WIN2K的电源管理及“冬眠”How to make a win2k bootable CD?Re: 改改passwordRe: Outlook files?Re: Terminal Service in Windows2000Re: HOw do I install Win2K from HDD?[转载] 微软中国自掘坟墓,反了反了Re: who has the experience of using dual display/monior under W98?win2000使用全攻略在Win 2000中备份注册表Re: why no "quick launch" in the toolbar?Office2K的下载地址我已经加到进板画面加速DOS下WINDOWS2000的安装Re: SOS...Re: How to input Chinese in Win2k?Re: 可恨的程序自运行Re: System Commander好象不好用啊?Re: EMAIL HELPWin2K的中文支持-------- 特殊的方法安装输入法Re: Quick Launch