Nature last week# Biology - 生物学
1 楼
Nature 420:591
1.Minimal standard for proteomics has been set to ensure consistence
of data.
Sex and evolution 420:664
2.Benefits of sex, particularly in a large population, has been
addressed in evolution of single-celled chlorophyte C.
3.From operon to gene clusters 420:666
Expressions of functionally related genes in prokaryotes are
regulated in the form of operon, while in eukaryotes there
are clustering of co-expressed, non-homolgous genes that
1.Minimal standard for proteomics has been set to ensure consistence
of data.
Sex and evolution 420:664
2.Benefits of sex, particularly in a large population, has been
addressed in evolution of single-celled chlorophyte C.
3.From operon to gene clusters 420:666
Expressions of functionally related genes in prokaryotes are
regulated in the form of operon, while in eukaryotes there
are clustering of co-expressed, non-homolgous genes that