如果在店里买SE sprint版付全价而不是contract价的话# Apple - 家有苹果
1 楼
接到TSC XM1041的RFE,成心请教如何应对。
申请: EB1B
- phd
- major: CS
- pubications: 20 (all in English, most international conference papers)
- citations: 400
- review: 13 times, totally around 60 papers. Mostly for conferences.
- media report: one MSNBC, two textbooks.
- award: 1 best paper award from an international conference, 2 contract
- patents: 1 issued, two pending
- reference letters: 5
claimed 5 条(publication, contribution, review, award, media). The RFE 只承
认 publications and review. 需
申请: EB1B
- phd
- major: CS
- pubications: 20 (all in English, most international conference papers)
- citations: 400
- review: 13 times, totally around 60 papers. Mostly for conferences.
- media report: one MSNBC, two textbooks.
- award: 1 best paper award from an international conference, 2 contract
- patents: 1 issued, two pending
- reference letters: 5
claimed 5 条(publication, contribution, review, award, media). The RFE 只承
认 publications and review. 需