Life likes the river passing by without sound.
Time likes the shift of dusk and dawn with silence.
Boston is so cold in these days. But the most miserable things is u can not
find some place to cry sometimes after reading this email.
I call you for the first time and the last. I dont feel it belongs to me.
This could be a letter that you were longing for, at least I supposed that.
Sometimes, I need time, environment, and mood to write a letter as I've told
you before.
Our story started fr
This is.....the author of this email thought he didn't deserve
you, started the romance but didn't want you to 'falling deep',
claimed to know 'what a girl like you wants' but never bother
giving, wouldn't promise anything, had known 'it's unfair to you'
yet still let it happen, didn't even bother checking the spelling
after writing the very letter you've been 'longing for'....
Cheer up gal why should you cry for such a man, it's already
hard enough to fight off the bitterly cold out there

【在 a*******o 的大作中提到】
: Life likes the river passing by without sound.
: Time likes the shift of dusk and dawn with silence.
: Boston is so cold in these days. But the most miserable things is u can not
: find some place to cry sometimes after reading this email.
: Dear,
: I call you for the first time and the last. I dont feel it belongs to me.
: This could be a letter that you were longing for, at least I supposed that.
: Sometimes, I need time, environment, and mood to write a letter as I've told
: you before.
: Our story started fr

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