苏珊米勒2012年4月摩羯运势 (tipsy译)
苏珊米勒2012年4月摩羯运势 (tipsy译)# astrology - 星座物语
Demand data numbers are low because demand data numbers only include
adjudicated cases. USCIS goes through pre-adjudication, review and finally
adjudicate the cases. The demand data will only show the applicants which
are already adjudicated (sent all their documents to USCIS, FP done,
Medicals done, have undergone security clearance, background checks have
been completed, RFEs have been responded to etc. etc.). Basically, those
applicants are the one who are just ready to be assigned a visa number and
given green card.
Typically, it takes on average 4-6 months for USCIS to adjudicate the cases.
If for some reason, the applicant gets an RFE or there is some problem with
security clearance, than expect it to be even longer than that. For an
example, a person who has sent the application to USCIS in June 2011 will be
expected to get adjudicated in December 2011 if everything goes smooth. If
that person is adjudicated than he will show up in the demand data.
Now, we know that there will be many people (probably in thousands) who
filed their applications in October, November and December 2011 and sent it
to USCIS. These people will not show up in the demand data because they are
not adjudicated yet and it simply means that even though they may have sent
all their documents, USCIS is still working on their applications.
In February, when March VB will come out, it will be about 5 months for
people who filed in October and the demand data released for March VB should
show us a higher demand provided the demand destruction is not huge. Demand
Data released in March for April VB should show us even higher demand again
provided the demand destruction is not huge.
Now, the demand destruction can be due to multiple things. People changing
jobs and filing the PERM again (not porting but starting the entire process
again), people getting laid off and going back home, people abandoning their
GC process because of frustration, people going back home due to better
opportunities, multiple PERMs like husband and wife both have PERMs filed,
people updating to EB1, people getting married to EB2ROW candidates, GC
holders, US citizens etc. No body knows what is the demand destruction right
Demand is low in the demand data as expected. I think demand data for next
month and the month after will give us a clear picture. Also I-485 inventory
once released will make it even clearer. In my opinion, this month's VB
movement will be at Mr. CO's discretion and if the demand destruction is not
huge than retrogression is imminent from next VB. If the demand destruction
is moderate than the dates may stall for the rest of the FY2012 starting
from next few months. Only if the demand destruction is of mammoth size,
than the dates will continue to move forward. I hope the third scenario is
需要签一个lease back的contract?这个协议都需要规定什么呢?
苏珊米勒2012年4月摩羯运势 (tipsy译)
这个月可能会带来非常浪漫诗意的一段时光,当它降临的时候,它也许是你见过最美好的时光。现在你有可能会遇见你的一生之爱 -- 拥有让你心跳停止的邂逅,让你的生命从此改变。这是因为今年木星罕见的造访,强有力的新月将它的魔力打开。4月底会是神圣的,从4月21号的新月开始。在此以前,你将需要见一些人 去一些地方,这些通常跟你的事业和家庭有关。
过去的几个月对你来说很不易,因为水星和火星都在逆行,但是这些都会好转。水星和火星都会苏醒,恢复顺行,让你的生命重新前进。火星乃能量之星,主管摩羯的家庭状况,所以如果你希望完成房屋的买卖 搬迁 修葺 或开始房屋的翻新或室内装潢项目,一旦火星在4月13号恢复顺行,你就能有机会做你真心想做的改善。
火星从1月23号开始逆行,所以你也许需要回头想想那个日期前后的日子,看看你能不能回想起有什么关于家宅的计划从那时起被延误 逆转 耽搁 或者搁浅了。现在你将看到家宅计划从4月13号开始有所进展。即使你说没有什么家宅计划被耽误了,开始为你的家宅计划描绘蓝图和设立时间表也是很明智的。 上个月的新月(3月22号)仍人强劲有力,能在未来几周内帮助你。另外,当机会来临的时候(由于天王星跟上个月的新月很贴近),可能它会来得很突然 -- 做好准备。
火星不仅主管你的家宅(4宫),由于它现在所处的位置,这个月它还管你的9宫。火星将让你旅行和看到在念大学或研究生的教育计划上的进展。这些领域都应该比前几周要做的好,能看见显著的进展 -- 比你在2012年以来看见的进步都要大。9宫还掌管政府职能,比如法庭,所以某个法律事宜将不再拖延,这种事宜还涵盖诸如申请公民 绿卡 签证 或外国护照这样的事情。从各个方面来看,事情都很快会一天比一天好转。
同样让人松口气的是,水星这个让你在合同和协议方面经历额外延迟的小鬼也将在4月4号开始顺行。如果你有技术问题,尤其是关于计算机 电器 和其他有转动零件的机器,那都是因为水逆。4月4号以后你可以签署合同,但是我建议你别这么做。我希望火星也能顺行(4月13号),我还希望你等到4月15号日土相冲之后。我待会儿会讲讲4月15号这个日子,你先记着就是了。签署合同,我建议4月21-23号。
你的事业会在4月6号天秤17度的满月时分带来新闻,加减4天。这个满月会点亮你的10宫(职业名声 荣誉 威望),很明显,有什么重要的事情会达到终结。如果你在面试一个新职位,那么你会听到是否被录取的消息,希望答案为“是”。还有别的可能性。你的星盘的这个部分被强调的时候,你的名声可能会提高不少。比如,你可能得到精彩的曝光,诸如被重要的电视节目邀请 或得到一个有名的奖项之类。如果你身处竞争之中,你可能获胜。你可能会被邀请在一个会议上做基调演讲,在一场比赛中担任评委,或者加入你的公司的高层领导团队。满月作用于你的方式很多很多。
这次满月涵盖广泛,会在多个角度推动你,从家庭到客户,从朋友到浪漫伴侣。虽然你身边的人希望在10月初获得你的全部关注,你需要把目光集中在事业上。记住我说的是10月“初”。冥王星将是最显著的影响,但是他在4月6号满月左右很诡异,暗示那时有个权威人士不好对付,你可能会反应过激 -- 最好柔软一点。另外的可能是你也许要完成或修正一个工作上的重要项目,或者填写一些重要的文档。
现在我回头说说4月15号星期天的事情。你可能会早一点在4月13号星期五 或者晚点在4月16号星期一感受到这个影响。土星是你的守护星,所以你可能会比大部分人对付得更好,但是,我仍然觉得这会是一个艰难的 有时让人沮丧的影响。土星将在你的事业领域,太阳将在你的家庭领域,所以这两个方面都会亮了,都会争夺你的注意力。运行较慢的星球会赢,所以土星胜。看起来在你的职业领域有人会很挑剔,不容易取悦。你现在已经比较善于对付这种人了。如果有个事业上的机会看起来高不可攀,别着急。不管发生什么,随他去 -- 你有非常神圣的东西等着你呢,没必要把精力花费在焦虑上。我不是说必然有什么不好的事件发生,但是那是个沉重的日子,我希望你能警惕。
听起来也许奇怪,因为金星正穿过你的工作日领域,你还有可能会在办公室找到爱情。如果你说“那不可能”,那么他也可能是个来到你的公司的供应商或高管,或者是刚被录用的新人。这个人看起来旅行很多,或者从事通信 / 计算机 / 营销 / 公关 / 销售 / 运输 / 交通行业或其他相关行业。也可能这个人不是你在办公室遇见的,而是在健身房或运动比赛遇见的。
为什么这段时间只延续到5月13号呢?5月15号,留一天的余地,金星将开始逆行,直到6月27号。金星主管爱情和美,所以我希望你尽量在金星逆行前第一次见面。今年我们深受逆行之苦 -- 逆行比平时多得多 -- 也就是说这一年我们要小心在雨滴之间穿行。因为金星主管外表之美,金逆的时候要避免美容手术以及对发型或外表的其他部分做大的改变(男人也做这些事,所以两性都包括在内)。你可以做日常的打理和修整,但是别在金逆的时候做昂贵的重大的外貌改变。金星逆行的时候,她在睡觉,你不会喜欢最后的结果的。
如果你的生日在12月23号左右4天,你非常有可能看到成功!这也同样适用于出生盘上有行星在金牛 处女 摩羯 双鱼 巨蟹 或天蝎 2度的人。
说实话,我觉得每个摩羯都有值得庆祝的事情!虽然这个时间段很短,但是它非常强大。如果你是单身,那么你只需要一个人 -- 一个对的人!如果你已婚或有伴,这些影响也会帮助你,因为它们会保证你们有更多的时间在一起。如果你想生宝宝,可能将很快就怀孕,因为4月21号的新月将敦促你考虑建立家庭,或者把家做得更大。亲爱的小羯羯们,这是让人兴奋的时光!
******** 总结
火星自从2011年11月开始就在你的学习和海外旅游宫,它将一直待到7月初 -- 这个趋势特别长。幸运的你,火星将在4月1号恢复顺行,同时水星(自从3月中旬开始就逆行)将在4月4号恢复顺行。因为这些行星不再逆行变得越来越强劲,你将不会再遇到过去几周或几个月里遇见的延迟。旅行将可能会很成功,不管是因公还是因私。如果你打算今年晚些时候去上大学或研究生,你将很幸运 -- 事情从现在开始将变得容易。申请公民 护照 签证或绿卡,也将变得更顺利。
4月13号火星顺行之后家庭和房产事务会重振旗鼓.不管你曾经多么进展艰难,现在计划终于开始落实了。事业上浮现的机会也可能让你考虑搬家 -- 看看究竟会发生什么吧。如果低利率让你曾经考虑重新融资你的按揭(不需要拿出更多的资金),这个月适合跟银行谈判。要在火星顺行(4月13号)以后再谈。但是别行动太快,因为你需要避免另一个麻烦的日子,4月15号,这天土星冲太阳。土星是你的守护星,太阳代表权威人士 -- 在4月15号你会跟一个有权之人无法达成共识,所以你要低调行事。
如果你有伴侣,你也不会被撇下,因为生活将呈现新的光彩。如果你感觉跟你的伴侣的生活有点无趣有点循规蹈矩,这些现在都会改变 -- 计划一段旅行,享受一点快乐。你的旅行宫,无论远近,将象弹球机一样光彩夺目。都说你是所有星座中最有事业野心的那个,但是如果你想也拥有丰富满意的私人生活,你需要拿些时间来离开工作享受星空希望你能体验到的爱情。在4月底5月初这么做吧,你会看到这结果将改变你的生活。
******** 重要日子
最浪漫的日子:4月3,4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 17, 21-23 (5星级), 26-30. 月底(4月21号开始)会带给你最好的日子。
如果你必须买 卖 租 选家具 搞修理 -- 在4月22-23号去问估价和看选项,会得到不错的回答。
This is the best explanation ever.
当然要签个contract,条例上你找你个buyer agent,看他有什么模板,做为你买房合同
Capricorn Horoscope for April 2012
By Susan Miller
This month could bring on a very lyrical, romantic phase, and when it
happens, it could be the best you've ever seen. It is now possible to meet
the love of your life - to have that heart stopping, life changing meeting,
promised to you this year from a rare visit of Jupiter and unlocked by a
very powerful new moon. Late April will be simply divine, starting with the
new moon April 21. Prior to that moment, you will have people to see and
places to go, and most of those meetings will center on your career and home
-related plans.
The past few months have been trying on you because both Mercury and Mars
have been retrograde, but all that will change for the better. Both Mercury
and Mars will awaken now, move direct, and start your life on fast-forward
again. Mars, the energy planet, rules Capricorn's home situation, so if you'
ve hoped to complete a sale or purchase of a house, move, make repairs, or
launch a renovation or interior design project, you will get your chance to
do any improvements your heart desires once Mars moves direct April 13.
Mars has been retrograde since January 23, so you may want to think back to
the days that surrounded that date to see if you can recall any home-related
plan that was delayed, reversed, put on hold, brought a setback, or that
has been stuck in limbo ever since. Now you will see domestic plans progress
, starting from April 13. Even if you say no domestic plan was delayed, you
still would be wise to start to blueprint your domestic plans now and build
a timetable. The new moon last month (March 22) will still be strong enough
to help you in the weeks to come. Also, when opportunity comes up (due to
Uranus' close orbit to last month's new moon), it is likely to come up
suddenly - be ready.
Mars not only has dominion over your home (fourth house), but this month,
due to its current tour, your ninth house, too. Mars will now allow you to
travel and to see progress in an educational plan you might have for college
or graduate school. All these areas should fare better for you than they
have in past weeks and show impressive progress - more than any you've seen
so far in 2012. The ninth house deals also with government functions, such
as the courts, so a legal matter will not languish anymore, and also such
matters as citizenship, including any effort you may have made to get a
green card, visa, or foreign passport. On all fronts, things will get better
quickly, day by day.
It is also a relief that Mercury, that little gremlin that has caused you
additional delays in regard to contracts and agreements, will go forward too
, on April 4. If you had technical problems - especially with computers,
appliances, and other machines with moving parts - Mercury retrograde was
the problem. You will be able to sign contracts after April 4, but I would
not recommend that you do. I would like Mars moving direct too, April 13,
and I would also like you wait until the opposition of Saturn to the Sun on
April 15. I will get to this date, April 15, in a minute, so hold that
thought. To sign contracts, I recommend April 21-23.
Your career will bring news at the full moon on April 6, in Libra, 17
degrees, within four days of this date. This full moon will light your tenth
house of career fame, honors, and prestige, and clearly, something
important will be coming to culmination. If you have been interviewing for a
new position, this would be when you'd get the answer about whether you got
the job, and hopefully, it will be yes. There are other possibilities, too.
This part of your chart, when accented (as it is now), can elevate your
reputation quite a bit. For example, you may get excellent publicity, say,
if you are invited on an important TV show, or you may win a prestigious
award. If you are in a competition, you may win. You may be asked to give a
keynote speech at a convention, be asked to be a judge a contest, or be
chosen for admittance into a very select management team of your company.
There are lots of ways this full moon may work out for you.
This full moon has a lot of aspects pushing at you in different directions,
from family to your clients, from friends to your romantic partner. Even
though people around you will want your full attention in early October,
keep your eye on your career. Keep in mind I said EARLY October. Pluto will
be the most prominent planet involved, but he will be cranky near that full
moon April 6, suggesting an authority figure may be difficult to deal with
at this time, and you may be tempted to overreact. A soft touch will work
best. It's alternatively possible you may have to fix or finish up a high
profile work-related project or that you will need to file certain vital
Now I will return to the matter of April 15, a date that will fall on a
Sunday. You may feel this aspect sooner, on Friday, April 13, or a day later
, on Monday, April 16. Saturn is your ruler, so you do tend to deal with
these aspects better than most, but still, I feel this may be an arduous,
sometimes depressing aspect. Saturn will be in your career sector, and the
Sun, in your home sector, so both areas will be lit up, and both vying for
your attention again. The slower moving planet wins out by sheer staying
power, so that's Saturn. Someone may be critical or difficult to please
again and appears to be based in the career part of your life. By now you
are getting good at dealing with people like this. If a career opportunity
seems out of reach, don't worry. Whatever happens, let it go - you have
something so divine coming up, it's not worth using up your energy worrying
about. I am not saying anything adverse will necessarily come up, but it is
a weighty day, so I just want you to keep your guard up.
After this, the entire tenor of the month changes and becomes quite glorious
! The Sun will move into fellow earth sign Taurus, and suddenly Earth seems
like a very friendly place indeed.
April 21 will bring the best, most romantic new moon of the year, and it may
be the best of the decade. It falls in fellow earth sign Taurus, 2 degrees,
in your house of true love. You will have a tiny window of time to
circulate if you are single and looking for love. The period from April 21
to May 13 will be so strong and potent for emotional bliss, it will be
remarkable. This new moon will send a magnificent, friendly beam to Pluto in
Capricorn and Mars in Virgo, forming a golden triangle of exceptional
harmony and opportunity.
On top of that, Jupiter is standing by in your romantic love sector, and
Neptune, now in Pisces, will also send a silvery beam of glamour to this new
moon as his gift to you. Travel to any destination would be divine now, so
if you can take a vacation, or even a short overnight nearby with the one
you love, you will encounter a memorable time. If you get invited to a party
, you must go to this one! Your most romantic weekend will be April 21-22.
As odd as this may sound, with Venus now in your workaday sector, you may
find love in the workplace, too. If you say, "That never happens," it could
be with a supplier or management VIP who comes to your firm one day, or it
may be a new person who was recently hired. This person seems to travel a
lot or be involved in communications / computers / marketing / PR / sales /
shipping / transportation industry or one of those related fields. Or, it
may be someone you meet not at work, but at a fitness facility or sporting
Why does this period extend only to May 13? On May 15, leaving one day's
space, Venus will retrograde until June 27. Venus rules love and beauty, so
I want you to work hard to have that first meeting before Venus moves
backward. This year we are being hammered with many retrogrades - many more
than usual - so it's a year we have to step between the raindrops, so to
speak. Because Venus is all about good looks, avoid plastic surgery and
radical changes in your hairstyle and other parts of your appearance when
Venus goes retrograde (men do these things too, so both sexes are included
here.) You can do normal routine grooming, get trims and so forth, but do no
expensive, big changes in appearance when Venus is out of phase. When Venus
is retrograde, she sleeps, and you may not like the results.
You will be outstandingly creative after the new moon April 21 appears (plus
two weeks), as your imagination will be lit with 100,000 watts of light by
Neptune at the time of this new moon. If you can set aside time to
brainstorm for new ideas for your project over April 22, a Sunday, you will
likely love the new inspirations you develop! Mercury will conjoin Uranus
that day too, a sure sign of genius in the making!
If your birthday falls on December 23, or within four days of this date, you
will have an outstanding chance of seeing success! The same is true if you
have your natal chart and know that you have natal planets at 2 degrees of
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, or Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio.
Honestly, though, I feel every Capricorn will have something to celebrate!
Even though this portal of time is narrow, it is very potent. If you are
single, all it takes is one person - the right person! If you are married or
attached, these aspects will help you too, for they will see to it that you
have much more time together. If you hope for a baby, conception may occur
very soon, for this new moon April 21 will urge you to think about having a
family or expanding one you have now. It's an exciting time, dear Capricorn!
The past five years have brought you a great deal of change, but you seem to
be settling into your new and improved lifestyle now and adjusting to the
massive shifts that the eclipses of 2009-2011 have wrought. One of the main
areas of concern has been your career, and the full moon April 6 will bring
a professional matter to closure within four days of this date. Pluto in
Capricorn will likely make you and an authority figure somewhat edgy at this
time, so one piece of news may not please you. Rather than be tempted to
flare up and grab a hammer to pound a gnat, choose a gentle touch instead.
The April 6 full moon is due to be an important moment for your career, so
see what comes up.
Mars has been in your study and overseas travel sector since November 2011,
and will remain there until early July - this is an unusually long trend.
Lucky you, Mars will go direct on April 13, along with Mercury (out of phase
since mid-March) on April 4. With these planets now growing stronger
because they are no longer retrograde, you won't have the delays you've had
to deal with in past weeks and months. Travel, for business or personal
reasons, will have a great chance for success. If you are preparing to
attend graduate school or college in the semester later this year, you'll be
in luck - things will go easier from now on. Citizenship matters, like
attaining a passport, visa, or green card, will also go better.
Those in the media industry will also find that completing complex stories
will become easier, without so many glitches, and if you hope to break into
publishing or broadcasting, the green light will appear in the second half
of April.
Home and real estate matters should perk up just after Mars goes direct
April 13. No matter how hard it has been for you to see progress, finally,
plans will start to fall into place. Emerging opportunities in your career
may also cause you to think about making a relocation - see what comes up.
If low interest rates have had you thinking of refinancing your mortgage (
without the need to take capital out), this would be a good month to have
talks with your banker. Do so AFTER Mars goes direct, April 13. Don't act
too fast, however, as you will need to avoid another troublesome day, April
15, when Saturn will oppose the Sun. Saturn is your ruler, and the Sun
represents authority figures - on April 15 you will encounter a disconnect
between you and a person in power, so lie low.
Romantically, your outlook is sensational, and you have the very best
outlook of all twelve signs. The new moon of April 21 in Taurus will
brighten your love sector, making this moment the most important of 2012 for
single Capricorns to meet the person for you. In the weeks that follow from
April 21 to the first part of May, your social interactions should be
exciting. If meeting someone new is your wish, your angels are listening.
If you are attached, you will not be left out, for life will take on a new
luster and glow. If you feel life with your partner has become a bit dull
and predictable, all that can change now - plan a trip, have some fun. Your
travel sectors, both for trips near and far, will be lit up brilliantly like
pinball machines. You are considered the most professionally ambitious of
all signs, but if you are to have a rich and satisfying private life too,
you need to take time away from work to enjoy the love the universe wants
you to experience. Do so in late April and early May, and you could see life
-changing results.
Dates to Note for Capricorn:
Most romantic evenings: April 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 17, 21-23 (five-star days)
, and 26-30. The end of the month will bring your very best days, from April
21 onward.
Mercury goes direct April 4, no more delays!
Mars will go direct too, April 13, and all international matters, including
those involving a passport or green card, will go well. If a trip has been
delayed, or a legal matter has languished, that too should speed up. Real
estate matters will also go better by next month.
April 15 might be a difficult day, when your ruler, Saturn will oppose the
Sun. This will be a meeting of fire and ice. Give April 15 a plus or minus
one day of influence.
The best romantic new moon of the year occurs on April 21, bringing on two
weeks of exceptional opportunity to find the one person for you.
A home matter may suddenly bring an ideal design option or fabulous family
support April 8, thanks to Venus and Uranus, in Aries, in perfect sync.
If you have to buy, sell, rent, choose furniture, make repairs - go looking
for estimates and options on April 22 and 23, for great answers will come up.
A career matter will bring news and a final answer April 6, plus or minus
four days.
Set aside time to brainstorm on a creative idea over the weekend of April 21
-22 and also April 28-29, thanks to amazing help from Neptune.
A home matter may get a big boost on April 23.
Travel would also be quite special over April 21-23, and in the days that
follow, too!
April 27-29 will be great days for a meeting with a VIP! If you need to
present a creative idea with the hopes of approval or funding, those are
your days.
a contract with appropriate security deposit (roughly the deposit = one
month mortgage payment) is a must
那么请问那几天的租金如何算比较合适?如果按mortgage payment + property tax

好的时光。现在你有可能会遇见你的一生之爱 -- 拥有让你心跳停止的邂逅,让你的生
是神圣的,从4月21号的新月开始。在此以前,你将需要见一些人 去一些地方,这些通
状况,所以如果你希望完成房屋的买卖 搬迁 修葺 或开始房屋的翻新或室内装潢项目
不能回想起有什么关于家宅的计划从那时起被延误 逆转 耽搁 或者搁浅了。现在你将
你的家宅计划描绘蓝图和设立时间表也是很明智的。 上个月的新月(3月22号)仍人强
月很贴近),可能它会来得很突然 -- 做好准备。
要做的好,能看见显著的进展 -- 比你在2012年以来看见的进步都要大。9宫还掌管政
府职能,比如法庭,所以某个法律事宜将不再拖延,这种事宜还涵盖诸如申请公民 绿
卡 签证 或外国护照这样的事情。从各个方面来看,事情都很快会一天比一天好转。
月4号开始顺行。如果你有技术问题,尤其是关于计算机 电器 和其他有转动零件的机
10宫(职业名声 荣誉 威望),很明显,有什么重要的事情会达到终结。如果你在面试
的曝光,诸如被重要的电视节目邀请 或得到一个有名的奖项之类。如果你身处竞争之
或者加入你的公司的高层领导团队。满月作用于你的�: 绞胶芏嗪芏唷�
有个权威人士不好对付,你可能会反应过激 -- 最好柔软一点。另外的可能是你也许要

【在 t***y 的大作中提到】
: 苏珊米勒2012年4月摩羯运势 (tipsy译)
: ******正文
: 这个月可能会带来非常浪漫诗意的一段时光,当它降临的时候,它也许是你见过最美好的时光。现在你有可能会遇见你的一生之爱 -- 拥有让你心跳停止的邂逅,让你的生命从此改变。这是因为今年木星罕见的造访,强有力的新月将它的魔力打开。4月底会是神圣的,从4月21号的新月开始。在此以前,你将需要见一些人 去一些地方,这些通常跟你的事业和家庭有关。
: 过去的几个月对你来说很不易,因为水星和火星都在逆行,但是这些都会好转。水星和火星都会苏醒,恢复顺行,让你的生命重新前进。火星乃能量之星,主管摩羯的家庭状况,所以如果你希望完成房屋的买卖 搬迁 修葺 或开始房屋的翻新或室内装潢项目,一旦火星在4月13号恢复顺行,你就能有机会做你真心想做的改善。
: 火星从1月23号开始逆行,所以你也许需要回头想想那个日期前后的日子,看看你能不能回想起有什么关于家宅的计划从那时起被延误 逆转 耽搁 或者搁浅了。现在你将看到家宅计划从4月13号开始有所进展。即使你说没有什么家宅计划被耽误了,开始为你的家宅计划描绘蓝图和设立时间表也是很明智的。 上个月的新月(3月22号)仍人强劲有力,能在未来几周内帮助你。另外,当机会来临的时候(由于天王星跟上个月的新月很贴近),可能它会来得很突然 -- 做好准备。
: 火星不仅主管你的家宅(4宫),由于它现在所处的位置,这个月它还管你的9宫。火星将让你旅行和看到在念大学或研究生的教育计划上的进展。这些领域都应该比前几周要做的好,能看见显著的进展 -- 比你在2012年以来看见的进步都要大。9宫还掌管政府职能,比如法庭,所以某个法律事宜将不再拖延,这种事宜还涵盖诸如申请公民 绿卡 签证 或外国护照这样的事情。从各个方面来看,事情都很快会一天比一天好转。
: 同样让人松口气的是,水星这个让你在合同和协议方面经历额外延迟的小鬼也将在4月4号开始顺行。如果你有技术问题,尤其是关于计算机 电器 和其他有转动零件的机器,那都是因为水逆。4月4号以后你可以签署合同,但是我建议你别这么做。我希望火星也能顺行(4月13号),我还希望你等到4月15号日土相冲之后。我待会儿会讲讲4月15号这个日子,你先记着就是了。签署合同,我建议4月21-23号。
: 你的事业会在4月6号天秤17度的满月时分带来新闻,加减4天。这个满月会点亮你的10宫(职业名声 荣誉 威望),很明显,有什么重要的事情会达到终结。如果你在面试一个新职位,那么你会听到是否被录取的消息,希望答案为“是”。还有别的可能性。你的星盘的这个部分被强调的时候,你的名声可能会提高不少。比如,你可能得到精彩的曝光,诸如被重要的电视节目邀请 或得到一个有名的奖项之类。如果你身处竞争之中,你可能获胜。你可能会被邀请在一个会议上做基调演讲,在一场比赛中担任评委,或者加入你的公司的高层领导团队。满月作用于你的方式很多很多。
: 这次满月涵盖广泛,会在多个角度推动你,从家庭到客户,从朋友到浪漫伴侣。虽然你身边的人希望在10月初获得你的全部关注,你需要把目光集中在事业上。记住我说的是10月“初”。冥王星将是最显著的影响,但是他在4月6号满月左右很诡异,暗示那时有个权威人士不好对付,你可能会反应过激 -- 最好柔软一点。另外的可能是你也许要完成或修正一个工作上的重要项目,或者填写一些重要的文档。
: 现在我回头说说4月15号星期天的事情。你可能会早一点在4月13号星期五 或者晚点在4月16号星期一感受到这个影响。土星是你的守护星,所以你可能会比大部分人对付得更好,但是,我仍然觉得这会是一个艰难的 有时让人沮丧的影响。土星将在你的事业领域,太阳将在你的家庭领域,所以这两个方面都会亮了,都会争夺你的注意力。运行较慢的星球会赢,所以土星胜。看起来在你的职业领域有人会很挑剔,不容易取悦。你现在已经比较善于对付这种人了。如果有个事业上的机会看起来高不可攀,别着急。不管发生什么,随他去 -- 你有非常神圣的东西等着你呢,没必要把精力花费在焦虑上。我不是说必然有什么不好的事件发生,但是那是个沉重的日子,我希望你能警惕。

good English.


【在 l*******o 的大作中提到】
: 转来的。正确与否,我也不知道。概不负责啊。
: Demand data numbers are low because demand data numbers only include
: adjudicated cases. USCIS goes through pre-adjudication, review and finally
: adjudicate the cases. The demand data will only show the applicants which
: are already adjudicated (sent all their documents to USCIS, FP done,
: Medicals done, have undergone security clearance, background checks have
: been completed, RFEs have been responded to etc. etc.). Basically, those
: applicants are the one who are just ready to be assigned a visa number and
: given green card.
: Typically, it takes on average 4-6 months for USCIS to adjudicate the cases.



【在 l*******o 的大作中提到】
: 转来的。正确与否,我也不知道。概不负责啊。
: Demand data numbers are low because demand data numbers only include
: adjudicated cases. USCIS goes through pre-adjudication, review and finally
: adjudicate the cases. The demand data will only show the applicants which
: are already adjudicated (sent all their documents to USCIS, FP done,
: Medicals done, have undergone security clearance, background checks have
: been completed, RFEs have been responded to etc. etc.). Basically, those
: applicants are the one who are just ready to be assigned a visa number and
: given green card.
: Typically, it takes on average 4-6 months for USCIS to adjudicate the cases.

发信人: jwe (Mike), 信区: EB23
标 题: Re: Demand data out!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 6 12:59:49 2012, 美东)
This demand data is garbage and mean NOTHING! See NIU's discussion about
meaning of Monthly Demand Data with Mr. O here
发信人: jwe (Mike), 信区: EB23
标 题: Re: demand data根本没有什么用的。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 6 13:20:26 2012, 美东)
本进不了那个demand data的统计。
file 485 -> 几个月后pre-adjudicated(变成Demand)->3-4年后变绿
file 485 -> 几个月后pre-adjudicated(变成Demand)->1-2天后变绿
所以07大潮前的Demand Data还有一定意义。
EB3还处于07大潮前,所以现在的Demand Data就对EB3还有点意义。

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: 其实现在的dd没有任何意义,所以和vb没有任何联系
: 全看O的预期
: 所以这次的VB什么都可能发生
: cases.



【在 a********0 的大作中提到】
: "4月21号将带来今年最美好最浪漫的新月,它也许是这10年最棒的。它位于土相金牛2
: 度,你的真爱宫。"
: 到今天,已经分开3个月,90天了。还是习惯看他的星座,尤其是看到这些话,心里刺
: 痛的难受。很想知道,到底还要多久,我才能走出来。我是太阳水瓶金星摩羯,他正好
: 相反。对于感情也一样,我怎么都难走出来。可是感觉他已经相忘红尘了。
: 是说,金摩无论太阳是不是水瓶,都比日摩金水要恋旧吗?!
: ps:对不起,不是有心来扰楼的。

thanks for the education.


【在 l*******o 的大作中提到】
: 转来的。正确与否,我也不知道。概不负责啊。
: Demand data numbers are low because demand data numbers only include
: adjudicated cases. USCIS goes through pre-adjudication, review and finally
: adjudicate the cases. The demand data will only show the applicants which
: are already adjudicated (sent all their documents to USCIS, FP done,
: Medicals done, have undergone security clearance, background checks have
: been completed, RFEs have been responded to etc. etc.). Basically, those
: applicants are the one who are just ready to be assigned a visa number and
: given green card.
: Typically, it takes on average 4-6 months for USCIS to adjudicate the cases.



【在 a********0 的大作中提到】
: "4月21号将带来今年最美好最浪漫的新月,它也许是这10年最棒的。它位于土相金牛2
: 度,你的真爱宫。"
: 到今天,已经分开3个月,90天了。还是习惯看他的星座,尤其是看到这些话,心里刺
: 痛的难受。很想知道,到底还要多久,我才能走出来。我是太阳水瓶金星摩羯,他正好
: 相反。对于感情也一样,我怎么都难走出来。可是感觉他已经相忘红尘了。
: 是说,金摩无论太阳是不是水瓶,都比日摩金水要恋旧吗?!
: ps:对不起,不是有心来扰楼的。

多好, 至少不用自己跟自己打架, 左右互搏, 前后纠结.

【在 t***y 的大作中提到】
: 摸摸。。。我太阳金星都是魔羯,的确死心眼
: 2

me too...
【在 t***y 的大作中提到】
: 摸摸。。。我太阳金星都是魔羯,的确死心眼
: 2



【在 a********0 的大作中提到】
: "4月21号将带来今年最美好最浪漫的新月,它也许是这10年最棒的。它位于土相金牛2
: 度,你的真爱宫。"
: 到今天,已经分开3个月,90天了。还是习惯看他的星座,尤其是看到这些话,心里刺
: 痛的难受。很想知道,到底还要多久,我才能走出来。我是太阳水瓶金星摩羯,他正好
: 相反。对于感情也一样,我怎么都难走出来。可是感觉他已经相忘红尘了。
: 是说,金摩无论太阳是不是水瓶,都比日摩金水要恋旧吗?!
: ps:对不起,不是有心来扰楼的。


【在 i****n 的大作中提到】
: 很准,4月是个事业月