if you check the big change by comparing June and August demand data, you'll realize that in the 2nd half of fiscial year 2011, many many more people were approved than in the 1st half of fiscial year 2011.
没事的,对BS学位的不是entry level,但是有master/phd学位的,尽管投简历就是了。 一般招工的,都会说招BS with xx年工作经验,or MS with x年经验, phd prefered 什么的。 就算自我感觉工作经验差一些,也可以投,不是完全没有机会的。 但是怕就怕这个post出来就是走个形式,其实人选早就内定好了。公司还好,老板说要 谁就要谁。公立大学什么的,正式招人一定要走这个过场。