工作机会 (转载)# ChemEng - 化学工程
【 以下文字转载自 Chemistry 讨论区 】
发信人: silverks (pig), 信区: Chemistry
标 题: 工作机会 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Feb 11 21:13:18 2012, 美东)
发信人: silverks (pig), 信区: Postdoc
标 题: 工作机会
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Feb 11 21:12:46 2012, 美东)
Hope all is well. I am an Executive Recruiter with Towerhill and was pointed
in your direction by a colleague who thought your background looked like a
great match for a client of mine. I'm working directly with the founders of
a rapidly growing startup (both PhD’s from CalTech). They've received solid
backing from one of the top Venture Capital firms in the US - Khosla
Ventures and have developed a nanostructured silicon-based thermoelectric
material that is highly efficient and low-cost. The fabrication process is
highly scalable and conducive to mass production and are targeting
refrigeration, on-chip cooling, waste heat recovery, and co-generation
They just hired one candidate and are currently looking to bring on at least
two more: a Block Copolymer Chemist having experience with lithography and
the creation and synthesis of block copolymers and an Electrochemist with
silicon experience. They would prefer those with industry experience but
would definitely look at a post-docs as well.
Wondering if you had your eyes open to new opportunities or if, perhaps, you
could recommend anyone from within your network who may be interested.
Thanks xxx, I look forward to connecting and certainly appreciate the
Stephen Godaire
Executive Recruiter
Towerhill Associates
401.619.4625 x107 (o) | 860.208.1007 (c)
s***[email protected]towerh.com | www.towerh.com
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