DAVE is the software our place is using. It is to share files and printers between mac and pc. DAVE provides separate installation program for Macos 10.1 and Mac os 8.6-9.2. Features: bidirectional file sharing bw windows pcs and mac uses microsoft native protocols so no additional hardware or software required for the pc unlimited network size large file support > than 2 GB support for long file names (> 31 char) network logon for Microsoft Domain access automatic workgroup detection System req
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1. Mac的HFS/HFS+格式的盘PC上要借助特殊软件才能读, PC的FAT/FAT32在Mac 上都可以读, 除非你没有安装缺省安装的一个extension. 2. CD的标准格式ISO9660在Mac上和PC上都可以用, 但是Windows的长文件名扩 展标准Joillet在Mac上不支持, 所以看不到长文件名. 另外Mac还支持HFS 格式的CD, 这个在PC上读不出来. 所以在Mac上刻CD要用ISO9660, 在PC上 刻不要用长文件名 3. Mac OS带FTP服务器, PC上去download.com上找一个服务器很方便 4. Mac OS X也支持Samba Server/Client, 这个一旦设置好, 应该是最方便的