Re: 多报现有工资安全吗# Working - 上班一族
1 楼
What I think is: salary history verification is like drug test, it's performed
When you submit your information, including salary history, at the end, there
should be a paragraph states that "all the information you provided is true
and based on your best knowledge and understanding."
So, if someone ever being caught for lying about anything, it is an intergrity
issue, which any company takes this very seriously.
Part of the reason companys want to know your salary background is to
When you submit your information, including salary history, at the end, there
should be a paragraph states that "all the information you provided is true
and based on your best knowledge and understanding."
So, if someone ever being caught for lying about anything, it is an intergrity
issue, which any company takes this very seriously.
Part of the reason companys want to know your salary background is to