请问一下,现在h1辞职之后直接回国不在美国转身份,回国待2周,然后去大使馆签h4 再回美国。以后要是再在美国工作申请h1的话,需要重新申请quta么?是续以前的那个 h1,还是需要重新申请新的quta? 上面说的那种比起我在美国境内申请change of status : h1->h4->h1哪个风险更大呢? 谢谢了。
Robin Kwong, Robin Harding and Song Jung-a, Japan’s tech trade tumbles by third; market shares lost to Taiwan and Korea; Study shows trend in industry . Financial Times, Oct. 22, 2009 (title in the print). http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/cb0b6f44-be68-11de-b4ab-00144feab49a.html?nclick_check=1 Quote: "The sectors in Japan that have suffered most are consumer electronics and semiconductors, the first hit by erosion of its competitive advantage in the switch to digital technologies, and the second unabl