[zz] Life Without Numbers in the Amazon# AnthroLing - 人类学和语言学
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Science, Vol 305, Issue 5687, 1093 , 20 August 2004
Life Without Numbers in the Amazon
Constance Holden
To what extent can concepts exist without the words to express them? That
question has long occupied philosophers and linguists. Now, in an article
published online this week by Science, Peter Gordon of Columbia University has
added to the debate with an unusual study on mathematical thought. Among
members of a tiny tribe in the Amazon
Science, Vol 305, Issue 5687, 1093 , 20 August 2004
Life Without Numbers in the Amazon
Constance Holden
To what extent can concepts exist without the words to express them? That
question has long occupied philosophers and linguists. Now, in an article
published online this week by Science, Peter Gordon of Columbia University has
added to the debate with an unusual study on mathematical thought. Among
members of a tiny tribe in the Amazon