Re: Chinese support for IE4.5?
Re: Chinese support for IE4.5?# Apple - 家有苹果
Supposed you have Chinese Language Kit or Elixir or PanALE installed,
- have you set Beijing/Taipei as the fonts for Simplifed/Traditional Chinese
in Edit->Preference->Fonts?
- if yes, try choose "always use my fonts, overriding page-specified fonts,
including dynamic fonts" in the same panel... try a reload if it doesn't
work immediately
- if this doesn't work at all, you are out of luck... the most likely reason
being the page you are trying to view has "charset=iso-8859-1" hardcoded in
the s

For Mac OS 8, you must put the WorldScript extension into the extension
folder to make the Chinese Work. When you install the MacOS 8, you should
choose custom install, and check the multilingual support, the Beijing and
Taipei fonts will be installed on your English version of the MacOS.
If you choose the multilingual support when installing the Mac OS, the
WorldScript and the font will be already in your system.
Sometimes, some fancy webpages support only the PC with Chinese platform,
you can

【在 G*******n 的大作中提到】
: Supposed you have Chinese Language Kit or Elixir or PanALE installed,
: - have you set Beijing/Taipei as the fonts for Simplifed/Traditional Chinese
: in Edit->Preference->Fonts?
: - if yes, try choose "always use my fonts, overriding page-specified fonts,
: including dynamic fonts" in the same panel... try a reload if it doesn't
: work immediately
: - if this doesn't work at all, you are out of luck... the most likely reason
: being the page you are trying to view has "charset=iso-8859-1" hardcoded in
: the s
