Re: When to negotiate salary?# Working - 上班一族
1 楼
I want to give some caution on asking for raises. If you just FEEL you are
under paid, then simply ask your boss if there are possibilities of raise.
Typically people will get the hint and if they think you deserve it, you will
get it. If you performed very well and you know you do better than a better
paid co-worker, than you can be a little assertive. But you have to have
pretty solid evidence, like how you dealed with a problem he failed on, or you
completed more tasks than him.
But once you
under paid, then simply ask your boss if there are possibilities of raise.
Typically people will get the hint and if they think you deserve it, you will
get it. If you performed very well and you know you do better than a better
paid co-worker, than you can be a little assertive. But you have to have
pretty solid evidence, like how you dealed with a problem he failed on, or you
completed more tasks than him.
But once you