Hi guys, I am going to do a test online about this "the question file (a long one with data structure and MACRO's) for you to read and understand. Then you write a program at your best effort in C language, using the MACRO's given." And this position is about u-boot developer(entry level). So does any one have any idea they will test me, like any examples or thinking, please let me know. Thanks a lot.
我觉得你这个non-profit确实干久了不具竞争力,我们前段时间刚interview一个从小 accounting firm出来的,也是主要干non-profit audit,感觉对industry啥都不懂, 最后取了个4打出来的。 4大是不是加工资特快啊?给说说,干了3年大概能拿多少?I mean on average?看看 我是不是亏大了。老公坚决反对去4大的飘过。
I don't know. But, everytime I said I want to change service line to profit org. Those recruiters ALWAYS asked me whether I have client experience about SEC regulation.