paper help# Chemistry - 化学j*l2010-10-01 07:101 楼大家毕业后会经常和thesis advisor联系么? 如果很久(半年到一年)没联系,最近发信要申请学校的推荐信,老板没有回信,是否代表他不愿意还是默许? 又不想继续打扰他,该怎么办?
y*e2010-10-01 07:104 楼Direct electroless nickel plating on silicon surfaceGuanghui Hu, Huihuang Wu and Fangzu YangChinese Science BulletinVolume 49, Number 22, 2363-2367, DOI: 10.1007/BF03183423Please send to y******[email protected], thanks very much!
z*y2010-10-01 07:109 楼call himif you do not even have such gut, then the relation is soso, andrecommendation, even he agree, is soso