Botticelli, Sandro: The Birth of Venus# Arts - 艺术殿堂
1 楼
Among the Florentine artists of the second half of the
fifteenth century who strove for a solution to this question
was the painter Sandro Botticelli (1446-1510). One of his
most famous pictures represents not a Christian legend but a
classical myth - the birth of Venus.
The classical poets had been known all through the Middle
Ages, but only at the time of the Renaissance, when the
Italians tried so passionately to recapture the former glory
of Rome, did the classical myths become popular among
fifteenth century who strove for a solution to this question
was the painter Sandro Botticelli (1446-1510). One of his
most famous pictures represents not a Christian legend but a
classical myth - the birth of Venus.
The classical poets had been known all through the Middle
Ages, but only at the time of the Renaissance, when the
Italians tried so passionately to recapture the former glory
of Rome, did the classical myths become popular among