2 楼
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3. 最后为毛重启之后不能自动连wifi?奇怪。。
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2. metro ie10怎么改输入法?已经装了google拼音,但是只能在普通程序里面改输入
法,metro ie还是用不了中文
3. 最后为毛重启之后不能自动连wifi?奇怪。。
最后要赞一下metro ie 10,速度快,手势操作方便,算win 8里面不多的亮点之一
3 楼
这是今天的一个新闻,Steve Horvath的研究我比较熟悉,之前还做过类似的领域。
Life Insurer GWG Acquires Rights to Epigenetic Mortality Predictor Tech
May 05, 2017 | staff reporter
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – GWG Holdings, the parent company of life insurance
firm GWG Life, announced today that it has exclusively licensed technology
from the University of California, Los Angeles, related to the use of
epigenetic markers to predict life expectancy.
The technology is based on the work of UCLA's Steve Horvath, who has shown
that DNA methylation age, measured in blood, could predict all-cause
mortality later in life, independent of health status, lifestyle, and known
genetic factors.
In November, GWG optioned the technology — which measures the methylation
of certain CpG sites as markers of biological aging — so GWG Life could
develop it as a method for generating more accurate life expectancy
projections. Earlier this year, GWG Life began collecting and analyzing
epigenetic data from policyholders selling their life insurance.
GWG has now exercised its option, picking up the exclusive rights to the
technology for use in life insurance and related industries. Additional
terms of the deal were not disclosed.
"Even though we've only scratched the surface, epigenetics are already
showing much more promise for assessing human health than merely looking at
the genetic sequence," Brian Chen, vice president of research and analytics
at GWG Life and Horvath collaborator, said in a statement.
Life Insurer GWG Acquires Rights to Epigenetic Mortality Predictor Tech
May 05, 2017 | staff reporter
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – GWG Holdings, the parent company of life insurance
firm GWG Life, announced today that it has exclusively licensed technology
from the University of California, Los Angeles, related to the use of
epigenetic markers to predict life expectancy.
The technology is based on the work of UCLA's Steve Horvath, who has shown
that DNA methylation age, measured in blood, could predict all-cause
mortality later in life, independent of health status, lifestyle, and known
genetic factors.
In November, GWG optioned the technology — which measures the methylation
of certain CpG sites as markers of biological aging — so GWG Life could
develop it as a method for generating more accurate life expectancy
projections. Earlier this year, GWG Life began collecting and analyzing
epigenetic data from policyholders selling their life insurance.
GWG has now exercised its option, picking up the exclusive rights to the
technology for use in life insurance and related industries. Additional
terms of the deal were not disclosed.
"Even though we've only scratched the surface, epigenetics are already
showing much more promise for assessing human health than merely looking at
the genetic sequence," Brian Chen, vice president of research and analytics
at GWG Life and Horvath collaborator, said in a statement.
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谁MARK 到最高在线纪录,有双黄!
谁MARK 到最高在线纪录,有双黄!
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56, 没搞错?
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红着脸 捂着眼蹲一边去抹汗去了。。
自动翻译牛B (转载)哈佛教授:从未怀疑新冠病毒起源武汉求文章北卡一宠物狗新冠病毒检测呈阳性,系全美首例头牌婊子实验室里白人和亚裔博后文章发表对比证明瑞德西韦无效对中国有什么好处?当然有WHO坚持戴口罩没用,疫苗和群体免疫建立才能宣布胜利重磅!白宫早有疫苗 (转载)Opening for expert in toxicology and pharmacology未入职就申请国家基金的会被查处5/22【武漢肺炎】全球確診人數破500萬头牌婊子留人记——十几年间未给离开的技术员写过推荐信新冠病毒是通过飞沫传播的,不是通过气溶胶传播的有偿求TALEN质粒!!!做科学研究的人的共同特点Asking for a paper夫妻双双下岗,重金求推荐生化,生物实验室工作(新泽西或纽约最好)法国诺贝尔医学奖得主声称新冠病毒为人造5/26【武汉肺炎(代号:COVID-19)】日本解除紧急状态群体免疫成功可以避免第二波封城