Dear Alumni and Friends, You are cordially invited to the Fall Picnic organized by the San Diego Peking University Alumni Association (SDPKUAA) on October 3 (Saturday), 2015 . To our excitement, we will have our own “PKU SD Dragon Boat Team” to compete at the “6th Annual San Diego Dragon Boat Race”! For the first time! The Picnic will bring old and new friends together and provide a platform for our members to catch up. The Dragon Boat Race is a brand new eye-opening experience to us, not to say that our team members have been in rigorous training for weeks to prepare for the Big Day! Family and friends are very welcome! Let’s cheer for our PKU Team! When: 10am-2pm, October 3 (Saturday), 2015 Where: Mission Bay Park, 2688 E Mission Bay Dr, San Diego, CA 92109. Please note this is the visitor center address. The exact address will be notified on site. What: 10:00 - 11:00 pm Beach Fun, Dragon Boat race 11:00 - 12:00 pm Dragon Boat race (schedule varies) 12:00 - 1:00 pm Food Service 1:00 - 2:00 pm Free time Registration: fall-picnic-tickets-18679880024 Online by Oct 3: $5 per person, $15 per family On-site: $10 per person, $30 per family 圣地亚哥北京大学校友会2015秋季野餐会 各位校友: 在这收获的金秋季节,我们祝愿各位北大校友事业有成,生活幸福。圣地亚哥北京大学 校友会定于2015年10月3日(周六)举办我们的年度秋季野餐会。诚请各位朋友来参加 我们的野餐会。新老朋友们相聚,分外亲切。除了传统项目以外,今年的野餐会新增了 一个激动人心的项目:我们“北京大学SD龙舟队”第一次组队参加“第六届圣地亚哥龙 舟大赛”!龙舟队员们正在紧锣密鼓地紧张训练!欢迎大家届时在美丽的太平洋海岸边 ,为我们北京大学自己的队伍加油助威!
圣地亚哥北京大学校友会 Annual Sponsors: Hui Cai, Vice President of Corporate Alliances, WuXi AppTec Hongyue Zhang, CEO and Founder, Combi-Blocks Inc.