postdoc or research faculty position on Cancer Bioinformatics, applicationi due Oct. 30
postdoc or research faculty position on Cancer Bioinformatics, applicationi due Oct. 30# Biology - 生物学
【 以下文字转载自 HUST 讨论区 】
发信人: jiawen (嘉文), 信区: HUST
标 题: 我校公管学院学子赵芸蕾勇夺奥运羽毛球混双女双金牌
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 16 15:34:19 2012, 美东)
If interested, drop me a line! thanks
A position is available as a Postdoctoral Associate or Associate Research
Scientist (Research Faculty) associated with the Yale Center for Analytical
Sciences and the Townsend Lab in the Department of Biostatistics at the Yale
School of Public Health. Our group uses high-throughput sequencing and
bioinformatic technologies to investigate genetics and gene expression
variation. We are particularly interested in candidates with strong
quantitative skills, preferably including a background in bioinformatics,
statistics and programming. Research topics of special interest include the
evolutionary genetics of cancer and cancer systems biology. This hire is
part of an initiative to build strength in bioinformatics at Yale within the
Yale Center for Analytical Sciences, a growing and dynamic Center at Yale
featuring postdoctoral scientists, research faculty and traditional-track
faculty with diverse statistical and bioinformatic knowledge.
Yale University is a highly collaborative and engaging institution with
great resources and many benefits, and New Haven is a walkable city with
great restaurants and cultural attractions as well as excellent public
transportation access to Boston, New York City, and the rest of the East
Coast corridor.
To apply for this position, email
1. A brief cover letter or email text discussing research interests,
qualifications and experience.
2. A curriculum vitae, including a list of scientific publications.
3. The names and contact details of three referees willing to provide a
confidential letter of recommendation upon request.
to x*****[email protected]
Applications are requested by Oct. 30th, 2013, but will be considered until
the position is filled