Re: Please give me some encouragement
Re: Please give me some encouragement# Biology - 生物学
maybe you should do more investigation before you change lab.
Computer science is quite different from bench work. According
to my TA experience, there are good molecular biology students
who just can't catch system biology. It's an interesting field,
but you need to know what you are getting into before you make
the change. I think knowledge in programming and probability&
statistics is most important. Programming is not that hard. Anybody
can learn it, slow and fast. But you may hate it. I kno
Take it easy, I'm a pure bio person and I work on Systems Biology also.
Systems Biology is equally difficult to bio people and math people.
Programming is just a minor part. The problems with systems biology is "too
dry", most of the CNS papers these days are full of shit. The key is to design
new exp. and find good systems to test/demonstrate those systems-level
properties experimentally. It doesn't matter which bkg you come from as long
as you think hard and communicate with people well.


【在 f****n 的大作中提到】
: maybe you should do more investigation before you change lab.
: Computer science is quite different from bench work. According
: to my TA experience, there are good molecular biology students
: who just can't catch system biology. It's an interesting field,
: but you need to know what you are getting into before you make
: the change. I think knowledge in programming and probability&
: statistics is most important. Programming is not that hard. Anybody
: can learn it, slow and fast. But you may hate it. I kno

Yes, I know it is difficult. But I really tried very very hard in my exo-lab.I
did not have my project, the boss doesn't trust you at all, the postdoc is
actually my boss, if he abuse you then you die very terribly.And I always
forgot to put things back in -20 or western over ran......I hate the ethanol
smell in the lab also, and I was terrified by the northern contamination once
happened to me...
I am taking statistics classes this semester.Not too difficult, and I like
computation. (My math wa
第一,你知道拉很多实验的细节,而且有hands on经验,这是一个computation biologist
or bioinformatician提高水平所需要的.
computer,就四你do nuclear physics,有拉这俩年的磕磕碰碰,你都行.
至于computer class and programming 嘛,别怕,你又不是专门做computer science 的,
不需要深,偶的经例是,一个学期拿五门课: java, c++, database, Unix, data
structure and algorithm, all graduate level, but if you are to do computation
more, don't learn java first, learn c++, and perl/python.
you need to master 1 language first, then others ca

【在 c*******e 的大作中提到】
: Yes, I know it is difficult. But I really tried very very hard in my exo-lab.I
: did not have my project, the boss doesn't trust you at all, the postdoc is
: actually my boss, if he abuse you then you die very terribly.And I always
: forgot to put things back in -20 or western over ran......I hate the ethanol
: smell in the lab also, and I was terrified by the northern contamination once
: happened to me...
: I am taking statistics classes this semester.Not too difficult, and I like
: computation. (My math wa
