Head Tracking Allows Glasses Free 3D on iPad
Head Tracking Allows Glasses Free 3D on iPad# Apple - 家有苹果
MacStories points to an interesting use of the iPad's front facing camera to
provide a convincing 3D effect on
the iPad. Jeremie Francone and Laurence Nigay from the Laboratory of
Informatics of Grenoble put together
this demo video showing how user tracking can be used:
We track the head of the user with the front facing camera in order to
create a glasses-free monocular 3D
display. Such spatially-aware mobile display enables to improve the
possibilities of interaction. It does not use
the accelerometers and relies only on the front camera.
Francone and Nigay were inspired by the work of Johnny Lee who built a
similar system using a Wii system.
The app does not yet appear to be available for download. We had previously
reported that Apple was also
exploring this type of 3d "hyper reality" displays for the Mac desktop based
on a patent application published
in 2009.
The user could then move their head left and right to look around a 3D
object as shown in the example image
above. Apple also suggests that it could also be applied to 2D objects like
windows to provide some added
depth to traditionally flat objects.
As with all patent applications, we don't know if Apple will ever deliver
these technologies to market, but 3D
has become a trendy topic once again, so there's been a lot of renewed
interest in this field.