Re: 帮我看看这么写行吗Re: 我该怎么对待这个美国人同事!
Re: 帮我看看这么写行吗Re: 我该怎么对待这个美国人同事!# Working - 上班一族
Good effort, but ...
You may have seen others reply. And I agree with emulex's comment, this sounds
very personal.
I does not have time to go over this in detail, but when you give facts, you
need to be more specific. What files are deleted, when did it happen, whoever
reported, etc.
If I have time later today, I will comment more on it. Also, on the individual
issues, I definitely suggest you work with guy on those issues first. Keep a
good record of what you tried, what he tried, what are the
I feel you have some attitude towards some team members
including the admin, PM, other slackers. Which is nothing
wrong, we all have attitude especially when we are the
top performers :)
Writing such a lenghthy letter in a formal way is not to your
best interest. Always try to talk face 2 face first
to the professor, the pm, the admin, ...etc., because
this way you see can others reaction in realtime and
you can "interact".
打个比方, 高手过招得见招拆招, 而你一上来就在众人面前
比划了一大通, 缺点暴露无遗, 而人家还没出手呢. 你固然
是艺高人胆大, 可暗箭难
I don't think you get people's points. It is not that you should not care
about other people, but how you care. This is not a world of if it is not my
way, then it has to be his way. A lot of times, the 'correct' way is to find
the middle road and try to work things out.
You will get a much more positive response if your letter is written in a way
to identify and fix problems, instead of having a tone of blaming coworker and
release your frustration on not understanding why admin is there in the
Now you go from one extrem to another. There is nothing wrong
to stand up and show you concern about the group and your
colleague, actually it is very good quality, but the way your
show your concer does matter.
In real life, usually how you address an issue / make a point
is more important than the issue/point itself.
In your case, master gave very good comments on your post. You
think about big, you care about others, you want to make things
better, this is a very admirable merit you should ke