according to the article, we can have the treaty benefits even we become resident aliens. but I am not sure we can still have the treay benefits ( article 19) after we have enjoyed article 20. 可以在美国直接转。表格会有单位提供的, j1很快, 我想两个多月吧
6 楼
7 楼
Emmm. I think you are right. You should be able to enjoy the treaty benefit of art. 19. They are two independent articles and nothing in the treaty said they are mutually exclusive. May I know that have you successfully switched from F1 to J1 within the US? Someone told me that I must go back to China to apply J1 visa, so I am bit confused now. Thanks a lot!
8 楼
谢谢楼上二位~~~ to chairmancat: 是总部,但不是中粮呢。益海嘉里,名声没有中粮大,呵呵 to kongarmy: 其实我读MBA的motivation不是来自我自己。 只是想着,要是3年后我LG在美国有好的发展,不打算回国了,我就过来, 那过来总得读个书,谋个工作吧。 发现二人的名字有异曲同工之妙,哈哈
我觉得哪个公司并不很重要,反正不是500强,对招生办来说没区别。 申请MBA的简历拿出来,最重要的是你在工作中有什么职责,做了什么贡献,展现了哪 些能力品质。这些一方面靠吹,另一方面也确实要有拿得出来的东西。你觉得哪个职位 能让你多做实事,多出成绩,能让你有底气地说“I made a substantial impact on my company's performance”?
for admission people, it's easier for them to gauge your qualifications if you work for a big/famous company. they may have contacts there or other applicants to compare you with. at the same time, it's more risky for you to exagerate your accomplishments, because they have ways to check that.
No.2, and it's a no-brainer. I would take it in a heartbeat. Because: 1. B-schools just like people from financial institutions; 2. You would have better exposure to people with similar career focus; 3. You have more time to spare to prepare the exam etc; 4. Better money.