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如题,我的OPT预计8月中开始,然后会有一份全职的工作在非营利机构,请问, 除了
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Usually you can push the deadline for several weeks. Just tell them you need
more time. The school should understand that nobody applies for only one
place while they are on the market.
How far you can push back depends both on the school's schedule and your
situation. If the first school is your dream job and the 2nd one is a so-so
school, you might not want to push very hard. However, if it's the other way
around, I will try to get the decision of the 2nd school before making
formal commitment.
【在 f*****7 的大作中提到】
: what should I say if the first university urges me to make a decision within
: one week?
: another interview is two weeks away... how can I fiddle this ?
more time. The school should understand that nobody applies for only one
place while they are on the market.
How far you can push back depends both on the school's schedule and your
situation. If the first school is your dream job and the 2nd one is a so-so
school, you might not want to push very hard. However, if it's the other way
around, I will try to get the decision of the 2nd school before making
formal commitment.
【在 f*****7 的大作中提到】
: what should I say if the first university urges me to make a decision within
: one week?
: another interview is two weeks away... how can I fiddle this ?
8 楼
you cannot fiddle this.
another interview is two weeks doesn't mean they can make a decision
within two weeks.
you need at least three weeks to get information from the second place.
however, the first place won't wait for you for that long except that
you are extremely excellent.
【在 f*****7 的大作中提到】
: what should I say if the first university urges me to make a decision within
: one week?
: another interview is two weeks away... how can I fiddle this ?
another interview is two weeks doesn't mean they can make a decision
within two weeks.
you need at least three weeks to get information from the second place.
however, the first place won't wait for you for that long except that
you are extremely excellent.
【在 f*****7 的大作中提到】
: what should I say if the first university urges me to make a decision within
: one week?
: another interview is two weeks away... how can I fiddle this ?
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