今年新当选的66名美国工程院院士, 有你认识的吗?
今年新当选的66名美国工程院院士, 有你认识的吗?# Chemistry - 化学
I applied the ING checking account.
I thought it provides the free checks, but I never receive the checkbook. I
wonder if I shall request the check order or ING will send that to me when
the checking account is open.
ds160问"do I have been issued visa?"我要不要说这个h1b?那visa号是什么?我感
大概是儿子玩接綫板开关,之后连在电脑上的WD MY BOOK(500gb,有250gb的数据)的外
现在已经把外壳去掉,直接用SATA cable把硬盘接在主板上面,做为slaved hard
啓动Vista之后,My Computer里面看不到槃符,打开control panel〉device manager>
disk drives能看到有设备连接着,但是没有硬盘的信息。右击my computer〉manager
〉disk management,能检测到有disk,需要initialize,但是failed。显示错误信息
,I/O device error。
如果需要remote data recovery的话,一般什么价钱?
National Academy of Engineering Elects 66 Members and 10 Foreign Associates
WASHINGTON — The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) has elected 66 new
members and 10 foreign associates, announced NAE President Charles M. Vest
today. This brings the total U.S. membership to 2,254 and the number of
foreign associates to 206.
Election to the National Academy of Engineering is among the highest
professional distinctions accorded to an engineer. Academy membership
honors those who have made outstanding contributions to "engineering
research, practice, or education, including, where appropriate, significant
contributions to the engineering literature," and to the "pioneering of new
and developing fields of technology, making major advancements in
traditional fields of engineering, or developing/implementing innovative
approaches to engineering education."
A list of the newly elected members and foreign associates follows, with
their primary affiliations at the time of election and a brief statement of
their principal engineering accomplishments.
New Members
Mark Adamiak, director of advanced technologies, GE Digital Energy Multilin,
Wayne, Pa. For contributions to power system protection, control,
monitoring, and communications.
Robert D. Allen, senior manager, advanced materials chemistry department,
IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, Calif. For innovations in
chemistries and materials for semiconductor manufacturing.
Michael I. Baskes, adjunct professor, department of mechanical and aerospace
engineering, Jacobs School of Engineering, University of California, San
Diego, La Jolla. For contributions to the embedded atom method for
predicting the structure and properties of metals and alloys.
Craig H. Benson, Wisconsin Distinguished Professor, director of
sustainability research and education, and chair of civil and environmental
engineering and of geological engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
For improvements in design, construction, and monitoring of earthen liners
and covers for municipal hazardous and radioactive waste landfills.
Barbara D. Boyan, professor; Price Gilbert Jr. Chair in Tissue Engineering;
associate dean for research, College of Engineering; and Georgia Research
Alliance Eminent Scholar, Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical
Engineering, Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience; Georgia Institute
of Technology, Atlanta. For engineering implant technologies for bone and
cartilage repair.
Mary C. Boyce, Ford Professor of Engineering and department head of
mechanical engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.
For contributions to understanding the mechanics of deformation in
engineered and natural polymeric solids.
Joan F. Brennecke, Keating-Crawford Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering and director of the Energy Center, University of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame, Ind. For innovation in the use of ionic liquids and
supercritical fluids for environmentally benign chemical processing.
Max William Carbon, professor emeritus of nuclear engineering, University of
Wisconsin, Madison. For establishing engineering educational programs for
nuclear reactor design and safety.
George M. Church, director, Center for Computational Genetics, and professor
of genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston. For contributions to human
genome sequencing technologies and DNA synthesis and assembly.
Jared L. Cohon, president and professor of civil and environmental
engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. For contributions to
environmental systems analysis and national policy and leadership in higher
James J. Coleman, Intel Alumni Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer
Engineering, professor of materials science and engineering, and director of
the Semiconductor Laser Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana. For
contributions to semiconductor lasers and photonic materials.
Louis Anthony (Tony) Cox Jr., president, Cox Associates, Denver. For
applications of operations research and risk analysis to significant
national problems.
Robert L. Crippen, former astronaut and director of the NASA Kennedy Space
Center; and retired president and chief executive officer, Thiokol
Propulsion Group, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. For leadership in human space
flight and development of solid fueled rockets.
Supriyo Datta, Thomas Duncan Distinguished Professor of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. For quantum
transport modeling in nanoscale electronic devices.
Akhil Datta-Gupta, regents professor and L.F. Peterson '36 Chair, Harold
Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, College
Station. For developing the theory and practice of streamline simulation
for fluid flow in heterogeneous reservoirs.
William P. Delaney, Director's Office Fellow, MIT Lincoln Laboratory,
Lexington, Mass. For contributions to radar systems for national defense.
Steven P. DenBaars, Mitsubishi Chemical Professor in Solid State Lighting
and Displays, materials department, University of California, Santa Barbara.
For contributions to gallium nitride-based materials and devices for solid
state lighting and displays.
Dennis E. Discher, Robert D. Bent Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. For elucidation of
the effects of mechanical forces on cell physiology and stem cell
Elazer R. Edelman, Thomas D. and Virginia W. Cabot Professor of Health
Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.
For contributions to the design, development, and regulation of local
cardiovascular drug delivery and drug eluting stents.
Gordon R. England, president, E6 Partners LLC, Arlington, Va. For advances
in digital avionics for aircraft, land, and naval platforms.
Robert W. Farquhar, executive for space exploration, KinetX Inc., Tempe,
Ariz. For deep space missions to asteroids and comets and for leading the
NEAR mission to Eros.
Peter C. Farrell, founder, chairman, and chief executive officer, ResMed Inc
., San Diego. For research and development of devices for treatment of
sleep disorder breathing.
James R. Fienup, Robert E. Hopkins Professor of Optics; professor, Center
for Visual Science; senior scientist, Laboratory for Laser Energetics; and
professor of electrical and computer engineering; University of Rochester,
Rochester, N.Y. For development and applications of phase retrieval
Huajian Gao, Walter H. Annenberg Professor of Engineering, School of
Engineering, Brown University, Providence, R.I. For contributions to
micromechanics of thin films and hierarchically structured materials.
William W. George, professor of management practice, Harvard Business School
, Cambridge, Mass. For applying engineering principles to manufacturing to
advance health care.
Peter W. Glynn, Thomas W. Ford Professor and chair, management science and
engineering department, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. For
contributions to simulation methodology and stochastic modeling.
Alan H. Gnauck, distinguished member of the technical staff, Bell Labs,
Alcatel-Lucent, Holmdel, N.J. For contributions to high-speed, high-
capacity lightwave communications systems.
Steven M. Gorelick, Cyrus F. Tolman Professor, department of environmental
earth system science, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. For
optimization techniques and transport models for groundwater and remediation
of contaminated aquifers.
Alfred Grill, IBM Fellow, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown
Heights, N.Y. For contributions to low dielectric constant insulators for
VLSI [very large-scale integration] interconnects.
Victoria F. Haynes, president and chief executive officer, RTI International
, Research Triangle Park, N.C. For integrating research, economics, and
social sciences to solve multidisciplinary problems.
Richard Hogg, professor emeritus of mineral processing and geoenvironmental
engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park. For
contributions to the science and engineering of coagulation and flocculation
in particulate systems.
Ray R. Irani, executive chairman, Occidental Petroleum Corp., Los Angeles.
For leadership in the petrochemical industry and processes for applications
of particulate systems.
James W. Jones, distinguished professor, department of agricultural and
biological engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville. For
contributions to understanding climate change, environmental impacts, and
sustainable agricultural systems.
Mujid S. Kazimi, TEPCO Professor of Nuclear Engineering, professor of
mechanical engineering, and director of the Center for Advanced Nuclear
Energy Systems, Massachusetts Institute Technology, Cambridge. For
contributions to technologies for the nuclear fuel cycle and reactor safety.
Richard Wilker Korsmeyer, senior research fellow and head of business
development and licensing for pharmaceutical sciences, Pfizer Inc., New
London, Conn. For contributions to drug delivery formulations and medical
Helmut Krawinkler, John A. Blume Professor Emeritus of Engineering, Stanford
University, Stanford, Calif. For development of performance-based
earthquake engineering procedures for evaluating and rehabilitating
Fikri J. Kuchuk, fellow and chief reservoir engineer, Schlumberger Testing
Services, Clamart, France. For contributions in pressure transient analyses
for petroleum reservoirs.
Juan C. Lasheras, Stanford S. and Beverley P. Penner Distinguished Chair
Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences, distinguished professor of
engineering, and director of the Center for Medical Devices and
Instrumentation, Institute of Engineering in Medicine, University of
California, San Diego, La Jolla. For studies of atomization, turbulent
mixing, and heat transfer and for the development of medical devices.
Kai Li, Paul M. Wythes ‘55, P’86 and Marcia R. Wythes P’86 Professor,
department of computer science, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. For
advances in data storage and distributed computer systems.
Henrique S. Malvar, chief scientist and distinguished engineer, Microsoft
Research, Redmond, Wash. For contributions to multiresolution signal
processing and multimedia signal compression and standards.
Tobin J. Marks, Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Chemistry,
professor of materials science and engineering, and Vladimir N. Ipatieff
Professor of Catalytic Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.
For innovation in electronic, photonic, and photovoltaic materials and
catalytic polymerization.
Jyotirmoy Mazumder, Robert H. Lurie Professor of Mechanical Engineering,
professor of materials science and engineering, director of the Center for
Laser-Aided Intelligent Manufacturing, and director of the NSF I/UCRC for
Lasers and Plasmas for Advanced Manufacturing, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor. For quantitative transport modeling for laser interaction and design
and commercialization of direct metal deposition machines.
Diane M. McKnight, fellow of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research and
professor of civil, environmental and architectural engineering, University
of Colorado, Boulder. For elucidating the interrelationship between
natural organic matter and heavy metals in streams and lakes.
Antonios Georgios Mikos, Louis Calder Professor of Bioengineering and
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering; director, J.W. Cox Laboratory for
Biomedical Engineering; and director, Center for Excellence in Tissue
Engineering; Rice University, Houston. For advances in tissue engineering,
regenerative medicine, biomaterials, and drug delivery, including
development of biodegradable polymers.
Richard K. Miller, president and professor of mechanical engineering,
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering, Needham, Mass. For establishing a
new paradigm for undergraduate engineering education and establishment of
Olin College.
Robert A.K. Mitchell, consultant and retired vice president, Northrop
Grumman Aerospace Systems, Redondo Beach, Calif. For development of
autonomous unmanned aerial systems and their applications.
Philip M. Neches, chairman, Foundation Ventures LLC, New York City. For the
architecture and software of parallel database appliances.
James J. O'Brien, consulting engineer, James J. O'Brien P.E., Riverton, N.J.
For development of standards of practice for computerized scheduling of
construction projects and capital programs.
Babatunde A. Ogunnaike, interim dean; William L. Friend Chair of Chemical
Engineering; and professor, Center for Systems Biology - DBI; University of
Delaware, Newark. For advances in process systems, process engineering
practice, and systems engineering education.
Norbert Joseph Pelc, professor and associate chair for research of the
radiology department, and professor of electrical engineering (by courtesy),
Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. For development of algorithms and
technologies for MRI, CT, and hybrid X-ray/MRI imaging.
Leonard Pinchuk, co-founder, president, and chief executive officer, Innovia
LLC and Related Companies, Miami. For development of biomedical polymeric
materials for angioplasty balloons, drug eluting stents, and other devices.
Andrea Prosperetti, Charles A. Miller Jr. Professor of Mechanical
Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. For contributions to the
fundamentals and applications of multiphase flows.
Kaushik Rajashekara, chief technologist, electric power and control systems,
Rolls-Royce Corp., Indianapolis. For contributions to electric power
conversion systems in transportation.
Nambirajan Seshadri, senior vice president and general manager, Mobile
Wireless Group, and chief technology officer, Mobile Platforms and Wireless
Connectivity, Broadcom Corp., Irvine, Calif. For contributions to wireless
communications theory and development of mass market wireless technology.
David E. Shaw, chief scientist, D.E. Shaw Research, New York City. For the
architecture, design, and implementation of the Anton protein-folding
Scott J. Shenker, professor, electrical engineering and computer science
department, University of California, Berkeley. For contributions to
Internet design and architecture.
Christine A. Shoemaker, Joseph P. Ripley Professor of Engineering, School of
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. For
development of decision-making optimization algorithms for environmental and
water resources problems.
Amit Singhal, Google Fellow, Google Inc., Mountain View, Calif. For
contributions to information retrieval and search.
Robert E. Skelton, Daniel L. Alspach Professor of Dynamic Systems and
Controls (emeritus) and director, Structural Systems and Control Laboratory,
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla. For contributions to robust
control, system identification, and methodology for control-structure
David A. Stahl, professor, department of civil and environmental engineering
, University of Washington, Seattle. For application of molecular microbial
ecology to environmental engineering.
Roger H. Stolen, distinguished visiting professor in materials science and
engineering, and faculty member in the Center for Optical Materials Science
and Engineering Technologies, Clemson University, Clemson, S.C. For
contributions to fiber nonlinear optics and invention of polarization
preserving fiber.
Samuel I. Stupp, director, Institute for Bionanotechnology in Medicine, and
Board of Trustees Professor of Materials Science, Chemistry, and Medicine,
Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. For advances in processes of self-
assembled polymers for biomedical applications.
Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, vice chair and professor of biomedical engineering
, and director of the Laboratory for Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering,
Columbia University, New York City. For bioreactor systems and modeling
approaches for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
Michael S. Waterman, University Professor, USC Associates Chair in Natural
Sciences, and professor of biological sciences, computer science, and
mathematics, College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles. For development of computational methods for DNA
and protein sequence analyses.
K. Dane Wittrup, C.P. Dubbs Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
, and associate director, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. For developments in
protein engineering, protein expression, and quantitative pharmacology.
Steven J. Zinkle, UT-Battelle Corporate Fellow and director, Materials
Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,
Tenn. For advancing understanding of radiation damage in metallic and
ceramic components.
New Foreign Associates
E. (Edward) John Hinch, professor of fluid mechanics, department of applied
mathematics and theoretical physics, Centre for Mathematical Sciences,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K. For contributions to the mechanics
of fluids, suspensions, and polymeric liquids and to industrial processes.
Sue E. Ion, consultant and visiting professor, Imperial College-London,
Leyland, U.K. For contributions to nuclear fuel development.
Frank P. Kelly, professor of the mathematics of systems, and master of
Christ's College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K. For
contributions to the theory and optimization of communication networks.
Kinam Kim, president, Samsung Electronics Co., Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
. For contributions to semiconductor technologies for DRAM and nonvolatile
Chao-Han Liu, distinguished visiting scholar, Academia Sinica, Taipei,
Taiwan. For contributions to ionospheric research and international
leadership in atmospheric remote sensing.
Gennady A. Mesyats, director, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, and vice
president, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. For development and
application of pulsed power technology.
Pradip, chief scientist and head of the Process Engineering Lab, Tata
Research Development and Design Centre, Pune, India. For contributions to
processing of minerals and waste materials.
P. Rama Rao, chairman, International Advanced Research Centre for Powder
Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. For
advancing the understanding of deformation and fracture of structural
materials and development of materials research infrastructure for societal
Willem P.C. Stemmer, chief executive officer, Amunix Inc., Mountain View,
Calif. For co-invention of directed evolution and development of protein
therapeutic platforms.
Andrés Weintraub, professor, department of industrial engineering,
University of Chile, Santiago. For deployment of innovative decision
support systems for natural and human resources in South America.


【在 t******d 的大作中提到】
: I applied the ING checking account.
: I thought it provides the free checks, but I never receive the checkbook. I
: wonder if I shall request the check order or ING will send that to me when
: the checking account is open.
: thanks


【在 s*****n 的大作中提到】
: 我有过h1b,不过在h1b期间没回过国
: ds160问"do I have been issued visa?"我要不要说这个h1b?那visa号是什么?我感
: 觉这个h1b是个身份,但我没有visa
: 不知道对不对



【在 l**i 的大作中提到】
: 大概是儿子玩接綫板开关,之后连在电脑上的WD MY BOOK(500gb,有250gb的数据)的外
: 置硬盘出了问题。
: 现在已经把外壳去掉,直接用SATA cable把硬盘接在主板上面,做为slaved hard
: drive。
: 啓动Vista之后,My Computer里面看不到槃符,打开control panel〉device manager>
: disk drives能看到有设备连接着,但是没有硬盘的信息。右击my computer〉manager
: 〉disk management,能检测到有disk,需要initialize,但是failed。显示错误信息
: ,I/O device error。
: 请教高人,现在有什么办法能把硬盘里的数据读出来,里面好多孩子的照片。
: 如果需要remote data recovery的话,一般什么价钱?



【在 q***l 的大作中提到】
: National Academy of Engineering Elects 66 Members and 10 Foreign Associates
: WASHINGTON — The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) has elected 66 new
: members and 10 foreign associates, announced NAE President Charles M. Vest
: today. This brings the total U.S. membership to 2,254 and the number of
: foreign associates to 206.
: Election to the National Academy of Engineering is among the highest
: professional distinctions accorded to an engineer. Academy membership
: honors those who have made outstanding contributions to "engineering
: research, practice, or education, including, where appropriate, significant
: contributions to the engineering literature," and to the "pioneering of new

恩 没有 BOA开户也没有 不过后来给寄送了一张 check 注意 only 一张,,,

【在 a******n 的大作中提到】
: 对,h1b是身份,visa是指如果你不在美国,你可以凭这个进入美国。
: 所以你这个不算visa。

George M. Church, director, Center for Computational Genetics, and professor
of genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston. For contributions to human
genome sequencing technologies and DNA synthesis and assembly.
此人超级大牛啊,genome sequencing让人叹为观止
Dennis E. Discher, Robert D. Bent Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. For elucidation of
the effects of mechanical forces on cell physiology and stem cell
高分子的吧,当年作copolymer self-assembly起家的
Tobin J. Marks, Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Chemistry,
professor of materials science and engineering, and Vladimir N. Ipatieff
Professor of Catalytic Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.
For innovation in electronic, photonic, and photovoltaic materials and
catalytic polymerization.
Samuel I. Stupp, director, Institute for Bionanotechnology in Medicine, and
Board of Trustees Professor of Materials Science, Chemistry, and Medicine,
Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. For advances in processes of self-
assembled polymers for biomedical applications.


【在 q***l 的大作中提到】
: National Academy of Engineering Elects 66 Members and 10 Foreign Associates
: WASHINGTON — The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) has elected 66 new
: members and 10 foreign associates, announced NAE President Charles M. Vest
: today. This brings the total U.S. membership to 2,254 and the number of
: foreign associates to 206.
: Election to the National Academy of Engineering is among the highest
: professional distinctions accorded to an engineer. Academy membership
: honors those who have made outstanding contributions to "engineering
: research, practice, or education, including, where appropriate, significant
: contributions to the engineering literature," and to the "pioneering of new


【在 s*****n 的大作中提到】
: 我有过h1b,不过在h1b期间没回过国
: ds160问"do I have been issued visa?"我要不要说这个h1b?那visa号是什么?我感
: 觉这个h1b是个身份,但我没有visa
: 不知道对不对

不知道 能不能找同型号的硬盘,换块电路板……

【在 l**i 的大作中提到】
: 照著做了,可是testdisk好像檢測不到那個drive。列出了系統槃C,還有一格512B的不
: 知道是什麽的drive。按照testdisk的instruction嘗試檢測這個512B的東西,什麽都沒
: 發現。
: 請問高手還有其他什麽辦法麽?數據還有機會恢復麽?
: 謝謝啦!



【在 y***e 的大作中提到】
: George M. Church, director, Center for Computational Genetics, and professor
: of genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston. For contributions to human
: genome sequencing technologies and DNA synthesis and assembly.
: 此人超级大牛啊,genome sequencing让人叹为观止
: Dennis E. Discher, Robert D. Bent Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular
: Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. For elucidation of
: the effects of mechanical forces on cell physiology and stem cell
: development.
: 高分子的吧,当年作copolymer self-assembly起家的
: Tobin J. Marks, Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Chemistry,


【在 B*****g 的大作中提到】
: 你没visa?当年偷渡来美国的?
认得Dennis Discher 他们家很能生娃啊

【在 S*****n 的大作中提到】
: 就认识tobin。。。
: professor


【在 l**j 的大作中提到】
: 认得Dennis Discher 他们家很能生娃啊
Paul Janmey没当上呢,Dennis Discher倒先用这个citation上了。。。
后者应该加上polymer self-assembled vesicles.

【在 y***e 的大作中提到】
: George M. Church, director, Center for Computational Genetics, and professor
: of genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston. For contributions to human
: genome sequencing technologies and DNA synthesis and assembly.
: 此人超级大牛啊,genome sequencing让人叹为观止
: Dennis E. Discher, Robert D. Bent Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular
: Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. For elucidation of
: the effects of mechanical forces on cell physiology and stem cell
: development.
: 高分子的吧,当年作copolymer self-assembly起家的
: Tobin J. Marks, Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Chemistry,


【在 w********h 的大作中提到】
: Paul Janmey没当上呢,Dennis Discher倒先用这个citation上了。。。
: 后者应该加上polymer self-assembled vesicles.

我说的citation是指这句话: For elucidation of the effects of mechanical
forces on cell physiology and stem cell development.
话说Y-L Wang, Janmey, Ingber, Sheetz等人都还啥院士不是呢....

【在 S*****n 的大作中提到】
: 这些莫名其妙的人都当选了。。。也不知道除了引用次数之外还有啥贡献。。。
: 工程院院士的要求应该不止于此吧。。。



【在 y***e 的大作中提到】
: George M. Church, director, Center for Computational Genetics, and professor
: of genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston. For contributions to human
: genome sequencing technologies and DNA synthesis and assembly.
: 此人超级大牛啊,genome sequencing让人叹为观止
: Dennis E. Discher, Robert D. Bent Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular
: Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. For elucidation of
: the effects of mechanical forces on cell physiology and stem cell
: development.
: 高分子的吧,当年作copolymer self-assembly起家的
: Tobin J. Marks, Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Chemistry,
