Astronomy Picture of Day: Quaoar, a new planet?# Astronomy - 天文
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Quaoar: Large Asteroid in the Outer Solar System
Credit: Chad Trujillo & Michael Brown (Caltech)
Explanation: Asteroids almost as large as planets are still being discovered in our own
Solar System. Recently an asteroid more than half the size of Pluto was found orbiting at a
distance only a little further than the Solar System's most distant planet. The large asteroid
moves relative to background stars in the discovery images shown above taken by the
Oschin Telescope at Palomar, C
Credit: Chad Trujillo & Michael Brown (Caltech)
Explanation: Asteroids almost as large as planets are still being discovered in our own
Solar System. Recently an asteroid more than half the size of Pluto was found orbiting at a
distance only a little further than the Solar System's most distant planet. The large asteroid
moves relative to background stars in the discovery images shown above taken by the
Oschin Telescope at Palomar, C