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toshiba satellite
Re: MS down lewhy I cnnot install tweakui in my win2k?Re: 怎么没有那个显示语言的icon?which commandRe: WIN2k下如何知道ATA100的硬盘是否运行在ATA100模式?Re: ??where to download VMware for w9x, no lease??Re: What's wrong with win2000 installation?Re: win2k/winMe的启动顺序求助helpWin2000下文件共享的问题& How to make "text under icon on desktop" have a same background as desktop background?Re: "UDF" file systermRe: how to refresh IP under NT?Re: [转载] Win2K下面怎么看到网卡的以太网地址?Re: simple question: what is that huge file in NT c root: pagefile.sysRe: 屏幕不能自动refresh怎么办?Re: 怎样才能在windows中copy一行文字后在dos命令行中粘贴呢?怎么办?就是如何让两个进程同时访问一个串口,这两个进程不能互相支配Re: [转载] WIN2K为什么不能自己关机?