How to Identify and Report the Illegal Practice of Medicine
How to Identify and Report the Illegal Practice of Medicine# ChineseMed - 中医
1 楼
在风里,在雨里,一叶孤舟在烟波浩淼中,隐隐只见天空的阴霾久久不散。 不知不觉 ,岌岌可危倾覆在即。
2 楼
The practicing of medicine without a license and nursing without a license is also known as the unauthorized practice of medicine. Practicing medicine without a license can include a range of activity, but some of the more common examples include the following examples: holding oneself out as a doctor when in fact one is not using the letters “M.D.”, “D.O.”, or any other abbreviations to indicate an affiliation with treating patients prescribing medication to a person when one is not licensed t
FYI: 发现任何无照行医行为时不但可以举报到下述几个地方, local Police Department, Board of Medical Licensure Board of Medicine, the hospital where the physician has privileges the office where the physician works if it is a group practice. 只要是涉及到任何金钱诈骗等问题也可以举报到FBI, 无论大小。