current Chinese school text book have no mention of Tiananmen Square which
occurred just 20years back.
June 10, 2011 at 9:54 am |
A lot of countries have double policy's, so China having one is not
really surprising.
June 10, 2011 at 9:47 am | Reply
China is a great country!
June 10, 2011 at 12:07 am | Reply
China has too many problems going against them, first is the lack of
freedom for their own people which will eventually cause a backlash and
people fighting back for their freedom, it is a communist country,
population is way too high which will cause sooo many problems in the future
for them as oil because hard to find and becomes extremely expensive, food
prices rising, as now the their population are having more meat in their
diet, which they now have to try to maintain for more than a billion people,
maintaining strong economy will be hard in the long run and if they think
that US is going to pay their debt back to them, then they are truly
dreaming, I believe that US knows eventually like the Soviets, China will
fall because of these reasons and many more that I have not mentioned (too
many), so they don't need to pay them back ever. This Chinese growth is not
permanent, it is an illusion. I beleive the US is promoting the fear of
China to distract what they are building themselves behind close doors and
the future plans they have. Thats why the Chinese government does not want
people to have internet freedom or to know what is really going on in the
world because they know that their own people will rise up eventually and
history shows that you can never oppress your own people for ever.
June 10, 2011 at 5:41 am | Reply
This is the best comment I've yet to read. The Chinese
Government will fail, eventually. By undervaluing their currency, holding
tight controls about where money flows (mainly, not allowing it to leave the
country) and rigging the economy for blistering growth, China as done well.
But it cannot be sustained- there's a painfully evident housing bubble
occurring (which the government responds with massive affordable public
housing expenditures), a bubble beginning to grow in the stock market.
Legally, Chinese can only invest their money in domestic real estate, the
Shanghai stock exchange, and savings banks (which with 5% inflation, the
interest rate cannot keep pace).
The whole country is rigged, propped up by the government. Short
term- it allows for the growth we've seen. Mid-to-long term, things implode
. You can't heavily manipulate free markets forever- it backfires.
Sustaining high growth just to create enough jobs to keep folks happy- once
that slows, lines for soup kitchens form, and it's only a matter of time
before there's blood in the streets. Fareed misses the point here,
June 10, 2011 at 8:50 am |
todd saed
profound ignorance of Chinese history is the US norm, start with
changing this, the rest
will fall in place, no easy task with the conservative abortions
aborting education in the US,
but the public in general wants to know, it will have its way in the
long run
June 10, 2011 at 12:20 am | Reply
Don't forget China is a communist country. Soon, those greedy
corporations will realize that their investments are being confiscated and
stolen. The world should see the dark side of communist Red China by now
before it's too late.
June 10, 2011 at 12:26 am | Reply
Steve S
like what you guys did to American Indians?
June 10, 2011 at 2:27 am | Reply
Sad what the US did to the American Indians, but no one alive
was part of that. Kind of like a African American getting mad at a white
American because one of their relatives was a slave to a person who looked
similar in skin tone, or a Jew hating a German because one of their
relatives didn't stop Hitler. Let it go already.
June 10, 2011 at 10:24 am |
June 10, 2011 at 12:31 am | Reply
June 10, 2011 at 10:11 am | Reply
John L
Fareed Zakaria, another China fear monger and another mouthpiece for the
Indian government.
How is building port become a "encirclement"? Those ports are control by
the respective country, and are used only as transport for the energy
supply. Should China be yield to India making threat to its energy security?
? Its a laughable attempt to smear China Fareed. IF the situation is
reversed, I am sure you will talk the other way.
There are a lot of slandering and smearing and under the table racism
going-on against China and Chinese on CNN these days. If US really wants to
improve the stability of the world, it needs to respect others. Criticizing
China on human rights while killing hundred of cilivians (it seems average
of 15 civilians die every day due to drone strike in Pakistan, 20 in
Afganistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, and soon Syria) EVERY DAY.
Do innocent civilians outside America not have human rights? Killing
innocent people is consider capital crime in United States itself. A school
shooter killing dozen people is a "horrific massacre" and the perpetrator
would be label a inexcusable mass murder. But when US military dropping
bombs on wedding parties, markets, and targetted killing – its "regretable
mistake" and no one go punished. There is no "right" in human rights if you
are killing innocent people.
June 10, 2011 at 12:34 am | Reply
Your Friend
You're a bit too paranoid! Fareed is making a fair comment and you
just went of the edge as if you have a personality disorder. Not everybody
has a problem with China, but it's comments like yours that don't help. You
must be old school. I'll tell you what, though, dear friends of mine had
property in China that was confiscated by the government in the revolution.
The elderly people who managed to get out before it all turned to
reeducation will tell a very different story to yours. So Johhny, maybe it's
time you listened to somebody other than the ruminations of your own
paranoid mind.
June 10, 2011 at 1:51 am | Reply
Tony L
Fareed is making a fair comment ? Maybe in another universe. It
is so biased that only Americans and Westeners with pea sized brain believe
it. Maybe you.
June 10, 2011 at 2:03 am |
It is time that western world and stratagic partners like Taiwan
, India, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, south korea. Mongolia, Israel,
kazakhistan, gulf countires like saudi arabia, south american countries like
mexco and brazil, south Africa (if possible Russia) form a coalition of
willing to fend off China by totally ignoring its existance. It means no
trade and dealings at all and if neccessary just a low level diplomatic
presance can bring so called communist chinese thugs to implode with in
resonable time frame.
Mind you, People of china are our frinds but it is up to them to
make a decision to get rid of their system that is not level playing field
for rest of the world. International community is ready to help them if they
seek one.
While rest of the world follows the norms of human rights, fair
labour policy, democratic means of governance and reciprocal policies and
procedures which does have value and cost for the society, china does just
commerce with the above countires with out any of the above responsibilities
and its associated cost for its society. This undue advantage has created a
monster 2.5 trillion in its war chest.
If we don't address this issue now. Our future generation has to
face the consequences. It is imperetive that we all accept the fact that
coexistance is the way forward for our better future. But it is imperative
that we address this imbalance when it can be and when it is not too late.
I am not proposing war but a non cooperation by the coalition of
willing until china and its cronies like north korea, pakistan, iran etc
are willing to follow through the norms of the international trend in terms
of openness in its trade, financial structure, social structure, eco system
and military capacity.
This means some of the coalition of willing have to change its
system to be more open and accomodative with out giving up its culture,
language and religion. They have to accept one another as equal and equal
partner. It means raising a common platform that attack on one is attack on
the coalition and have to be prepared for the eventuality. This means
country like america have to give up its hagemonic position and behave like
mentor or senior partner for the coalition.
If the world can put forward a front then with in a decade I am
sure china will be forced to turn around by its people. This stratagy can be
bit of pain and compromises in terms of economic development but it will
prove to be more productive and less expensive in terms of humanity and
economically in the long term ( I mean in 50 to 100 years time).
June 10, 2011 at 4:23 am |
To Alamma, or is it Asingh, whatever that stuff you are smoking,
I want some of that
June 10, 2011 at 5:39 am |
Tony L
Seriously which planet are you on. Is China bombing Libya now ?
Is China bombing Yemen now ? Is China in Iraq or in Afghanistan ? Which
country uses the first nuke ? Which country uses the nastiest weapon like
napalm or Daisy Cutter or biological weapons ?
June 10, 2011 at 6:06 am |
Tony – Again, get a clue. I certainly don't blame you for your
lack of education as you obviously don't live in the US. I don't know where
you are from but I can comfortably say the US is protecting you as well.
June 10, 2011 at 10:21 am |
Your Friend
Tony L
You could be Johnny L's brother. Need I say more?
June 10, 2011 at 2:13 am | Reply
Tony L
You are an a$$hole. Do I have to say more moron !!
June 10, 2011 at 2:24 am |
Your Friend
Tony Tony Tony
Shame. You act like China is innocent of any wrong doing. We all
know that is not true. I doubt there is any country that is completely
innocent. Stop acting like a Diva.
June 10, 2011 at 4:10 am | Reply
Tony L
China is no angel but China is no devil. The West especially the
Anglos love to gang up on her. Don't preach to China and stay away from her
June 10, 2011 at 6:09 am |
Tony L – "her backyard"??? That attitude is why China is so
hated by other Asians. We are NOT your vassal!
June 10, 2011 at 10:24 am |
2011 now
Well done, you made a point which someone could not see. No
countries are perfect, but some narrow-minded people donot see the truth or
the propaganda....
June 10, 2011 at 6:36 am | Reply
China is living in a dream world if it thinks that it can use
terrorist state pakistan to weaken india. Pakistan sucked 20 billion dollars
from the USA and still kept osama in their military camp safe. Pakistan
will again rob the chinese of billions of dollars and give them a big thumbs
down. China has made enemies of every one including taiwan, tibet, all the
spratly sea neighbours. Their only friends are north korea, pakistan , iran
etc. - you can imagine what is china"s sick thinking- they gave the nuke
bombs to pakistan, which will be used against india, usa, europe, israel by
their talebanis. This is the china of the future. The world is in big
trouble.Pakistan and china are brothers in arms in the nuclear terror links
against the world.
June 10, 2011 at 7:14 am | Reply
Jonathan Brazee
would you express you conect means ,i want you teacht me enlish ,
June 10, 2011 at 12:46 am | Reply
The "John L", the democratic system (including human rights) is a
national system of internal travel, laws or regulations, not the "world
democracy." Is the French democratic system of democracy and freedom to the
Congolese human rights established? The importance of democracy among people
their own country's democratic fairness and human rights.
June 10, 2011 at 12:52 am | Reply
I prefer China to be the world`s greatest superpower......US is too weak
and old now....Its over.....
June 10, 2011 at 12:56 am | Reply
Donovan Crawford
The USA is the Ultimate Superpower, they have been endorsed by
prophecy as champions of free agency and the free world all new or emerging
Superpowers must either follow the mold or they will be removed by
June 10, 2011 at 1:35 am | Reply
Yeah, God bless USA, if he really exists.
June 10, 2011 at 3:24 am |
You prefer an oppressive Communist country as the leading nation of
the world?
Not too smart there are ya....
June 10, 2011 at 3:46 am | Reply
Look at hong kong, singapore, taiwan, s korea,,...they always
had a dictator type of regime while they were transformed from developing to
the today developed nation. The four tigers(above mentioned country) were
ruled for 30-40 years by single party. They could develop in such a rapid
way because of them. Its the different story over there. You shouldn`t be
too arrogant that one rule which is suitable in one part of the world is
favourable in the other part of world. Maybe later when the China becomes
fully developed, then it can have multi party system. Actually i prefer more
like a single party govenment who does the work rather than multi party
system which is corrupt.
June 10, 2011 at 4:08 am |
Kyle H. Davis
I'm curious as to how much experience the author really has, concerning
China. The statement "We don’t need to follow the American model." is
completely absurd, seeing as how China isn't (and has never) followed any "
American model". Half of China's economic growth is based solely on the
manipulation of the trade value of the Yuan. Take away that half, and you
pretty much have below normal economic growth within China. -
June 10, 2011 at 12:59 am | Reply
Tony L
"China's economic growth is based solely on the manipulation of the
trade value of the Yuan. Take away that half, and you pretty much have below
normal economic growth within China." Really ? Where are your facts. Your
comments show your complete ignorance. GO back to your shell you are
suffering from delusion and Sinophobia.
June 10, 2011 at 1:33 am | Reply
Tony, he doesn't need facts, and he doesn't feel making hollow
statement is cheap. End of story.
June 10, 2011 at 3:27 am |
i think the chinese polictment system actruly is , communist+empery =
communistchina .
and the communistchian no equal china
if somebady in china can canect me with qq 423572220
June 10, 2011 at 1:00 am | Reply
Kyle H. Davis
John L – Don't play that game. When speaking of human rights in China,
the subject is of a direct effort on the part of the governing body of China
to restrict the human rights of its own people. – Someone, taking it upon
themselves to shoot another individual is obviously an act by that
individual that strips another from his "human rights", but we are
discussing an active government, doing it to the whole of a population. –
Stop reading the idiotic Chinese response to the US human rights document on
China... it will do nothing but fill your head with garbage.
June 10, 2011 at 1:02 am | Reply
Roger rabit
China doesn't give a dam what you people write in your little articles,
China is busy doing its own thing and has no time to play along some
American playbook.
It's disgusting how reporters try to make a name for themselves by fear
China made it's money by selling things to dumb Americans and now its
using that money to build a solid domestic market.
People earn more year on year and the young have a bright future to look
forward to, that is more than can be said of most western countries.
June 10, 2011 at 1:22 am | Reply
c ditzel
You point to one example of a nostalgia for Mao's China, I can tell you
after numerous visits that China has for all practical purposes moved on
past yesterday's communism and Mao. Capitalism is thriving. Yes, some of the
older generation and even some baby boomers yearn for an environmental
landscape from the 1960s and 1970s. Unregulated capitalism has taken a toll
on freshwater lakes, on the food supply and on air quality. This is one of
the challenges that they have. Despite this, the reality is the average
middle-aged Chinese citizen understands that the average person in China is
much better off today than they were under Mao. They also realize that trend
lines are going in the right direction. Having said that, China hosts a
diverse set of opinions on what their future should look like. In the West,
we often expect that other countries with very different cultures and
histories will simply flock to our democratic principles and to Western
ideals. I think this is where I have a problem with your premise that an
inward-looking China is necessarily a bad thing. I would rather see a stable
China – with a go-slow approach that attempts to take care of their
population's interests, then a go-fast approach that will satisfy our
notions at the cost of their stability. China has populations pressures and
logistical supply chain issues relating to food, water, product
transportation and a host of other factors that we don't have. Our highways
were built in the 1950s. Their highways is a fast-paced work in-progress.
Their solutions are not our solutions – they have linked all their major
cities with high speed trains and are even creating a greater Asian high
speed train system that stretches to India, to Myanmar and Thailand. Their
soft-power focus on Asia and Africa can be juxtaposed with our efforts in
those regions, or for that matter our raw military power approach in other
An inward focus is critical for them. Consolidation has many meanings
within China. Being introspective is not a bad thing – an increasingly
topical question is how private businesses conduct themselves relative to
the environment and to labor. These issues are becoming increasingly
important. The question is no longer whether China can accommodate
capitalism, it is that with this new capitalism what new laws need to govern
businesses. Another focus is how land reform continues to evolve. Unlike
the recent past, Chinese citizens, today, can now own land. Another issue is
how does the judicial system reform itself to accommodate many of these
changes and the challenges of a more open China.
China has many voices, some of them speaking from the past, some of them
talking in the present tense and some looking forward. Rather than expect
China to adopt Western solutions – expect to hear conflicting Chinese
voices vying to be heard. In the end, China will determine its future. There
may be a few wrong turns on the road – but it's a wrong turn of their
choosing. Like India, China's history has been filled with foreign voices
telling them what to do – today they control their future. Though some look
back fondly to Mao time, China has moved well past that era.
June 10, 2011 at 1:23 am | Reply
I like your analysis.But what you fail to understand about China is
that,a lot of people have tasted money,have seen the dividend of freedom(
having their private business,houses or even land in recent times).There are
100s of millions of people in China yet to taste this good life and trust
me on this,they all want a better life than their parents or even their
neighbors.every person in China wants to get rich.And FAST!!
The dynamics of China are so complex that even the people running
the government sometimes does not know what will happen at any given time.
They wait it out sometimes.Inward movement in China will only create chaos
and economic problems.At the moment, a lot of factories are moving out of
china because of a simple reason,They cant predict their future because of
government unfavorable policies(foreign investors and some Chinese owned
private investments inclusive) and thousands of Chinese lose jobs everyday.
infrastructural development and construction projects are keeping
people busy which constitutes about 40% of employment at the moment(directly
or indirectly including real estate projects)even the so called CHEAP
LABOUR are NOT SO CHEAP AGAIN,but how long will this last?maybe another 5-
10yrs maximum.The problem in China is that it is simply " too big" not to
have a major problem and this is the case.
There is NOTHING the government can do about it.Sometimes natural
dynamics and economics must be allowed to take it course and this will also
help with introducing a better way to manage and direct the whole system
towards better life for all.
June 10, 2011 at 1:59 am | Reply
c ditzel
@Charles.. you make a couple of very good points. One point is
that the provinces have much more autonomy than people think and that
provincial government often conducts itself in ways that do not conform to
Beijing's desires (something we can identify with in the US – the states
may often be at odds with Washington DC's desires). This aspect does create
both problems and opportunities. Second point you make is that a downturn
whether its a global recession like 2008 (where half of Shenzhen factories
were shuttered) or competition from other countries could have a serious
effect how China evolves. We will see.
June 10, 2011 at 2:25 am |
Donovan Crawford
The USA is the Ultimate Superpower, they have been endorsed by prophecy
as champions of free agency and the free world all new or emerging
Superpowers must either follow the mold or they will be removed by
June 10, 2011 at 1:26 am | Reply
..and Rhode Island will be the new world superpower...
Rhode Island ?
June 10, 2011 at 8:56 am | Reply
Regardless of China's decision or course they take, they will without
doubt still be a superpower.
June 10, 2011 at 1:28 am | Reply
This is high quality informative Journalism.Brilliant minds like Fareed
Zakaria , former CNN Christian Amanpour are few of the best in this business
.They give us the news and information the way they are and give us enough
reasons at the same time to believe in their stories.Brilliant!!
I totally agree that China is one country that is so unpredictable with
making and changing their policies.
The authorities in China will make and enforce any policy to still be in
control irrespective of what US and other countries think.They dont care as
far as the CCP remains in control which is the ultimate goal.Just like many
other governments in the world.
Keep power and control and maintain the central government expected GDP
at all cost is the most important priority,then others are seconded.Its just
that(china) 1.3billion people is not the same as (Singapore) 4mil people.
Running china as a country is a GIGA-PROJECT.
But at the end,there is always a price to pay for taking and keeping
power and money at all cost.The question is this: Will China be ready to pay
this price?secondly,can they afford to pay the price when the time comes?
time will tell and this is one part of the 21st century history that future
generations will be amazed to read in the history books.
June 10, 2011 at 1:33 am | Reply
The concern of this age isn't the rise of individual nations. India,
Brazil, and perhaps even Indonesia will be economic superpowers over the
next 100 years. Economic strength will mean less and less each decade. The
real power in this age will be the strength of international organizations
and not individual nations. We "fear" the rise of China only if we think in
old fashioned bilateral considerations. Those considerations are
increasingly unimportant. Look to NATO, SCO, AU, EU, the UN, and others as
the vehicles of foreign policy.
June 10, 2011 at 1:35 am | Reply
June 10, 2011 at 1:50 am | Reply
China Girl
What a piece of speculative crap! "Will China take an inward turn?" "
Will it maintain consistency?" "Will it have salad – or soup?" These are
trying questions...
And questions they are! Articles that end with questions make no
resolution and that, my friends, is poor journalism. Or propaganda. Make the
Is journalism taking a downward spiral? Or is it so advanced we can't
comprehend it? Stay tuned to this CNN channel!
June 10, 2011 at 1:56 am | Reply
China is communist and plans to remain so. China wants to remain a
superpower. China also has border disputes will all of its neighbors. This
situation makes the possibility of an explosion not to a "if" but to a
matter of "when".
Look at the way China uses the situation in North Korea to pressurize
Japan and the US. China has also been actively erasing its ethnic peoples,
coloring all yellow. The Arab spring will not be publicized in China so as
to not give any wrong ideas of freedom to the chinese people.
The list is long and it is just a matter of time before the stitches
begin to go.
June 10, 2011 at 2:03 am | Reply
I think what you mean is that America has been consistently inconsistent
. China follows the Confucian Doctrine of the Mean, so its actions are
consistent with moving inward or outward as necessary to balance themselves.
On the other hand, America heralds itself as an angel that fights for
freedom, but it has always been a hypocrite. In the late 19th century, the
Philippine national hero, Jose Rizal, noticed this, and up to now, in the
21st century, America remains a hypocrite. After he was quarantined by US
immigration, he wrote, "There is no real civil liberty (in America). In some
states, the Negro cannot marry a white woman, nor a Negress a white man.
Because of their hatred for the Chinese, other Asiatics, like the Japanese,
being confused with them, are likewise disliked by the ignorant Americans...
"They placed us under quarantine, in spite of the clearance given by the
American Consul, of not having had a single case of illness aboard, and of
the telegram of the governor of Hong Kong declaring that port free from
Then when he arrived in Europe, he was annoyed by an arrogant American
traveler who was bullying Europeans near him. He wrote, "I was beginning to
be annoyed by the fury of the traveler and I was going to join the
conversation to tell him what I have seen and endured in America, in New
York itself, how many troubles and what torture the customs in the United
States made us suffer, the demands of drivers, barbers, etc., people who, as
in many other places, lived on travelers...I was tempted to believe that my
man’s verbosity, being a good Yankee, came from the steam of a boiler
inside his body, and I even imagined seeing in him a robot created and
hurled to the world by the Americans, a robot with a perfect engine inside
to discredit Europe..."
Consequently, he concluded that Americans are selfish, hypocritical
racists who always had hidden agendas despite their angelic rhetoric. As he
cynically wrote, "America is the land par excellence of freedom but only for
the whites.”
Just as whites Americans used African American musicians like Louis
Armstrong to cool off the intense anti-American feelings around the world
during the Cold War as a propaganda tool, CNN, Newsweek and other American
media also uses minorities to advance corporate interests.
The Chinese however, recognize that it is not the whites who are the
problem, but the greedy corporations. As Vladimir Lenin says:
"It is not the Jews who are the enemies of the working people. The
enemies of the workers are the capitalists of all countries. Among the Jews
there are working people, and they form the majority. They are our brothers,
who, like us, are oppressed by capital; they are our comrades in the
struggle for socialism. Among the Jews there are kulaks, exploiters and
capitalists, just as there are among the Russians, and among people of all
nations. The capitalists strive to sow and foment hatred between workers of
different faiths, different nations and different races. Those who do not
work are kept in power by the power and strength of capital. Rich Jews, like
rich Russians, and the rich in all countries, are in alliance to oppress,
crush, rob and disunite the workers.
"Shame on accursed tsarism which tortured and persecuted the Jews. Shame
on those who foment hatred towards the Jews, who foment hatred towards
other nations.
"Long live the fraternal trust and fighting alliance of the workers of
all nations in the struggle to overthrow capital."
June 10, 2011 at 2:06 am | Reply
What is this furry and racism all about.I guess this was an article
based on several important peoples opinions and ideology which includes
Chinese and American statesmen based on their actions.Does this in a way
have anything to do with racism in America during the "stone ages".
I guess we are talking about 21st century economics and policies
here.By the way,Americans as people comprises more than 30% non-white
migrants over the last 200yrs and some of these people are also Chinese and
other people from Asian origin popularly called ABC in China.
Please try and separate NATIONALISM with economics and politics.I do
not think in my opinion that Americans hate Chinese the way you are stating
it at the moment.
June 10, 2011 at 3:34 am | Reply
Audrey Meridienne
Chinese people are indeed disliked by pretty much everyone in
the United States. Most Americans are very hypocritical which they aren't
even aware of the degree of it, majority of the people will not show it and
talk behind their back only while only a small portion of the population
will be frank about it. While this American character is not good at all
when it comes to many cases, this particular discrimination is mostly due to
the very different culture of Chinese people and their lack of manners.
They simply don't fit in with this society aside to the fact that the sound
of their language is very much disliked in the entire western world.
June 10, 2011 at 10:40 am |
c ditzel
Quite the contrary. This is a thought-provoking and a good piece. I may
disagree with some aspects dealing with a return to Maoism (that's not going
to happen) but it was well done. Since it is a difficult topic with many
possible outcomes – I never would expect Zakaria to be able to predict the
future. We are at a juncture – and that is what Zakaria is pointing out.
Since you tend to like answers I think you would be better to take the fact
that we are approaching such a juncture as the take-away from this article.
June 10, 2011 at 2:11 am | Reply
Hi all and peace unto you. My name is Jeshurun. It has been given to me
by God. The Lord has ordained me as one of two end of days witnesses (
prophets). In November 2007 God called me. The Lord led me into the
mountains of Washington state; before God was done with me I found myself
walking down a body of water dragging the soles of my slippers along the
stones; close to the end of this walk were two witnesses and their dogs; at
the end of this walk I was instructed to say this, "it is done". Those three
words are written in the book of Revelation two times. I did not know that
then. May 24 2011 the abomination of desolation was set up. On July 11 2011
blessing will be received. The beast spoken of in the book of Revelation
will arise out of Iran. Folks, if you have Christ in your hearts you are so
very blessed. I can testify to you, in all honesty, your faith has not been
in vain; continue in your faith and press into the word. If you do not have
Jesus in your lifes I beg of you to seek him out. He is not far from any of
us. He is quick to hear and quick to heal. If you refuse to believe in God
and his Christ I am sorry, but you have been deceived. God almighty is in
fact a working living God and I am a testimony to this.walk in Christ..I
love you all God loves you and pray always..our redemption is at
the doors.
June 10, 2011 at 2:16 am | Reply
Great, just what the world needs, more conservatives in power.
June 10, 2011 at 2:36 am | Reply
The world can only accept China as superpower if it behaves better than
the US. After what they did to Tibet and how it bullies its neighbors from
East to West to its neighbors to the South, how they treat their own people,
it is only right to be worried about their growth. The more they have power
, the more ot is going to get worst. They have to obey international law and
they cannot site history for owning a territory. The Mongolians owned most
of China at one point. Should the world work to return China back to the
June 10, 2011 at 2:37 am | Reply
John L
I find it odd most "freedom loving" people here who preaches
superiority of democracy is against China for asserting its own right. Isn't
having your own voice, asserting your own right the very fundamental right
of democracy?? As a nation, China exercise its own soverign right and see
fit which ever way to govern itself. THAT, fundamentally is freedom itself,
on the international stage. Freedom choose which political system and
economic policy it wants to exercise. And yet most Anti-China sinophobes
would play up the fear mongering of such action. If China can't exercise the
rights govern itself, to assert itself and its rights, why even bother
preaching democracy and freedom ? Isn't it just total hypocrisy??
How about ME telling YOU what to do and dictate terms on how you
should live your life?? Is that really freedom??
If west wants to see a positive outcome for the future to come, the
west needs to give China space. China need space to figure this out, and the
best west can do is to give China some advice, but by no mean should it try
to lecture and dictate to China.
June 10, 2011 at 6:00 am | Reply
You have a well deserved good point for questioning why those
freedom loving people are against China for asserting its own right?
Here is the answer for you: Every reasonable thought has a
logical system behind. In the mind of those freedom loving people, they love
freedom as much as love their life. They have strong will to represent
themselves rather than be forced represented by other people. Therefore,
they will ask firstly, when you talk about China, are you talking about the
Chinese people or Chinese government? They are not the same concepts
obviously. Secondly, they will ask, when you talk about right, are you
talking about Chinese people’s right or government’s right? In a country
like China, medias (include internet) are highly censored and controlled by
the government, average Chinese people have very limited knowledge about
what are truly happening in the country and the world, the representation of
the government to Chinese people is questionable. Without freedom of press,
any freedom of Chinese people in China is questionable not to mention,
freedom of speech are in fact very restricted and limited in China today.
Besides, Chinese officials are not elected by Chinese people freely and
lawfully in general. This leads to the question about the Chinese government
’s right of representation and its legitimacy. It is this anti-Chinese
people’s nature of Chinese government are challenged and rejected by any
freedom loving people including majority of Chinese people because it is
against their logical and their human nature. “China” is not equal to
Chinese people in today’s China. So who is truly taking Chinese people’s
right and freedom away today? Everyone will have a right answer for that.
June 10, 2011 at 10:45 am |
We, the Western consumers, have created a monster. You reap what you sow.
June 10, 2011 at 2:39 am | Reply
Rafael Federer
It's so sad to read comments of Chinese people here, they're not Chinese
intellectuals who have been living abroad and know reality. When they come
here, they immediately see THIS as propaganda, that's what propaganda at
home does with you. In the end it's about human psychology, the fact that
only with democracy ENOUGH people can have their rights, and that this
regime will only make the world an even worse place, in the first place for
its own people, the Chinese. Poor people... The future will tell...
June 10, 2011 at 2:40 am | Reply
hey you should admit that china is a powerful country ,every Chinese
who understand English read the comments will correct your words. Have you
guys been to China. If not, please don't slander Chinese. Tibet and Taiwan
are belongs to China. People in Tibet are willing to live under the peace
sky of china. you know what Chinese people are not so aggressive as
Westerners, so they suffered attacks from the so called strong countries.
but now Chinese will not suffer it any more. All humans have the equal right
of living on the earth-is it the slogan that you westerns shouting ???
June 10, 2011 at 4:34 am | Reply
Rafael Federer
@Sage, what they DID in Tibet? Even worse is what they are DOING right
now in Tibet, brainwashing Tibetan children, not allowing them to study
their own language and culture, telling only good things about China and bad
things about Tibetan cultures, and at home their parents need to fight all
this. There are hundreds of other issues, it's just too sad to think of, at
times. I'm fine with a Great Powerful China, but it can never be Great under
a regime like this one, and the world should be very worried indeed. But
while being worries, improve policy and interaction.
June 10, 2011 at 2:46 am | Reply
Cherri H.
Have u conveniently forgotten what the US did to the American
Indians for centuries? How would u like it if the American Indians decide to
take their land back and leave USA?
June 10, 2011 at 2:49 am | Reply
Cherri H.
This kind of anti-Chinese article and other attempts to derail China
from becoming world no1 in economy , technology and military will not work.
It is inevitable China will emerge as the leader in near future. The western
world is declining. The west should sit up and pay attention and try to do
something before it is too late.
June 10, 2011 at 2:46 am | Reply
Maybe, in the near furure, when the leaders and power shift, and
world war three then break out.
June 10, 2011 at 3:40 am | Reply
China does not put its military bases all over South America and Canada,
like the US does in asia around China's neighbors.
China does not perform pointless military exercises off the coast of
Florida, like the US does on China's sea border
China does not constantly whine and blame the US for devaluing its debt
(essentially stealing billions $ from china) and causing the 2008 global
meltdown, like the US does regarding china's right to control it's own
currency ratio. As if china's fixed currency caused the meltdown and not the
american banks/mortgage backed securities, the excess, or the US policy
Average Chinese person does not resent Americans and view them as guests
, as oppose to average Americans who hate the Chinese for their success.
Evidences? just look at the resentful and vile comments on CNN(a mainstream
news site) for any article related to china, where people can post exactly
how they feel hidden behind anonymity.
Average Chinese person does not resent American or any foreign made
goods or products, there is no misguided notion of nationalistic
protectionism like the US "buy american made only" idea.
The above is how most educated Chinese feel in china, they do not
understand why Americans are so aggressive and constantly trying to stir up
trouble and provoke China, when all China wanted to do was to be left alone.
I remember in a public area when the news showed American warships off the
coast of China doing military exercises, many Chinese simply shook their
head and sighed. They just dont understand why Americans would do such a
thing, and asked how will America feel if china sent its navy off the
florida / new york coast and started firing missiles for military exercise.
In summary, China just wants to be left alone and prefer to deal with
conflicts in a respectful manner behind closed doors, the government is
growing increasingly tired of America's constant and nonstop provocation,
and its aggressive behavior with their politicians openly attacking and
insulting china as a scapegoat to make up for their own incompetence in
solving their own country's problems.
June 10, 2011 at 2:51 am | Reply
Cherri H.
History has shown us that it is always the Western world who had
designs on China. Perhaps they still think that Asians should be totally
subservient to white men.
June 10, 2011 at 2:53 am | Reply
Good and balanced article by Fareed Zakaria.......we just hope that the
leaders in China can managed the potential property bubble and also creating
more job opportunites in the inner western regions so that social stability
can be maintained in the immediate future. Likewise, we do not wish the US
debt-default dilemma to be worsen by any internal rife between the
Republicans and the many countries including China
will be aversely affected by the delay in payments.
June 10, 2011 at 2:55 am | Reply
Rafael Federer
@Cherri H this is exactly what I mean, you know so little, your
arguments are totally out of order it's a shame, I wish the regime wouldn't
do this to you. It's never your fault, you can't and won't know.
June 10, 2011 at 2:56 am | Reply
Cherri H.
Seems that u still can't answer me on the American Indian thing. I
am sure u know the proverb in Matt 7:5 – first take the plank out of your
own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother
's eye.
June 10, 2011 at 2:58 am | Reply
Your Friend
So Cherri. Does that proverb apply to you, too? Looking at the
many arguments like yours, there is a strategy to change the focus of
discussion to what injustices the others have done to take the focus off the
REAL discussion at hand. EVERY country has it's bad history. You cannot
defend what was done to the Tibetans. Nice try, but no prize.
June 10, 2011 at 4:35 am |
Yeah, Cherri knows too little, you know a lot, like "2%"? You're
such a joke. I've never seen a person as cheeky as you.
June 10, 2011 at 6:03 am | Reply
Rafael Federer
@Wuxitom social stability is a joke my friend, used by regime to have
excuses to the outside world for their torture of their own people, who
often don't even realize it. Except the ones that are really tortured,
mentally, physically, financially, go on and on
June 10, 2011 at 2:59 am | Reply
China also does not waste $700 million and 5 years to come up with a
PLAN to build a 2 mile tunnel only to get cancelled before breaking ground.
Instead they just build the bridge...the world's longest at 27 4
years...not the plan..but the actual bridge completed.
June 10, 2011 at 2:59 am | Reply
Three Gorges Dam, nuff said.
June 10, 2011 at 9:10 am | Reply
Rafael Federer
@Cherri H why do I need to answer on the American thing? I'm not
American and yes I and my fellow countrymen and Europeans acknowledge many
mistakes they have made and sometimes don't, but this has nothing to do with
Tibet, has it? Typical Chinese way of discussing, because you know not even
1% of what is going on, maybe I know 2% only, which is already terrible. I
have many Chinese friends who now kick themselves at knowing so little
before, it will costs me hours and days to explain to you and teach you.
June 10, 2011 at 3:01 am | Reply
If you felt that you "only know 2%" about China, why don't you just
shut up and start learning, instead of trying to "explain and teach" others?
Such a joke.
June 10, 2011 at 3:46 am | Reply
you guys were misled by the stupid western media, let me tell you the
truth, china is the greatest country in the world and chinese people are the
kindest people in the world. you have your lifestyle, we have our own
lifestyle, there is no way to force others to accept your ideology!!!
June 10, 2011 at 3:09 am | Reply
Dutchman from World
Kindest people in the world? Haha, there's no such thing as kindest
people in the world. Doesn't mean many people in China are not kind, but I
can also confidently say many people in Europe are really kind. And the
American continents. And Africa. And Oceania. Asia. What a nonsense
June 10, 2011 at 3:21 am | Reply
I don't think Chinese are "kindest" either. This illustrates the
weakness in journalism these days: jumping to conclusion too easy and too
quickly. Same applies to many comments here.
June 10, 2011 at 3:54 am | Reply
Hello Zarkaria
Chinese companies are good at copying ( often illegally) intellectual
property developed in the West. There seems to be ethics vacuum in the
society. Even medicines and baby formula products are made from sub-standard
materials. I hope something or someone will reform the otherwise great
ancient civilization.
June 10, 2011 at 3:24 am | Reply
Tony L
You really think the West is any better. China have many problems
but they don't go around bombing the 'brown' people unlike the Western
June 10, 2011 at 3:45 am | Reply
Your Friend
No Tony, you don't have to, because there is too much that can
be done at home, imprisoning and torturing those who have a different
June 10, 2011 at 4:50 am |
Tony L
The Western world dont' do that ? What do you think they are
doing at Guantanamo Bay ? Giving the 'brown' people swimming lessons ? Try
videotaping the police in some of the states in USA and see what happen to
you. At least they do go around the world bombing the crap of other
countries and say that they are the bastions of freedom, human rights and
June 10, 2011 at 6:18 am |
Again, but not surprising, CNN is atacking China. Yes, as a big country,
China has not following the US's way: bombing other small and poor country,
robing their oil and resources.
June 10, 2011 at 3:31 am | Reply
The East and The West will always differ in culture and practices.......
.bread may be a staple meal to westerners but rice is the main staple diet
of the East.........for the western countries where they are financially
strong, practices of democracy can sustain....but in the eastern part of the
globe, cries of democracy cannot hold much water........people in this area
are more concerned about having their basic needs like good job, housing, another five years perhaps, China will grow to another
level where the average people`s life is changed for the better ! and the
world will benefit with the rise of China too.........Social engineering and
social stability is of utmost importance for a scoiety`s progress.........
is not a
June 10, 2011 at 3:32 am | Reply
Rafael Federer
There are many indications that standards in China will rather
falter than improve, because of the disrespect of authorities, the simply
that excludes human's weaknesses in power, gap between rich and poor,
environmental issues, the hundreds of protests on a daily basis in China by
the poor who are treated like animals, sometimes tortured and even killed.
But the basic thing is the economy, it's not being spread among a decent
majority which should be done now because the world will get much more ugly
in a few decades. Without enough criticism allowed from inside a society can
simply not improve enough, that's why many people around the world are
scared of this regime that gets more powerful, in this fragile world. Only
Chinese intellectuals understand this, but they are silenced, tortured and
often in jail or house arrest.
June 10, 2011 at 3:39 am | Reply
just imagine, what will US and the western countries do without China's
fantastic economic growth these years?
June 10, 2011 at 3:35 am | Reply
Rafael Federer
@wayne what's that for an argument? Any criticism always needs to lead
to this? This article never stated that Westerners don't acknowledge some
positives in China's growth, did it? There are many negatives to it as well,
but since you're afraid of a mix of positives and negatives, it can better
be left out.
June 10, 2011 at 3:42 am | Reply
China should take the inward path, be a self-centered country and take
what they believe is theirs to claim.
So that India, Tibet, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and the
Philippines can legally ask the United Nation Security Council to put an end
to Chinas Tyranny. Then Death to Communistchina will follow. I just hate
China for their Foreign Policies and Border tyranny.
June 10, 2011 at 3:44 am | Reply
Tibet and Taiwan are not independent countries. Taiwan is a fake
independent country because it relies on USA's protection.
Read more history, you will hate more on how the West has done to
other countries.
June 10, 2011 at 4:20 am | Reply
"Taiwan" isn't a country, but the Republic of China, the legal
name for Taiwan and some smaller islands, is a country. After overthrowing
the Manchu in 1911, the Republic was established in 1912. The ROC was a key
ally during World War II and a founding member of the United Nations. It was
granted a "permanent" seat on the Security Council. Today, the founding
member is unrepresented in the United Nations. As much as the PRC likes to
side step the issue, they can't claim something that was never their.
June 10, 2011 at 10:38 am |
so simple and so naive
June 10, 2011 at 5:08 am | Reply
This is the most ridiculous words I've read in days, you know
nothing about history and China.
June 10, 2011 at 6:36 am | Reply
christie nguyen
totally agree!!!!
June 10, 2011 at 3:47 am | Reply
Form history, it is the West including America that is aggressive on
other countries. Most Americans do not understand much about the Chinese.
Why atomic bomb was never used against Nazi Germany but decisively used on
Japan? It is because Japan is an Asian country and not a western country. It
is OK to destroy an Asian country but not a Western country. If US elites
have this idea, then future conflict between China and USA is inevitable. It
is USA that creates the potentials for future conflict. USA is only working
for its own interest. Did USA pay up the UN subscription so far? If yes,
why did USA delay payment to UN?
All those do not understand history, please do not think that Tibet is
another country. From ancient history, Tibet was part of China. Tibet has
never been an independent country. If not, can we also see that Alaska is an
independent country? How serious here in CNN to try distort the historical
facts? One great example is the Chinese invaded India in 1962. Are those
people believe this is true reading the right history book? The fact is that
the Indian invaded China in 1962 thus lead to war.
June 10, 2011 at 4:02 am | Reply
Zakaria was born in Mumbai (then Bombay), Maharashtra, India, to a
Konkani Muslim mostly secular family.
This tells you why his article in CNN is written in this way. We need to
question what India will benefit from a conflict between China and USA. He
should not have such biased and dangerous view and get it publish in CNN. If
those USA elites are daft and believe what this CNN's Indian says, sooner
or later there will be conflict between China and USA. Surely, India will be
on USA side. Some Indians have forgotten their colonial master was a
British white man.
If the rising power is India instead of China, what do you think USA,
CNN (using Indian) and India will say?
June 10, 2011 at 4:15 am | Reply
it makes me chuckle every time i see fareed talking about china. he
seems to be taking the role of resident china expert at cnn.
bo xilai is a good guy. during my childhood, i lived in a chinese
coastal city named dalian while bo was the mayor there. he totally
reinvented dalian and transformed it from a small harbor town into one of
the best and most beautiful cities in china (definitely the most livable, in
my opinion). anyway, just keep in mind that what's sacred or important to
you is not necessarily scared or important to others. to chinese people,
political freedom still comes after survival, good education, stable jobs,
buying condos and cars in cash, buying louis vuittons, and saving money for
kid's education on their list of important things in life.
and @Benji, you must be kidding me. ethnic minority groups are treated
more than fairly in china. by being someone from a minority group, you
automatically get bonus points on your college entrance exams. the smaller
your ethnic group is, the more points you get, and han chinese get none. do
you know how competitive these exams are in a nation of 1.3 billion people?
unlike han chinese, ethic minorities are also allowed to have more than one
child. the one-policy doesn't apply to them. how often do you see the 1.2
billion han chinese complaining? minorities get better welfare, if they want
to live in a tent or be nomads and don't want to go to school that's fine
too, while han chinese are on their own. and i've only named a few out of
many perks for minorities. those chinese who have a han parent and a
minority parent can choose if they want to register as a han or a minority
for their identification card (which everybody has one in china), they
almost always choose to register themselves as minority, so they can get all
the perks and don't have to work as hard. if you are thinking about
tibetans or people in xinjiang, i can tell you no, people don't get
persecuted because you are minority, you are persecuted because you want to
overthrow the government.
June 10, 2011 at 5:06 am | Reply
Riiighhttt, when I was in China I was shocked at the treatment by
the Chinese people (who were extremely very friendly to me) of ethnic
June 10, 2011 at 9:21 am | Reply
Those SOB supporting dictatorship of CCP learned and used English to
angainst freedom world.
June 10, 2011 at 5:06 am | Reply
So English is the language of freedom? You're such a lovely SB.
June 10, 2011 at 5:44 am | Reply
Tony L
Freedom ? For the Americans they are now enjoying the freedom to
have full body scans at the airports and full body pat downs. They are also
free to enjoy up to 15 years prison sentence for video taping the police.
And in case you feel like protesting, you are also free to get your face
bloodied by the police. In Washington the police slammed a wheelchair bound
man face first onto the concrete. This is in the land of the brave and the
June 10, 2011 at 6:29 am | Reply
Reema Hasnain
China is indeed a power to reckon with, the US needs to understand and
accept its rising position in the comity of nations.
June 10, 2011 at 5:29 am | Reply
I am a Chinese citizen, and my English is not good, but I have to say is
China's news website I've never seen this kind of news, discussion of news
of other countries.
June 10, 2011 at 5:36 am | Reply
China existed for 5000 years, and will exist for another 5000 year, like
it or not. China is emerging as a strong nation, irrespective of who lead
the country, and is going to be hard to destroy/invade for the next decades.
Wise people will try to cope with that, while stupid losers will try to
reverse the wheel of history, and will be crashed by it eventually.
Deal with this fact.
June 10, 2011 at 5:57 am | Reply
A voice of reason. Bravo!
June 10, 2011 at 8:21 am | Reply
John L
First of all I like to say, I find it odd most "freedom loving" people
here who preaches superiority of democracy is against China for asserting
its own right. Isn't having your own voice, asserting your own right the
very fundamental right of democracy?? As a nation, China exercise its own
soverign right and see fit which ever way to govern itself. THAT,
fundamentally is freedom itself, on the international stage. Freedom choose
which political system and economic policy it wants to exercise. And yet
most Anti-China sinophobes would play up the fear mongering of such action.
If China can't exercise the rights govern itself, to assert itself and its
rights, why even bother preaching democracy and freedom ? Isn't it just
total hypocrisy??
How about ME telling YOU what to do and dictate terms on how you should
live your life?? Is that really freedom??
If west wants to see a positive outcome for the future to come, the west
needs to give China space. China need space to figure this out, and the
best west can do is to give China some advice, but by no mean should it try
to lecture and dictate to China.
June 10, 2011 at 6:02 am | Reply
While Mr. Zakaria wonders what next(by the Chinese), I can say this.
The Chinese communist party controls China and will continue to control
China as long
as it is able. Their legacy will be a mixture of ancient Chinese wisdom
and Mao's visions
for a stronger China. The future of China is pretty much set in motion.
Endless consumption
and modernization to become prosperous and strong. The Chinese all know
that money is
power. Maybe we all know it. They will not stop until they are second to
no one.
Unfortunately, they are blinded by their own pride and hunger. There
will be more struggles
within as the people and the CCP clash. CCP(Chinese Communist Party)
members control with
wealth and political positions. The majority(close to 90%) of the
population are still below the
poverty line and this is the major stumbling block. There will be a
revolution of major scale in
China as it tries to balance itself. I see this coming within the next
June 10, 2011 at 6:15 am | Reply
Whatever some chinese/pakistani friends think of china as being a
great country etc- let us ask the chinese , how many people in china know
what is going on in the world beyond their borders. They are so cut off from
the reality of the world, that they think that just because they have some
bread and butter they are okay- they do not know that life is more than that
. where are the open discussions, debates and cultural intermingling with
their peers overseas. They are living in a Jail, and feel nice about it.
Only about 10 million party workers live comfortably, and they are so
corrupted that india is a paradise compared to china. The chinese kill their
own dissidents without a decent hearing. They have more poverty than even
india and pakistan. The chinese cannot breathe freely, they cannot fight for
their rights. Their land is taken away, and no one knows what to do about
it. A chinese worker sold his kidney for an ipad/iphone. And that is just a
tip of the ice-berg. They have been fighting with all their neighbours like
japan, philippines, vietnam etc. They cannot even tolerate spiritual leaders
like the dalai lama. One day soon the usa, japan, india will combine
together and stop doing business with the chinese. this will cause millions
of factories to close down there, and millions will be unemployed in china,
then they will know what is human rights and democracy.
June 10, 2011 at 7:31 am | Reply
you guys were misled by the stupid western media, let me tell you the
truth, china is the greatest country in the world and chinese people are the
kindest people in the world. you have your lifestyle, we have our own
lifestyle, there is no way to force others to accept your ideology!!!
Great and good are these two kind words to praise by outsiders or the
world, not to determine their own, not to determine their own good or great.
If greatness is determined by their own, then this world is not what is not
great. Indeed, there is talk behind the tribe behind the tribal way of life
, civilized society civilized way of life, the difference between heaven and
earth do. But the people behind the tribal way of life longing for a
civilized society (for example, democracy, freedom, human rights, fair,
reasonable, etc.)
Behind the ruler of the tribe and its group must feel like the emperor-
style way of life better than the civilized way of life on the 8 times.
Significance of the existence of a country should be to make both the
country's human ninety-eight percent of the national population of people
with good and comfortable way of life, rather than to a small minority of
rulers and their way of life members of the Group 8 times of others. People
need to be civilized way of life, do not believe every Chinese people to ask?
June 10, 2011 at 6:16 am | Reply
This article is a true piece of shxt, the author didn't know China at
June 10, 2011 at 6:29 am | Reply
And I suppose you do? You are a joke.
June 10, 2011 at 8:20 am | Reply
This article is a true piece of shxt, the author didn't know China at
June 10, 2011 at 6:33 am | Reply
2011 now
June 10, 2011 at 6:41 am | Reply
The difference between India and China is China has a culture than can
grow into a world power while India's is still somewhere between the Stone
and Medieval Ages. The problem with China is of course its government but
they will eventually bring it down themselves and China will become a strong
country (or world power), but no superpower. Too many people for that.
June 10, 2011 at 6:42 am | Reply
go china go
The rise of China is inevitable within this generation. The only way you
can stop China from rising to the top is to nuke them. NATO and America are
bombing Libya to induce regime change (under the guise of protecting
civilians). I won't be surprised if Chinese leaders make sure they have some
nukes handy in the event America comes up with the final solution.
June 10, 2011 at 6:50 am | Reply
Wonder how many of the vocal chinese supporters are paid by the
goverment? May be "news farming" like the game farming......
June 10, 2011 at 7:13 am | Reply
shibu Lekshman See this video Fareed, believe me you will be interested. I am not sure if people realize the kind of changes happening in the world. I myself did not begin to understand them until recently.
June 10, 2011 at 7:13 am | Reply
go china go
Has it ever occured to you that there are plenty of chinese, within the
mainland and overseas, who are justifiably proud of China and her
achievements? Chinese people are free thinking people and they can make up
their own mind whether to agree or disagree with Fareed's analysis. We don't
necessarily have to conform to the Western's perspective of world affairs.
The Chinese leadership is a very practical leadership: they not interested
in exporting ideology or starting a war. Their permanent interest is to
ensure that China gets to the top. They are smart enough to know they get to
the top thru' trading and not thru' conquest. You get rich by making
friends, not enemies.
June 10, 2011 at 8:07 am | Reply
Expose Fareed Zakaria, this piece of work is talking about movements in
all other countries but movement against corruption in India. Only reason I
can see is, his dad was part of India's most corrupt political party Indian
National Congress. If a Muslim die in India, he will spend days to create
hype around the Issue. Anything else, Fareed don't care.
June 10, 2011 at 8:09 am | Reply
It's sad to see some of this blatantly 'ugly American' comments
juxtaposed with the intelligent, thoughtful article by Fareed Z. America is
clearly in decline.
June 10, 2011 at 8:14 am | Reply
Mr. Zakaria,
I think there is obvious bias in your story. It is well known that you
are in good books of Indian government for articles like this one. Iwill
like to point out to you that India doesn't ot have dispute with china alone
. Kashmir is a well known dispute between India and Pakistan which has not
been resolved to date. This alone explains the impartiality of your article.
Journalists like you and articles like this one are making people tune off
June 10, 2011 at 8:16 am | Reply
diddly dee
All you guys are stupid.
June 10, 2011 at 8:20 am | Reply
go china go
Its quite easy to see how China will behave 20 years from now. Common
sense will tell me that the Chinese people will go soft with increasing
wealth. Why would they want to confront America and waste their resources on
a military build up? Is the risk reward ratio worth it? Chinese people will
buy luxury goods, become a house owning society, travel overseas ( you live
only once). Give me a good reason why they want to risk it all when all the
good things in life are theirs for the taking?
June 10, 2011 at 8:38 am | Reply
China is sure going in the wrong direction. China is going to be a rouge
nation. They are 1000 times worse than USA
The growth story of china is over
June 10, 2011 at 8:50 am | Reply
Iam from Tibet. They treat us very badly. Tibet is never a part of china
. I don 't know why USA did not help us when china occupied us
June 10, 2011 at 8:53 am | Reply
Great article Fareed. I can see how all my chinese friends are upset.
Truth always hurts. They are afraid even to say word against communist party
June 10, 2011 at 8:57 am | Reply
June 10, 2011 at 8:57 am | Reply
Vietnam has said it will hold live-fire exercises in the South China Sea
amid escalating tensions with China over disputed waters.
June 10, 2011 at 8:58 am | Reply
China has problems with all its neighbours. Its very funny when they say
we are very peaceful They get along well with only rouge nations like N
Korea and Pakisthan.
June 10, 2011 at 9:02 am | Reply
Where's the like button!?
Even today's headline had territorial conflicts between China and
Vietnam. China did even care about those islands in the South China Sea
until one of the World's largest oil deposit was discovered in the 60's.
They restored to force to capture Vietnamese' territory in 1974.
June 10, 2011 at 10:08 am | Reply
Wow China is buying parts of South Asia, Africa, South America and firms
and companies in Europe and N. America. I smell an empire in the making.
June 10, 2011 at 9:05 am | Reply
Bravo China.
Compared with democracy Indonesia, the mono-party CCP is much better.
China has much more superhighways than Indonesia
China's GDP is higher than Indonesia
In Indonesia, even government official who was convicted with corruption
with "bank transfer receipt" as a proof can still FREE.
In Indonesia, someone can pretend to have health problem in order to
avoid the court, and no prosecution.
In Indonesia, someone can apply for amnesia for same reasons.
In Indonesia, someone can go out from jail for breast-operation (which
in fact the breast-enlargement thingy is leaked).
June 10, 2011 at 9:10 am | Reply
Yes, the Chinermen will continue to be selfish xenophobes.
June 10, 2011 at 9:21 am | Reply
The US is pushing China into a direction for internal consumption and is
succeeding. Once that is done, they will squeeze out the US competitors and
leaving only those who provide things they don't have. If we keep them on
export, we could have some influence. Otherwise, why would they need us?
Just to be nice?
Many US companies will soon be running the Chinaman's chance in China.
June 10, 2011 at 9:21 am | Reply
Given the wickedness, corruption, and Godlessness that are such points
of pride in the 'west', why would China want to adopt western policies? How
many wars has China started in the past year?
June 10, 2011 at 9:27 am | Reply
go china go
Sorry but do you think USA will go to war for you? Why would they? What'
s in for them? China has a population of over a billion. They will fight
tooth and nail to keep Tibet within China.
June 10, 2011 at 9:28 am | Reply
When the rotten capitalism goes down in the mid-21st century, the
communism will emerge and save what has left of the planet. Long live
Chairman Mao.
June 10, 2011 at 9:44 am | Reply
Tony L – you definitely are a brainwashed moron. C'mon dude, in a
country where everything is controlled and fed by a paranoid government
including education, knowledge and information do you HONESTLY believe you
will EVER have a real world outlook? All the Chinese government has done is
reduced the entire nation into WalMart laborers (or Coolies). As far as
Chinese foreign policy goes – its simple, you are just a bully lets fight
everyone smaller than us India, Japan, now Vietnam, not Russia (since they
kicked your asses back when). You forget, like every bully you will
eventually go down (as it ALWAYS happend). But for now you can toot your
horn "Made in China" by some poor tortured Chinese villager you will
eventually electrocute or shoot and then harvest their organs. Go China!!!
June 10, 2011 at 9:44 am | Reply
Tony-L is lucky that he is living outside China and is able to
comment here.
June 10, 2011 at 10:07 am | Reply
Is this history repeating itself? Come on China, cut yourself off from
the rest of the world. Cut your access to the global Internet too. It would
be not different than ordering all the ships and official records to be
burned after Zheng He's voyages.
June 10, 2011 at 9:57 am | Reply
why do we worry about China? there are two things to be done ,one is
bring all the American troups back to U. S. A. ,then second is stop
importing goods from China and start manufacture in mexico,then evevtually
America wii come back to early statues
June 10, 2011 at 10:02 am | Reply
go china go
You are the brainwashed moron. Do you honestly believe what you read in
your newspapers are truly reflective of the real time conditions in China?
Have you ever been to China?
June 10, 2011 at 10:05 am | Reply
Mike Alan
We'll know when USA has there cap on straight and moving forward when
our schools start offering Mandarin like theirs no tomorrow. Obama may be on
track with the importance of our survival as it relates to China, but our
self serving head-sets just can't seem to get it. Come on politicians give
us citizens a sign you know what your doing other than playing with your
June 10, 2011 at 10:21 am | Reply
china is ambitious country and they always wants to rule the world. I am
from Viet Nam. In the China" view, Viet Nam is one of its territories.
Actually, in history, China has invaded our countries for several times and
event our country was China' colony for 1000 thousand years. We fighted
against them and gained independence. In recent time, Viet Nam and China
have had tensions about the ownership of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa
archipelagoes in Sourth Sea. Viet Nam has many historic documents to
illustrate that these two archipelagoes belong to Viet Nam.
In 1975, we ended the war against Americans, then 1979 China said that
they wanted to help us to recover from ruins, then they used their forces to
invade our archipelagoes. We just ended two wars against France and
Americans,we are so tired, our country met a lot of troubles like lacking
food, water, plus poor we could not afford to conduct a war any
more...SO, be careful with China. Their statements and actions are
completely different.
June 10, 2011 at 10:27 am | Reply
chinh le
What is worrisome is that the vast majority of the Chinese people have
no religion.
June 10, 2011 at 10:32 am | Reply