丰田dealer怎的玩圈套?# Automobile - 车轮上的传奇
一年半前做了一次维护,商家说有漏油现象,建议reseal oil cap, cost 400. 这次又
oil pan is a metal container that contains the engine oil. The oil pan
gasket seals the oil pan to the bottom of the engine. The engine has a lot
of moving parts that need to be kept lubricated by the engine oil, without
which the parts will damage each other. The oil pan and the gaskets are
located under the car and are attached to the bottom of the engine. It is
common for the gaskets to wear out and start leaking oil. You will see oil
on the ground beneath your car. If the oil is leaking, you may see an engine
oil warning light in the dashboard. If you continue to drive your car
without the proper amount of oil, you will risk severe damage to the engine.
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7

不过以后引擎爆了 只要不又去车行投诉说车行没建议让你修,然后骂车行太黑就好了

【在 w*****g 的大作中提到】
: 一年半前做了一次维护,商家说有漏油现象,建议reseal oil cap, cost 400. 这次又
: 说有漏油,又想宰客,如何反击?
: oil pan is a metal container that contains the engine oil. The oil pan
: gasket seals the oil pan to the bottom of the engine. The engine has a lot
: of moving parts that need to be kept lubricated by the engine oil, without
: which the parts will damage each other. The oil pan and the gaskets are
: located under the car and are attached to the bottom of the engine. It is
: common for the gaskets to wear out and start leaking oil. You will see oil
: on the ground beneath your car. If the oil is leaking, you may see an engine
: oil warning light in the dashboard. If you continue to drive your car

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