Comparison of VML and SGC# XML - WWW明日之星
Comparison of VML and SGC
There have been two main graphics related advances in the
history of the web. The first was the use of images, the
second was dynamic html, and we are now approaching the
third ?a major part of which will be the introduction of
vector graphics in a variety of formats. Of course vector
graphics are already widely available with flash, but in a
compiled format (which for a web application may increase
speed but hampers the scalability and ease of editing of
one抯 applicati
isn't SVG the combined version of these two?
I think most of the features u mentioned have
their place in SVG and now SVG has been the
candidate recommendation of W3C and has many
implementation cases. what do u think? 3x.

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: Comparison of VML and SGC
: There have been two main graphics related advances in the
: history of the web. The first was the use of images, the
: second was dynamic html, and we are now approaching the
: third ?a major part of which will be the introduction of
: vector graphics in a variety of formats. Of course vector
: graphics are already widely available with flash, but in a
: compiled format (which for a web application may increase
: speed but hampers the scalability and ease of editing of
: one抯 applicati

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