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I believe you have to test by yourself.
here is my story with Corning....
I initially used corning for my thesis research simply because corning was
the brand everyone else was using....and when I started my Flex assays, our
group then consumed at least 10 Corning plates per week. It was all working
well until three year later when I myself became a senior member ( PI lost
HHMI and all PostDoc except one left for better positions)....
starting from a day I could never remember, Flex assay just didn't work
anymore. under microscope 293 cells seemed fine with the right confluence.
The only PostDoc and I started the painful process of trouble shooting....
that was the most painful 6 months I had during gradschool... I almost
looked into everything from host cells to DNA to transfectant....
until one night when I held the plate without glove, I suddenly felt dust-
like stuff under corning plate.....with that clue and more efforts, I
finally found out Corning plate was in fact contaminated by some kind of
fungus....Ironically the fungus grows just slow enough so that 293 cells
could still form confluence, but powerful enough to kill our assay....
I then switched to BD 96 well plates, and was able to finish my project.
Even today, I still believe such experience with Corning really scared me
away from research.
here is my story with Corning....
I initially used corning for my thesis research simply because corning was
the brand everyone else was using....and when I started my Flex assays, our
group then consumed at least 10 Corning plates per week. It was all working
well until three year later when I myself became a senior member ( PI lost
HHMI and all PostDoc except one left for better positions)....
starting from a day I could never remember, Flex assay just didn't work
anymore. under microscope 293 cells seemed fine with the right confluence.
The only PostDoc and I started the painful process of trouble shooting....
that was the most painful 6 months I had during gradschool... I almost
looked into everything from host cells to DNA to transfectant....
until one night when I held the plate without glove, I suddenly felt dust-
like stuff under corning plate.....with that clue and more efforts, I
finally found out Corning plate was in fact contaminated by some kind of
fungus....Ironically the fungus grows just slow enough so that 293 cells
could still form confluence, but powerful enough to kill our assay....
I then switched to BD 96 well plates, and was able to finish my project.
Even today, I still believe such experience with Corning really scared me
away from research.
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