无聊灌灌水:现在生物科研牛的中国人这么多,是不是可以考虑转化成生产力了?现在 中国人搞生物创业的有哪些牛人? 搞出Abraxane的Patrick Soon-Shiong应该是榜首,如果人家承认是中国人的话呵呵。 Genewiz跟Genscript的老板估计都能榜上有名,虽说是unrealized return但CRO风险低 ,XXM的身家在生物领域不错了。SF应该有一批人但叫不上名字,记得有个搞yeast的专 利被Adimab买去了,有个Fortebio的founder(SPR killer啊,我很看好:),有个叫 高XX的。sigh我的八卦功力太不够了。。。强烈呼吁八卦牛人们冲出象牙塔走向 startup:)尤其感兴趣去top-tier tool lab比如Church/Whiteside/David Liu group 的人develop出个killer tool冲出来搞公司的呵呵
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张毅 王晓东。。。。
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Indeed many many of them, I have noticed at least several dozens of them along the way but these are some famous ones that come to mind now... Shi yang, Junying Yuan Clontech Founder: Kenneth Fong Roger Tsien BTW, longwalk from our board is doing well too...it seems his company has been picking up some momentum...a couple of my friends or friends' are doing it too...Some really don't need high tech, but one does need to where the markets/needs are and how to execute a business plan...