2 楼
EMS helicopter pilot worries; "If they knew what I knew, even the nurse and
paramedic wouldn't get on board."
The crash this morning of an emergency medical helicopter in Tennessee is
another tragic reminder of the crisis in medical aviation. Three people were
killed when a Eurocopter AS350 operated by Hospital Wing crashed near
Brownsville, Tennessee after delivering a patient in Jackson. While the
crash happened shortly before 7:00 a.m., the bulk of the flight occurred
during what is considere
paramedic wouldn't get on board."
The crash this morning of an emergency medical helicopter in Tennessee is
another tragic reminder of the crisis in medical aviation. Three people were
killed when a Eurocopter AS350 operated by Hospital Wing crashed near
Brownsville, Tennessee after delivering a patient in Jackson. While the
crash happened shortly before 7:00 a.m., the bulk of the flight occurred
during what is considere
3 楼
why deleted my poster, dude?
我仔细看了辉夜姬拍摄的高质量月图嫦娥一号首幅月球图像26号左右公布 zz sina我仔细看了嫦娥拍摄的高质量月图How to listen to the Music from ChangE?其实 (转载)帮我看看这两个是什么飞机?今年6月“嫦娥一号”将获取完整月球表面图美国将击落一枚失控卫星---深层分析:Time is Running Out真相大白了 (转载)“中国第一幅月图”如何诞生The Nerd Who Saw Too Much (转载)争论可以停止了美航飞机急救仪器全部失灵 女乘客飞行途中枉死联航(United Airlines) 的故事 (ZZ)今天 (转载)“翔凤”ARJ21中国自主知识产权的支线客机下线月球上的氦3是以什么形式储存的?zz 凤凰号成功登陆火星北极 开展90天探测任务双赢 (转载)