Astronomy Picture of Day: Rotating Earth from GalileoAstronomy Picture of Day: Phobos: Doomed Moon of Mars买了个天文望远镜 :)Astronomy Picture of Day: International Space Station Expan美天文学家发现宇宙巨洞 没有银河和星星初级问题:用T-ring和T-adapter连接相机和望远镜Astronomy Picture of Day: Dark Matter Ring Modeled aroundThe Pillars of Destruction天象:9月1日晚有御夫座流星雨527s exposure star trail (thanks netscape)Astronomy Picture of Day: Venus near the Moon真正的暗面—月球鲜为人知的事实同样让人震惊(zz)Astronomy Picture of Day: the car, the hoe and the meteorit最猛烈恒星喷发 可轻易撕碎地球(zz)Hubble Observations Provide Insight into Planet BirthAstronomy Picture of Day: Dark Sky over Death Valleyppc上的星图软件Dead Zones to the RescueAstronomy Picture of Day: the Tail of Comet SWANAstronomy Picture of Day: Europa Rising