MG Siegler (TechCrunch)
iphone 4s review:
"I simply could not imagine how they could alter it to make it better. Even
making it thinner would mean that it wouldn’t fit as nicely in your hands
for taking pictures"
"It’s not like 4-inch screens are some technical achievement that Apple can
’t handle. They simply choose not to. And why? Because they believe 3.5-
inches is the correct size".
iphone 5 review
"If, like me, you carry your iPhone in the front pocket of your pants, both
the trimness and the weight of the iPhone 5 are most welcome additions"
"Again, if anything, it’s better than ever in this regard since it’s
thinner and lighter"
"I very much appreciate the actual vertical screen real estate within apps
such as Mail and Calendar, which now can display much more info. It’s also
great for any text-heavy app. And of course, the web... In horizontal mode,
the new screen gives you a 16×9 ratio, which happens to be the same ratio
used to shoot most films (as well as HD TV). This makes watching a movie or
television show on the iPhone a much better experience."