招senior accountant, 弯曲non profit# Accounting - 会计审计
1 楼
"If you are claiming tax teaty benefits and you failed to submit adequate
docuemntation to a withhlding agnt, you must attach to your tax eturn all
information that otherwise would have been requiedon the withholding tax
documents (for exampe, all information required on FormW-8BEN (Individuals),
Form W-8BEN-E (Entities), or Form 8233)"
claim 5000的tax treaty,就必须要补填Form 8233呀?
"If you are claiming tax teaty benefits and you failed to submit adequate
docuemntation to a withhlding agnt, you must attach to your tax eturn all
information that otherwise would have been requiedon the withholding tax
documents (for exampe, all information required on FormW-8BEN (Individuals),
Form W-8BEN-E (Entities), or Form 8233)"
claim 5000的tax treaty,就必须要补填Form 8233呀?