Re: 现在离可以移植记忆思维还有多远?# Biology - 生物学
1 楼
Well, the most popular cellular model of learning and memory is LTP/LTD staff.
But, anyhow, I don't believe it's the case. So far away from there. And the
investigation of neuronal circuits and neuronal networks are only at the baby
stage. And most importantly, I feel in neuroscience field, there is a big gap
for molecular,cellular neuroscientists and system guys. Almost two divergent
major like chemistry and physics. they use differenct languages and different
rationals for questions. Another K
But, anyhow, I don't believe it's the case. So far away from there. And the
investigation of neuronal circuits and neuronal networks are only at the baby
stage. And most importantly, I feel in neuroscience field, there is a big gap
for molecular,cellular neuroscientists and system guys. Almost two divergent
major like chemistry and physics. they use differenct languages and different
rationals for questions. Another K