University of Texas 裁83名教授终身faculty# Accounting - 会计审计
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University of Texas 裁83名教授终身faculty
Fired faculty speak out
Tenured professors who were given the pink slip last week by the University
of Texas(UTMB) in Galveston said they felt "shocked" and "
betrayed" by the action, and have been given little rationale for why they
were singled out, and little direction on what to do until they leave.
In total, the medical school fired more than 3,000 people -- around one-
third of its total staff, including 83 tenured and tenure track faculty and
44 non-ten
Fired faculty speak out
Tenured professors who were given the pink slip last week by the University
of Texas(UTMB) in Galveston said they felt "shocked" and "
betrayed" by the action, and have been given little rationale for why they
were singled out, and little direction on what to do until they leave.
In total, the medical school fired more than 3,000 people -- around one-
third of its total staff, including 83 tenured and tenure track faculty and
44 non-ten