不是偏见,我建议所有画油画的,小心点没有坏处,这种毒性是满满累积的,可以通过 皮肤渗透的,所以有人画画戴手套,现在还有一种油画专用的barrier cream,手霜一 样的东西,画画前涂到手上,跟手套同样的作用。 节选两段文章你看看,一段中文,一段英文的: =============================== 5. 其他油媒精劑 要特別注意的是 松節油 石油精 及 催乾劑 它們屬於有機溶劑 應該盡量避免在密閉空間使用 萬一有頭痛 頭昏 刺激 作嘔 嘔吐 窒息等症狀 應該立即到通風良好的地方 一般催乾劑中含有二氧化鉛 應避免接觸 並保持良好作畫習慣 上述等等物品 不使用的時候 應該保持密封 對較為敏感的人也應避免觸摸或戴上防護 裝備如手套等 ================================ Turpentine and Substitutes By Michael McCann, Ph.D., C.I.H. Turpentine is the classic solvent used by artists in oil painting and for clean-up. There are two basic types of turpentine: gum turpentine, distilled from the sap of pine trees; and wood turpentine, distilled from the pine wood. While wood turpentine is more hazardous than gum turpentine, both types are highly toxic by inhalation and skin absorption. Acute health effects include eye, nose, and throat irritation, narcosis (headaches, dizziness, nausea, confusion, rapid pulse), and at high levels, difficulty in breathing, kidney and bladder damage, convulsions, and possibly death. Chronic health effects include skin irritation and allergies, kidney and bladder damage, and nervous system damage. I have seen many cases of allergic reactions and several cases of severe kidney damage in artists using turpentine. As a result, I recommend substituting safer solvents for turpentine. The general turpentine substitute is mineral spirits (paint thinner, turpenoid, Varsol, Stoddard Solvent). Standard mineral spirits can contain about 15-20% aromatic hydrocarbons, giving mineral spirits their distinctive odor. The aromatic hydrocarbons are also the most toxic component. Acute health effects include eye, nose and throat irritation, and at high levels, dizziness, lightheadness, nausea, etc. Chronic health effects include skin irritation (but not allergies), and brain damage from long-term exposure to large amounts. Mineral spirits are not absorbed through the skin. In general , mineral spirits are less toxic than turpentine. An even safer substitute are odorless (or deodorized) mineral spirits or paint thinner. The more toxic aromatic hydrocarbons have been reduced or removed, hence the milder odor. Since turpentine evaporates more quickly than mineral spirits, hazardous, high concentrations are achieved more quickly with turpentine than with mineral spirits. Turpentine is also more flammable than mineral spirits. Turpentine has a flash point of 95 F, meaning that enough vapors can form at this temperature to catch fire if a source of ignition is present. Mineral spirits, on the other hand, have a flash point over 100 F. In conclusion, mineral spirits (especially the odorless type) are preferred over turpentine because of lower toxicity, lower volatility, and lower flammability.