【射手座】Susan Miller 2014年3月运势
【射手座】Susan Miller 2014年3月运势# astrology - 星座物语
来自: 457605220 2014-03-02 14:06:25
Susan Miller 2014年3月射手座运势
By Susan Miller
March will be the ideal month to tackle all your home-related plans. If you
were thinking of moving, start looking for a new space the moment March
arrives. The new moon appeared on February 28 at one minute to midnight on
the United States West Coast, and on March 1 for most others in different
time zones. That means this month will start off with lots of fresh energy
and will provide you with opportunities, many of them perfect to solve your
home-related dilemma.
It will be important to start fast, with not a moment to spare, for all new
moons are strongest when they appear, and then steadily decline in power
with each passing day until, by the time you get to March 13 or so, the new
moon will pass the baton of energy to the full moon, who will take over from
that point on. (The full moon will occur Sunday, March 16, and be
influential for approximately plus or minus four days.)
You can choose a contractor to renovate your kitchen, do extensive repairs
on the windows or roof, rent a charming cottage by the sea for a week next
summer, start to map out the new landscaping you want to do in the spring
for your yard - you'll have many options and you can decide. What makes this
new moon so special is that Neptune will enter with the new moon on her arm
, and Neptune, being the planet of art, will supply you with many artistic
options. Let out the mini-Martha Stewart in you! Go to the paint store and
collect paint chips, or the furniture or upholstery shop and come back with
fabric swatches. Your design talents are being stimulated and chances are,
you'll love the results.
I am also so excited to tell you that Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck,
will be beaming his excellent shimmering rays to this new moon. The new moon
is at 11 degrees Pisces, a water sign, and Jupiter is in another water sign
, Cancer at 11 degrees - wow, a perfect mathematical match, translating into
perfect harmony for your home project.
Jupiter's position shows you'll have the money you need to start your home-
related dream project. Jupiter will see to it that you are able to get a
mortgage, refinancing plan, or home improvement loan from the bank. Or, you
may be given money from your family to get started. Jupiter is currently
touring your eighth house of other people's money (ruling such things as
bank loans, insurance payouts, credit cards, inheritance, gifts, bonuses,
commissions, and other one-time payments and financial dealings outside of
personal salary.) Jupiter is also in Cancer, the sign of home and family.
You can't get anything better than this, dear Sagittarius! In early March,
when it comes to home, it looks like all the money you need can appear with
just a bit of effort from you. If you are in the market to sell a house /
condo / co-op apartment, it will be your best time to do so. You can close
on a house or move into one you have already chosen in early March.
Mercury stopped being retrograde as of February 28, so you can now order
expensive items and electronics for your home without fear. You can sign
papers and announce your choice of contractor. Many things will begin to
move forward now. If you can wait until on or after March 20, all the better
, as by then Mercury will have retraced all his steps to the point when he
first went retrograde, considered a significant mathematical point in
astrology. If you can't wait until March 20, that's okay - at least Mercury
is moving in the right direction!
A home-related day that deserves a big gold star is March 26 when Mercury
and your ruler, Jupiter, will work together to bring fantastic news
regarding a home-related plan. It would be an ideal day to sign papers, or
if you need to take a trip, perhaps to view real estate or see family, do it
on this day. With the moon in Aquarius, if you need to buy an electronic
item or appliance, this is the day to buy it.
One little thing concerns me in your chart. Neptune will conjoin the Sun and
new moon, so at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I want you to
protect yourself against flooding and any possible water damage. Neptune is
the mythological lord of the sea, and it appears he wants to bring the sea
with him into your house (so to speak), and this applies even if you live in
a big city and have an apartment in a high rise. You never know when the
people upstairs will overflow the bathtub or a hurricane's wind and rain
will come in your windows and ruin your beautiful parquet floor. Neptune
will remain in your home sector until January 2026 (yes, that is not a typo
- 2026), so I will be relentless on this topic until I see you did call your
broker and take care of this. I am trying to protect you!
It was time to pay my own annual home insurance premium, and I was thinking
about you, dear Sagittarius, so I figured I should follow my own advice
about having good coverage, even though I am not a Sagittarius. I called the
insurance company and received more information than I got from my broker.
Insurance companies have intricate wording in their policies, so be
absolutely sure you understand what your policy covers and what it does not
cover. (Knowing what is not covered was much more interesting as you will
find out about how tightly these policies are worded - no surprises later.)
As it turned out, I had nothing to fear concerning possible water damage or
for anything else for that matter, and I came way realizing I was covered
for lots of things I had not even thought about. I hope you get the same
news. By the way, I will never ask you to do something that I have not road-
tested myself!
Neptune is also the planet of fog and confusion, but this month he is so
beautifully angled to Jupiter at the new moon that I am not as concerned
with the possibility that Neptune would cause you to be deceived. Still, I
as your best friend and astrologer, I am obligated to say that you need to
have the very best appraiser you can find if you are buying a house, and
that you should hire a crackerjack real estate attorney to represent you,
too, if you are buying, selling, renting, or inheriting a house or apartment
. Neptune can spread his beautiful, but misleading, fog over facts, so this
month, it is absolutely worth going the extra mile to be sure you understand
every clause written into the paperwork you will sign.
Neptune is in hard angle to your Sun (90 degrees) if you were born November
27, so if you were born either five days prior to this date, on the date, or
five days after this date, you will be more prone to missing the details of
a home-related deal than other members of your sign.
If you are set with your home, and have no plans to make changes, this
gorgeous peach of a new moon February 28/March 1 can help you find options
to help your parent or someone you have always thought of as a parent. Does
your mom need you to locate a specialist for her medical concern, and to
accompany her when she goes to the doctor? Does your father need a little
help finding a new home he'd like to move into in a sunnier climate? Any
family-related question you need to solve in early March will bring answers
now - this is your best new moon of the year for home matters, dear
Your attention will switch to your career once we get within range of the
full moon, March 16, plus or minus four days. This full moon will be in
Virgo, 26 degrees, and will light your tenth house of honors, awards,
achievement, and fame. This full moon will bring to culmination much of the
fine work you've been doing and for the leadership and visionary qualities
you've demonstrated. It is likely be a time of applause and praise. You may
get a new position or promotion, fine publicity, or other type of career
victory. It's an important moment in your timeline, and if you have played
your cards right, a time of enormous professional reward.
Saturn will be on hand to send beautiful golden beams of stability to the
full moon, so after the full moon is fully over (give it four days), you
should feel more secure and proud of all you've done.
Actually, a day leading to this full moon, on March 13 (the full moon is
March 16), may work out to be quite wonderful for you, when the Sun and
Saturn will be in sync. This might result in a very profitable exploratory
meeting, interview, or presentation with a VIP. Circle it on your calendar
and use it for career purposes.
Do you want to take a little trip? The fine communication going on between
Venus in Aquarius and Uranus in Aries on March 18 may lift your spirits. Or,
if you cannot travel, you might get a text / email / letter from a friend
or news from your sister, brother, or a cousin.
Now we get to the month's second new moon, and the mood will change
dramatically. That new moon will be in Aries 10 degrees, fall in your house
of true love, and it will come arm-in-arm with Uranus. Uranus brings all
sorts of news that you'd never expect, both positive and not positive, and
you never know which way Uranus will go - that's his nature. You seem to be
looking for excitement and adventure when it comes to love, but after this
new moon arrives, and in the ten days that follows the new moon, you may get
a little bit too much excitement. Pluto will be in very hard angle to
Uranus, and because Pluto is in your second house of money, the matter that
arises may have to do with a difference of opinion over the handling of
This same house rules creativity and children. Keep your eye on a creative
project that could go off the rails and perhaps cost you more money, which
is not what you want to hear. Also keep your eye on one or all of your
children, as one may act up in a way you would not have expected. With
Uranus involved with this new moon March 30, you can't really prepare for
what will surface, because news will always be unexpected and not what you
were looking at as a possibility with Uranus. Because this is a new moon, it
will begin a trend, not end one, and as mentioned, it seems to require you
write a check. I don't see small trends, only big ones, so I can only
imagine this would be a hefty a check that you did not suppose you'd have to
Mars rules your fifth house, the place where this troublesome new moon will
arrive, and coincidentally, Mars will retrograde this month from March 1 to
May 19. This tells me that one of your friends may put in his/her
unsolicited two cents about the person you are dating (or make a judgment
about your choices of those you date), and this may grate on your nerves. It
is also possible that you volunteer in a leadership position in a club,
charity, humanitarian project, or other association and have not had an easy
time getting along with one of the committee chairmen - with Mars
retrograde you can get a second chance to mend the relationship.
Welcome to April - this new moon of March 20 will give you a preview of the
hardest month of 2014. There are two eclipses due next month, one April 15,
which will focus you on a friend (maybe the same one) and April 29, which
will be about your work projects and health. This new moon will give you
hints of what is to come. We are all in this together, so all we can do is
open the window and see what flies in.
If your birthday falls on December 2, plus or minus five days, or if you
have done your chart and know you have Sagittarius rising 10 degrees (plus
or minus five degrees), you will feel this new moon, but may find a way to
deal with it better than most. I say that because your Sun or ascendant will
be in friendly angle to the new moon, and that is a big help.
With Mars retrograde too, it's not a time to make any big decisions about
love, as Mars rules your fifth house of love. It's a good time to reflect
and think things over, and to come up with multiple ways to deal with any
dilemma that comes up. (I always feel that having only one idea is always a
dangerous thing - come up with many ideas, always, and then choose the best
one among all those you generate.)
Your home will be the subject of most of your thinking as the month opens,
thanks to a very positive new moon, February 28 / March 1, that will provide
you plenty of opportunity to upgrade your living situation during the first
half of March. You may want to move or renovate or redecorate. The
creativity you display in home-related matters will be impressive. You first
order of business, however, will be to review your home insurance, for
Neptune will conjoin this new moon, elevating the danger of water damage to
your house or apartment. (Neptune will remain your home sector until 2026,
so this is no short trend.) Fortunately, Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck,
will be friendly at the new moon, suggesting that your insurance and
mortgage broker will likely support your interests and offer good advice and
find attractive rates.
In terms of your love life, you have changes coming. Mars, the ruler of your
fifth house of true love, is about to retrograde from March 1 to May 19.
You will be ready to decide whether you want to slow down the relationship.
If you have been trying to help one of your children who may need expert
help, Mars retrograde will help you assess whether enough progress has been
made, and if not, who to see to get your child the help he needs. Couples
trying to conceive with no success so far should consult with a medical
expert now, but plan to try again for conception after Mars goes direct,
after May 19.
If you volunteer, belong to a charity or club, and are active, you may
disagree with one of the leader's comments or direction, and you may clash.
This person and you may have clashed for some time - now, with Mars
retrograde, you may get together if you can bury the hatchet. You may come
up with new ideas of how to approach coming projects. On another note, if
you are active in social media, be careful not to share too much information
Career news will have you smiling radiantly within four days of the full
moon March 16 when a deal or career interview may be clinched. A high level,
older executive behind the scenes, indicated by Saturn, seems to have
assisted your progress by speaking up about how well you've performed on
difficult projects. This VIP believes in you, and has put you on their short
list of stars-in-the-making. The position or new venture you discuss now
will have the power to raise your status in your company and also industry,
so aim toward getting closure mid-month on any professional endeavor
important to you. Mars is retrograde, as of March 1 to May 19, so if talks
drag on, it's fine - let them. You will remain on this VIP's radar. It would
be best to seal your deal or start your new position in late May. If you
can't, don't worry - you do have good aspects.
Dates to Note: SAGITTARIUS
Most romantic dates (and dates you can use for other important purposes too)
March 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 20, 21, 22, and 26.
Mars will retrograde March 1 to May 19 in Libra - NOT the time to have a
party or to join a club - wait until the end of May.
Jupiter turns direct March 6, after being retrograde since November 7. You
may get good news about money very soon. Jupiter is your ruler, so all sorts
of plans dear to you may move forward now too.
Venus will enter Aquarius on March 5 and brighten your short trips away.
Your career will bring big, hopefully wonderful news, within four days of
the full moon, March 18. You may hear you won a position you interviewed for
earlier. Saturn will be friendly, so it looks like you may get precisely
the salary you wanted too.
You may take a trip over March 26 quite spontaneously, thanks to Jupiter
working with Mercury.
March 26 is a superb day for you, as Mercury will signal your ruler, Jupiter
. Travel or make decisions about your living situation or on behalf of a
The new moon of March 30 will bring up flaws in a close romantic
relationship. Finances could be at the heart of the discussion. A new moon
sets up a trend, so think before you speak, as a rocky time may ensue.
Alternatively, this new moon may be about a child and what you hope to do to
help that child.

【在 t********5 的大作中提到】
: 坚持投一年简历,后果会怎么样?
: 俺这是个中小城市,会不会把本城市的公司都投遍了,遗臭万年。


【在 P*******e 的大作中提到】
: 不如你好好学习,准备面试一年有效果