比如我需要renconcile A/R - other, 打印出detail G/L for A/R other, 然后需要一
This is a normal process, and you just need to get familiar with your
business. If there are too many transactions got posted to the account when
it should NOT, you may need to start the control from the source by
educating the person who handles the transactions to do a better job, or
have a review process before the job is done.
再比如,要reconcile A/R-Trade, 我需要把在trial balance的A/R-Trade和age
analysis 的数据对比,然后找可能出现差别的可能性,然后reconcile, 比如其中一种
可能性是check refund, 我们公司客户如果多付了款,可以要求我们寄支票,或者也有
可能是A/R在post cash时不小心over post cash时
This is also a normal process, but maybe your system can be improved so that
you don't have do so many reconciliations. For example, when AP issues a
refund check for overpayment, the AR person should also adjust the AR
balance at the same time, instead of you reconcile it later on. When AR
mistakenly over-posting the cash, it seems your system has the option to
generate a re-fund check, but the check is not actually issued, and that
makes your AR not reconciled. Still, it seems your system's efficiency needs
to be improved. You can talk to your boss regarding these issues after you
have a better understanding of how everything works in your company.
现在是很迷茫一般做会: 计的会这么复杂吗?是不是会计系统效率太低的原因?还有我
做这个的career path是是不是会计系统效率太低的原因?还有我做这个的career path是
It does seem like 会计系统效率太低. But hey, it is a good learning process,
since you can learn how to improve. As for career path, I would say this is
a good start to learn everything, but don't stay there too long, or you will
find you are stuck, if you are ambitious to move up ...