英文新闻转帖专贴(2012-07-25)# Apple - 家有苹果
那你为啥要花钱去看呢? 看了1觉得烂, 掏钱去看2。 看完又觉得2烂,掏钱去看3。
之后还觉得烂,掏钱看了4。 现在发帖骂4的, 100%还回去掏钱看5。
【 以下文字转载自 Dreamer 讨论区 】
发信人: Dreamer (不要问我从哪里来), 信区: Dreamer
标 题: 男人真的可以 只是为了性而可以说爱你么?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 24 08:47:48 2010, 美东)
嗯,分手已经两周了。再读他的email,text message, online chat,发现那时说的真的
所以,其实,也是不错的回忆。我不后悔。feeling 和 sex 我也曾经很enjoy,这就够
glassdoor ?

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7

【在 w********r 的大作中提到】
: 很多人法帖说变形金刚系列怎么怎么烂。
: 那你为啥要花钱去看呢? 看了1觉得烂, 掏钱去看2。 看完又觉得2烂,掏钱去看3。
: 之后还觉得烂,掏钱看了4。 现在发帖骂4的, 100%还回去掏钱看5。
: 哈哈哈哈哈。

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 05:36:57 PDT
In line with yesterday's brief announcement that OS X Mountain Lion would
debut today, Apple has officially launched its next-generation Mac operating
system to the public. OS X Mountain Lion [Mac App Store] is priced at $
;19.99 and is available exclusively through the Mac App Store.
OS X Mountain Lion brings a number of new features and enhancements to the
Mac, including improved iCloud integration with support for Notes and
Reminders, iMessage support via the new Messages application, Notification
Center, Power Nap updating during sleep, Dictation, enhanced sharing tools,
Game Center, improved security with Gatekeeper, and more.
“People are going to love the new features in Mountain Lion and how easy it
is to download and install from the Mac App Store,” said Philip Schiller,
Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “With iCloud
integration, Mountain Lion is even easier to set up, and your important
information stays up to date across all your devices so you can keep editing
documents, taking notes, creating reminders, and continue conversations
whether you started on a Mac, iPhone or iPad.”
For users looking to deploy server capabilities, Apple will also be
releasing OS X Mountain Lion Server as a $19.99 add-on via the Mac App
Update: Many users are reporting difficulties purchasing and downloading OS
X Mountain Lion, undoubtedly due to heavy load on Apple's servers.
Update 2: OS X Server is now available.

【在 a******o 的大作中提到】
: glassdoor ?

【在 s**********d 的大作中提到】
: 我是免费票,为了陪儿子去看的。
: 有资格骂吗?
: 不过我懒得骂,本来就对这些堆砌特技的烂片没抱任何希望。
: 。
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 06:14:41 PDT
Alongside Mountain Lion 10.8, Apple released the server component as a
separate generic app called OS X Server.
OS X Server is the next generation of Apple’s award winning server software
. Designed for OS X and iOS devices, OS X Server makes it easy to share
files, schedule meetings, synchronize contacts, host your own website,
publish wikis, configure Macs, iPhones and iPads, remotely access your
network, and more.
Server is now an application you can add to Mountain Lion right from the Mac
App Store. Anyone can quickly and easily turn a Mac running Mountain Lion
into a server that’s perfect for home offices, businesses, schools, and
hobbyists alike.
OS X Server requires Mountain Lion 10.8 and adds server functionality to OS
X. [Mac App Store]
这是民主国家 有言论自由

【在 w********r 的大作中提到】
: 很多人法帖说变形金刚系列怎么怎么烂。
: 那你为啥要花钱去看呢? 看了1觉得烂, 掏钱去看2。 看完又觉得2烂,掏钱去看3。
: 之后还觉得烂,掏钱看了4。 现在发帖骂4的, 100%还回去掏钱看5。
: 哈哈哈哈哈。

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 06:33:41 PDT
Alongside OS X Mountain Lion 10.8, Apple has released the updated version of
Safari to OS X Lion (10.7). It is available in OS X Lion's Software Update
. According to Apple, the new Safari contains new features, including:
- Smart Search Field. Safari now has one field for typing both searches and
web addresses.
- Offline Reading List. Safari saves entire webpages in your Reading List so
you can catch up on your reading even when you don’t have an internet
- Do Not Track. Safari can send the websites you visit a request not to
track you online.
- Password pane. Manage your saved website logins with the new Password pane.
- Baidu. The leading Chinese search engine Baidu is now a built-in option
for Chinese users.
For more information about Safari, please visit:
Safari 6 for OS X Lion also includes improvements to stability,
compatibility, usability and security, including changes that:
- Make the swipe to navigate gesture work with PDFs.
- Restore the state of Reading List when Safari is launched.
- Fix an issue that affected full screen video in webpages that have
positioned content.
- Restore the user's previous cookies after Private Browsing without
requiring a Safari relaunch.

【在 n**m 的大作中提到】
: glassdoor是什么意思啊?
Wed, 25 Jul 2012 06:36:32 PDT
With Apple having launched OS X Mountain Lion to the public today, reviews
of the company's latest Mac operating system have begun pouring in. Many of
the reviews are quite extensive, but we've selected a few choice excerpts
to highlight general reaction to the release.
- John Siracusa, Ars Technica
The Mac is a platform in transition. In Lion, OS X began shedding the well-
worn trappings of traditional desktop computing at an accelerated rate. This
trend continues in Mountain Lion. Where Lion stumbled, Mountain Lion
regroups and tries again—while still forging bravely ahead in other areas.
As the second major refinement-focused release, it's easy to view OS X 10.8
as "what 10.7 should have been." The flip side of this argument is that the
real-world mileage we’ve all put on Lion has helped Apple make the right
kinds of adjustments in Mountain Lion. If we'd had to wait for two years
after 10.6 for the next major release of OS X, chances are good that the
worst of the missteps in Lion would just be landing on our doorsteps today.
I'll take 10.8, thanks.
- Jason Snell, Macworld
All told, I found Mountain Lion to be a stable, solid release. Even
prerelease builds were far more stable than I’ve come to expect from OS X
betas, leading me to wonder if Apple’s new annual schedule is leading to
more careful incremental updates (with fewer bugs) rather than great leaps (
with more, nastier bugs).
- Nilay Patel, The Verge
Ultimately, this is pretty easy: you should spend the $20 and upgrade to
Mountain Lion, especially if you have a newer Mac. You’ll gain a handful
of must-have features, and everything will get faster and smoother. I haven
’t really missed Snow Leopard at all since upgrading, which is remarkable
considering how much I disliked Lion.
- Brian Heater, Engadget
Taken as a whole, the features mark a fairly aggressive bid to fold the best
of OS X and iOS into one product -- a strategy we first saw with the
introduction of the Mac App Store on Snow Leopard, and with the arrival of
Launchpad last year in Lion. [...]
That said, it seems time for Apple to make a bold new pronouncement on the
desktop front. The company appears to have most of its resources invested in
the mobile side -- and there's no question as to why: the iPhone and iPad
have reinvigorated the company, making it a computing player on a scale that
no one (save, perhaps, for Jobs himself) could have predicted a decade ago.
Still, it might be hard for OS X users not to feel neglected -- many of the
latest new features feel a bit like iOS hand-me-downs. When and if Apple
rolls out a new operating system this time next year, hopefully we'll be
seeing a very different side of Mac OS.
- Jim Dalrymple, The Loop
There will be tens of thousands of words published on Wednesday when
Mountain Lion hits the Mac App Store, but let’s face it, what you really
want to know is whether Mountain Lion is worth the upgrade. Let’s get that
out of the way now — yes, it is definitely worth it.
Mountain Lion costs $19.99 and comes with more than 200 new features —
that’s a bargain at twice the price.
- Jesus Diaz, Gizmodo
If Apple doesn't want Microsoft to steal their innovation crown with Windows
8 Metro, they urgently need a new vision that breaks with this unholy mix
of obsolete 1980s user interface heritage and iOS full screen skeumorphism.
It feels like Apple has run out of ideas. Or worse, that Apple is too afraid
to implement new concepts, fearing it will kill the company's golden goose.
Too afraid to change the world once again, as Steve Jobs used to say, one
desktop at a time.
- MG Siegler, TechCrunch
It must be said that Mountain Lion isn’t really all that different from
Lion — hence, the variation of the name (even though mountain lions are
technically cougars — insert joke here). But unlike the jump from Leopard
to Snow Leopard, which focused on performance and tightening code rather
than features, the jump from Lion to Mountain Lion does pack some new
goodies. [..]
In a time when Microsoft is just about to upend their entire OS with their
biggest change (and bet) yet in Windows 8, Apple has taken a much more
refined approach. Perhaps they take some criticism for this, or perhaps they
’re just being savvy. OS X remains a great OS, and sprinkled with some of
the best elements of iOS, it still feels pretty fresh. Not bad for an eleven
year old big cat.
标题说得很清楚, 这帮人有精神分裂症。

【在 D**S 的大作中提到】
: 楼主还是多看看英文影评。早有人解释为什么变形金刚这种公认烂片却从来不愁观众的
: 。

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 06:55:05 PDT
Alongside today's launch of OS X Mountain Lion, Apple has updated a number
of its Mac applications to take advantage of new features and ensure
compatibility with the new operating system. One of the key updates is to
Apple's iWork suite, which has seen the addition of support for iCloud and
For those users who purchased iWork apps through the Mac App Store, updates
are available for Pages [Mac App Store], Numbers [Mac App Store], and
Keynote [Mac App Store].
For those who installed iWork from a disc, Apple is offering iWork 9.2
Update via Software Update.
Keynote 5.2, Pages 4.2, and Numbers 2.2 are updated to take advantage of the
following features available on OS X Mountain Lion:
- iCloud: Store documents in iCloud, and keep them automatically up-to-date
across your Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and the web. Changes made to a
document on one device, automatically appear on all your other devices. This
requires iWork for iOS 1.6.1 or later to be installed on your iOS device.
- Dictation: Speak words, numbers, or sentences, and watch them appear in
your presentation, document, or spreadsheet.
The iWork apps are also enhanced to take advantage of the Retina display on
new Mac hardware, so presentations, documents, and spreadsheets appear
sharper and more vibrant.

【在 w********r 的大作中提到】
: 标题说得很清楚, 这帮人有精神分裂症。
Wed, 25 Jul 2012 07:00:19 PDT
For those users who received a redemption code for OS X Mountain Lion while
the Up to Date program was temporarily live, it appears that many of the
original codes are invalid.
Users are reporting receiving errors while trying to redeem codes. Errors
include "The code you entered is not recognized as valid code" and errors
that the code has already been used.
Several users are tracking the issue in our forums and have been told by
AppleCare representatives that new codes will be issued shortly:
I got my code 2 days ago and mine is invalid also. I just called up
applecare about 30 minutes ago and told the guy my situation and he had me
try to redeem it again but it said it had already been redeemed. He then
said that his system had a note in it saying that anyone who redeemed their
serial number and got one of the invalid codes should recieve another email
within one business day after mountain lion was released (already happened
so the time is ticking now).

【在 w********r 的大作中提到】
: 很多人法帖说变形金刚系列怎么怎么烂。
: 那你为啥要花钱去看呢? 看了1觉得烂, 掏钱去看2。 看完又觉得2烂,掏钱去看3。
: 之后还觉得烂,掏钱看了4。 现在发帖骂4的, 100%还回去掏钱看5。
: 哈哈哈哈哈。

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 07:31:56 PDT
Among other software updates released today in support of OS X Mountain Lion
, Apple has also rolled out new versions of iPhoto, iMovie, and Aperture.
iPhoto 9.3.2 [Mac App Store]
- Supports compatibility with OS X Mountain Lion
- Sharing options now include Messages and Twitter
- Includes performance and stability improvements
iMovie 9.0.7 [Mac App Store]
- Fixes an issue related to third-party QuickTime components that could
cause iMovie to quit unexpectedly
- Resolves stability issues when previewing MPEG-2 video clips in the Camera
Import window
- Fixes an issue where audio was not included when importing MPEG-2 video
clips from a camera
Aperture 3.3.2 [Mac App Store]
- Fixes an issue that in rare cases could cause Aperture to hang or quit
unexpectedly when upgrading libraries
“花钱看了2觉得真特玛二” + 继续买票看4 =自我矛盾。

【在 c**********r 的大作中提到】
: 花钱看了1觉得Ok,花钱看了2觉得真特玛二。现在我发帖骂4。你说说我自我矛盾在哪
: 儿吧。
: 说不出来你还是先自我反省一下有没有被麦可悲虐待久了,得了斯德哥尔摩综合症。
: 。

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 08:22:20 PDT
Mountain Lion is the second release of OS X to be delivered via the Mac App
Store. Like with Lion, users can create their own bootable USB key installer
to use as a recovery disk or to install Mountain Lion on multiple Macs
without needing to download the 4GB installer multiple times.
Ars Technica has an excellent walk-through using either the Disk Utility
application that is included on every Mac, or the newly updated Lion
Diskmaker app that automates the process of creating a bootable install key.
The biggest catch to the whole process is to make a copy of the Mountain
Lion installer before actually installing Mountain Lion, otherwise the
installer will need to be redownloaded from the Mac App Store.
(Image via Ars Technica/Chris Foresman)

【在 k***r 的大作中提到】
: 你看4了么?
: “花钱看了2觉得真特玛二” + 继续买票看4 =自我矛盾。

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 08:42:54 PDT
With today's release of Safari 6, there has been some confusion over the
fate of Safari for Windows. Apple's Safari download page that previously
allowed users to download versions for Mac or Windows now redirects to the
main Safari page highlighting Safari 6 for Mac, with no mention of Safari
for Windows anywhere in Apple's revamped Safari feature pages.
But while Safari for Windows has not been upgraded to version 6 and thus has
not received the many new features included for Mac in that release, Apple
does appear to be planning to continue quietly offering Safari for Windows.
Listings for Safari updates in Apple's support download pages had
previously summarized all available Mac and Windows version and provided a
link to the general download page, but Apple has now placed Safari for
Windows on a dedicated page linking directly to the download.
Safari for Windows remains at version 5.1.7 initially released alongside OS
X 10.7.4 in early May. The software is clearly not a high priority for
Apple, as evidenced by the removal of all mentions of the Windows option
from the main Safari product pages, but the company is keeping the most
recent version available for download. It is unclear, however, whether
Apple has plans to bring additional feature updates to the browser.
木有看 就不可以骂?

【在 w********r 的大作中提到】
: 很多人法帖说变形金刚系列怎么怎么烂。
: 那你为啥要花钱去看呢? 看了1觉得烂, 掏钱去看2。 看完又觉得2烂,掏钱去看3。
: 之后还觉得烂,掏钱看了4。 现在发帖骂4的, 100%还回去掏钱看5。
: 哈哈哈哈哈。

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 08:43:32 PDT
Along with the release of OS X Mountain Lion, Apple today also released an
updated version of its iTunes U learning app for iPhone and iPad. iTunes U
was originally released this past January as part of an increased education
push for the company.
The new iTunes U adds a note-taking component and a much improved search
function, as well as a mechanism for sharing courses via Twitter, Mail or
iTunes U 1.2 now makes it easy to take notes while watching or listening to
a lecture. This update also adds the ability to search within posts,
assignments, notes, and materials — from any of your subscribed courses —
using the improved Search feature in iTunes U. It is also now simple to
share your favorite courses with friends using Twitter, Mail, and Messages.
During the earnings call with analysts yesterday, Apple revealed that 14
million users have downloaded iTunes U with 700 new K-12 schools and 125
colleges and universities enrolling in the program. 750 new courses have
been added recently as well.
iTunes U is a free download for the iPhone and iPad. [App Store]

【在 c**********r 的大作中提到】
: 没看4。没花钱。连枪版都不看。矛盾在哪里?
Wed, 25 Jul 2012 09:17:34 PDT

Apple has released updated versions of the Keynote, Pages and Numbers iOS
apps, adding support for iCloud's Documents in the Cloud feature. iCloud now
backs up documents automatically and syncs versions between the iWork apps
on iOS and the Mac.
OS X Mountain Lion is required to sync documents between the Mac and iOS
versions of Keynote, Numbers and Pages.
What's new
Keynote/Numbers/Pages 1.6.1 works with iCloud to make presentations
automatically available between your iOS device and Keynote on your Mac*.
Changes made to a presentation on one device are instantly available on the
*Requires Keynote 5.2 or later installed on OS X Mountain Lion
Apple has been working on removing the hierarchical file system for several
years, something that should make finding files easier for computer novices.
Apple's marketing specifically highlights this as a feature: "You don’t
have to manage your documents in a complicated file system or remember to
save them to a special folder."
Keynote, Pages and Numbers are universal apps, available for $9.99 each
on the App Store.

【在 k***r 的大作中提到】
: 原来如此,强悍,你继续骂吧。这种逻辑惹不起。
Wed, 25 Jul 2012 10:01:57 PDT
Blizzard has announced that the fourth expansion for World of Warcraft,
Mists of Pandaria, will be released for Mac and PC on September 25.
Unlock The Mysteries of Pandaria
You've ended Deathwing's destructive rampage and saved the dragonflights
from extinction.
Now you must unlock the mysteries of the lost continent and discover the
dark secrets of Pandaria's past. Explore ancient kingdoms hidden since
before the Sundering, plunder vast treasures from the depths of the
forgotten vaults, and rise to defend Pandaria from the shadow of a long
buried evil - before it's too late.
As is typical for Blizzard, it will be offering two versions of Mists of
Pandaria: a standard edition for $39.99 and a deluxe edition for $59
.99 that includes a unique in-game mount, pet, and banner.
Users can pre-purchase Mists of Pandaria via Blizzard's service
and begin playing at midnight on release day.

【在 c**********r 的大作中提到】
: 没逻辑你还是好好享受变4吧。我听说麦可悲这些年的片子之所以剧情这么不make
: sense,就是为了照顾很多你这样的观众。

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 11:09:44 PDT
With today's launch of OS X Mountain Lion, Apple's Up-to-Date program has
officially gone live. The program allows any user who purchased a Mac on or
after June 11 to receive a free upgrade to OS X Mountain Lion if their
system came with OS X Lion preinstalled. Customers who purchased server
models such as the Mac mini server and Mac Pro server configurations can
also receive free upgrades to Apple's latest server tools released alongside
Mountain Lion.
Apple is apparently experiencing some early difficulties with the program,
however, with some users reporting that their Mac App Store redemption codes
for OS X Mountain Lion are not working and others still waiting to receive
their codes. Some users were able to obtain codes earlier this week when
the program briefly went live prematurely, but the redemption difficulties
appear to be affecting both early recipients and new applicants.
Apple support staff have acknowledged the difficulties and are advising
customers that they may need to wait up to three days to receive replacement
codes, although some replacement codes are reportedly already coming
through without any action required by the users. Submitting the up-to-date
program application a second time fails to generate new codes, as Apple's
systems recognize that the machine serial numbers have already been used and
thus refuse to complete the repeat applications.
Customers who purchased new Macs between June 11 and today have until August
24 to claim their redemption codes for OS X Mountain Lion, but many are
undoubtedly anxious to install the new operating system as soon as possible.
Users who purchase new Lion-equipped Macs starting tomorrow will have 30
days from the date of purchase in which to claim their free upgrades to
Mountain Lion.
楼主这是经典的强盗逻辑 : 既然饭菜不好 你干嘛进饭馆来吃饭? 你肯掏钱
吃饭 证明我的饭菜不差。 吃了饭菜又骂娘,是不是自我否定?
变形金刚是公认的烂片 都有人为它背书。 还一个劲特效特效。。。特效很了不起
吗? 电影上升到艺术层次,只要有钱能搬到的就不能算本事。 有钱就能搞特效,
Wed, 25 Jul 2012 11:33:16 PDT
After Apple's Podcasts app was released last month, many users had
complaints about bugs, crashes and other issues. All Things D says that an
update should debut later today that will fix the problems and "vastly
improve it":
Podcasts users take note: Apple has been hard at work tweaking the app to
fix the problems that currently plague it and sources say the company
expects to post an update to it this afternoon that should vastly improve it.
Nearly two-thirds of reviews for the Podcasts app on the App Store gave it a
one - or two-star review, with the app having a two-and-a-half-star review
overall -- one of the lowest of all Apple's apps.
Podcasts had traditionally been housed in the iTunes app on iOS devices, but
Apple has been working to streamline the user experience by breaking out
some categories into their own apps, including Podcasts and iTunes U.
Podcasts is a free download for the iPhone and iPad on the App Store. [
Direct Link]

【在 T*******i 的大作中提到】
: 楼主这是经典的强盗逻辑 : 既然饭菜不好 你干嘛进饭馆来吃饭? 你肯掏钱
: 吃饭 证明我的饭菜不差。 吃了饭菜又骂娘,是不是自我否定?
: 变形金刚是公认的烂片 都有人为它背书。 还一个劲特效特效。。。特效很了不起
: 吗? 电影上升到艺术层次,只要有钱能搬到的就不能算本事。 有钱就能搞特效,
: 但有钱不能保证拍出好电影

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 13:01:24 PDT
Microsoft today confirmed that the two most recent versions of its flagship
Office productivity suite for Mac are fully compatible with OS X Mountain
Lion. Office users are advised to ensure that Microsoft AutoUpdate is
enabled so that their installations can be updated as needed to take full
advantage of the new operating system.
- Make sure you have Office for Mac’s AutoUpdate enabled – some updates
will be needed to make the most of the upgrade to Mountain Lion. Initiate
AutoUpdate in any Office for Mac application by going to your toolbar, then
selecting “Help” and then “Check for Updates.”
- Mountain Lion ships with a new feature called Gatekeeper. Gatekeeper helps
protect users by allowing you to choose to only download and install
software from known developers, like Microsoft. Please note that due to the
Gatekeeper architecture, updates will not run when you download and initiate
them on your desktop; instead please use Microsoft AutoUpdate to keep your
copies of Office for Mac current.
简单的类比都看不懂 还好意思说人无脑
不好意思 咱吵架也要挑聪明人

【在 w********r 的大作中提到】
: 看不懂这种无脑的类比及其逻辑。
: 能给我解释一下吗?

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 13:35:19 PDT
On the heels of Apple's earnings release yesterday in which the company
announced a record 17 million iPads sold during the second calendar quarter
of 2012, research firm Strategy Analytics has published its estimates of the
total global tablet market for the quarter. According to the report, Apple
captured 68.3% of the market, up from 62% in the year-ago quarter and the
company's highest share in nearly two years.
Apple shipped a robust 17.0 million iPads worldwide and maintained its
strong market leadership with 68 percent share during the second quarter of
2012. Apple continued to shrug off the much-hyped threat from Android and
the iPad’s global tablet share is at its highest level since Q3 2010. [...]
Despite high expectations for companies like Amazon, Samsung, Acer and Asus,
the Android community has yet to make a serious dent in Apple’s dominance
of the tablet market. Unspectacular hardware designs, limited uptake of
cellular models and a modest number of tablet-optimized services have been
among some of the main reasons for Android’s mixed performance so far.
Google's Android platform actually kept pace with the overall market's 66.8%
growth, enabling it to hold steady with 29.3% of the market. Apple's 83%
growth instead came at the expense of smaller players such as Microsoft,
which saw its share of the market fall from 4% to 1.2% as the company has
yet to roll it out its major tablet effort with Windows 8.
Apple's continued strength in the tablet market comes even though a number
of observers have predicted an erosion of its dominant position amid
increasing numbers of low-cost Android tablets. But with Apple riding high
on the launch of the new third-generation iPad just prior to the start of
the second quarter, Apple is improving its position in the market. With
rumors of an "iPad mini" coming later this year, Apple could further
solidify its leadership position by competing more closely on price with
some of the recent high-profile Android entrants such as Amazon's Kindle
Fire and Google's just-introduced Nexus 7.
原来你不看电影就要饿死,憋死。 而且还是不看变形金刚就要饿死。

【在 T*******i 的大作中提到】
: 简单的类比都看不懂 还好意思说人无脑
: 不好意思 咱吵架也要挑聪明人

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 14:44:36 PDT
Adobe and Avid have reported only minor issues with their applications on
Mountain Lion, in a pair of posts on their respective websites.
The main issue with Avid's software is related to the Gatekeeper security
Avid is in the process of preparing code-signed versions of our applications
and plug-ins that are compatible with Mountain Lion. We realize that users
will temporarily wish to work with versions that are not yet signed.
Unsigned software can trigger warning messages from Gatekeeper which Avid
users can easily bypass, then proceed to install and run their software.
Avid does report a few small problems when using Pro Tools 10.2 and lower,
including a problem with Core Audio and another regarding some commands
ceasing to function.
Adobe says that there are no known issues with Adobe CS apps and Mountain
Adobe and Apple have worked closely together to test Adobe
胡搅蛮缠 泼妇行径
类比也能向你这样无限引申 那就不叫类比 叫等价

【在 w********r 的大作中提到】
: 原来你不看电影就要饿死,憋死。 而且还是不看变形金刚就要饿死。
: 真是奇葩。

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 15:40:48 PDT
Today, Apple launched OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion for $19.99 on the Mac App
Store. The latest version OS X provides a number of new features borrowed
from iOS as well as some Mac specific ones. This overview video from Apple
provides a quick look at the biggest new features.
Other sites have put together more detailed videos showing smaller changes
and a more detailed look at AirPlay mirroring.
In general, the reception has been positive amongst reviewers, especially
given the $19.99 price tag. The launch, however, has resulted in the
removal of OS X Lion from the Mac App Store. While this isn't too big a
surprise, it could leave some owners of older Macs stuck if their Mac isn't
supported by OS X Mountain Lion but were supported by OS X Lion.
The other major hiccup in today's launch was the distribution of codes for
Apple's Up To Date program. The Up To Date program offers Mountain Lion OS
X to customers free of charge if they have bought a new Mac since June 11th.
Apple seems to be aware of the issue and is working on reissuing faulty
There have been a number of OS X Mountain Lion related software updates and
news items today. If you aren't following our full RSS feed, you may have
missed the many updates on our Mac Blog today:
- Adobe and Avid Report Only Minor Issues With Mountain Lion
- Microsoft Confirms Office 2011 and 2008 Compatibility with OS X Mountain
- Create a Bootable Mountain Lion USB Key Installer
- Apple Updates iPhoto, iMovie and Aperture Alongside OS X Mountain Lion
- Apple Updates iWork with iCloud and Dictation for OS X Mountain Lion
- Apple Launches 'OS X Server' for Mountain Lion for $19.99
Tidbits offers a nice overview of tips and little details from Mountain Lion
. Macworld has posted a number of detailed looks at Mountain Lion's Safari,
Messages, and Reminders. Finally, MacRumors readers have been posting in
our Mountain Lion forum for questions and tracking issues.

【在 T*******i 的大作中提到】
: 胡搅蛮缠 泼妇行径
: 类比也能向你这样无限引申 那就不叫类比 叫等价

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 15:52:19 PDT
Macworld points out that with the launch of OS X Mountain Lion today, Apple
has seemingly removed OS X Lion from the Mac App Store. However, users can
re-download it -- and then create a Recovery USB Key -- if they have already
purchased it.
Folks who already bought Lion can in fact re-download it, if they hold down
Option when clicking on the Purchased tab. That secret shortcut makes Lion
reappear in the list.
With the Option key trick, customers who own Lion and, for whatever reason,
want to install it fresh on a compatible Mac, can do so.
Customers who never purchased Lion are out of luck as far as the App Store
goes, though the OS X Lion USB Thumb Drive is still available via the Apple
Online Store for $69.
Wed, 25 Jul 2012 19:16:18 PDT
One of the new features found in OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion is PowerNap.
PowerNap was introduced at WWDC 2012 and allows your Mac to continue to
perform tasks such as receiving email and updating software even when it's
Apple lists the full capabilities in this Knowledge Base document.
Capabilities include getting new Mail, syncing Calendar, Contact and
Reminder changes, and more. When plugged into power, your Mac can download
software updates and make backups with Time Capsule.
Apple only supports PowerNap on 2011 MacBook Airs and beyond as well as the
2012 Retina MacBook Pro. The capability should move over to more of Apple'
s laptops as Apple makes a full transition to SSD. Built-in flash storage
is listed as one of the requirements of the technology. Apple just released
a firmware update that enables this functionality in the 2011 MacBook Airs,
while support for the Retina MacBook Pro is said to be "coming soon".
Your logic fails miserably. If 4 is much worse than 1-3, one would expect to
see plenty of complains, even with a low expectation.

【在 w********r 的大作中提到】
: 很多人法帖说变形金刚系列怎么怎么烂。
: 那你为啥要花钱去看呢? 看了1觉得烂, 掏钱去看2。 看完又觉得2烂,掏钱去看3。
: 之后还觉得烂,掏钱看了4。 现在发帖骂4的, 100%还回去掏钱看5。
: 哈哈哈哈哈。

你完全无视我的第二句话 看来吵架是你擅长的 你赢了好吧 我不跟你说了

【在 w********r 的大作中提到】
: 你竟是电影界精神病的典型。
: 自己理屈词穷了,自虐狂还不承认自己精神病。


【在 T*******i 的大作中提到】
: 你完全无视我的第二句话 看来吵架是你擅长的 你赢了好吧 我不跟你说了