去中信办理的时候为啥只收护照 i20 成绩单 ds160 确认表, 什么resume, support letter等银行都不肯接受. 最后岂不是铁定被check,晕~ 大家F1去代签也这种情况么?
2 楼
请问有人了解这个病吗?美国有没有什么有效的治疗方案呢? 多谢!
3 楼
请教各位, 申请J1 visa赴美,关于I-797的SERVIS fee,在网上提交了一些信息并用信用卡支付 180美元费用后得到最后一个confirmation页面,拿着这个打印的页面就可以去面签还 是说一定要等移民局那边给我寄来I-797 hard copy我才能其面签? 多谢!
4 楼
好像 mackbook pro 15的屏幕可以升级,缺省的是1440-by-900-pixel LED-backlit glossy display. 但是可以升级到 a high-resolution 1680-by-1050 glossy or antiglare display 差100块。 这100块钱值吗?哪位知道区别的,给说说多谢了!
5 楼
打算APPLY一个政府(county)的职位,但要先笔试,有考过这种考试的同学能说下大概是 一种什么样的考试呀?会不会好难啊?谢谢了会考到很多far的知识啊?government accounting偶都没有学过的说......里面所提到的"civil service"written exams是种 什么样的考试呀?万分感谢 下面是笔试的说明: The Written Exam is a standard part of the Civil Service process used in most government sectors. This particular exam will have 100 multiple-choice questions in the subject areas of: Fiscal Concepts; Fiscal Analysis; Government Accounting; Bookkeeping; Accounting; and Cost Accounting. The questions are divided fairly evenly between the subject areas. At most libraries and bookstores there are study guides available for "Civil Service" written exams. If you are interested in obtaining a study guide, you should look for a guide focusing on general accounting and Government, Cost or Fund Accounting. This test has many questions dealing with theory and definitions.