Clare Hanrahan: Mugwort 艾草
Clare Hanrahan: Mugwort 艾草# ChineseMed - 中医
Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine
by Clare Hanrahan
Apr 06, 2001
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) also known as common artemisia, felon herb, St.
John's herb, chrysanthemum weed, sailor's tobacco, and moxa is a perennial
member of the Compositae family, and a close relative of wormwood (Artemisia
absinthium L.). Mugwort's generic name is from that of the Greek moon
goddess Artemis, a patron of women. Mugwort has long been considered an
herbal ally for women with particular benefit in regulating the menstrual
cycle and easing the transition to menopause. The common name may be from
the old English word moughte meaning "moth," or mucgwyrt, meaning "midgewort
," referring to the plant's folk use to repel moths and other insects.
Mugwort has a long history of folk tradition and use. Anglo-Saxon tribes
believed that the aromatic mugwort was one of the nine sacred herbs given to
the world by the god Woden. It was used as a flavoring additive to beer
before hops (Humulus lupulus) became widely used. Mugwort is considered a
magical herb, with special properties to protect road-weary travelers
against exhaustion. The Romans planted mugwort by roadsides where it would
be available to passersby to put in their shoes to relieve aching feet. St.
John the Baptist was said to have worn a girdle of mugwort when he set out
into the wilderness. Some of the magic in mugwort is in its reputed ability
to induce prophetic and vivid dreams when the herb is placed near the bed or
under the sleeper's pillow. In Pagan ceremony, a garland or belt of mugwort
is worn while dancing around the fire during summer solstice celebrations.
The herb is then thrown into the fire to ensure continued protection
throughout the coming year.
Mugwort is a tall and hardy European native with stout, angular, slightly
hairy stems tinged with a purple hue. Leaves, which may be as long as 4 in (
10 cm), are deeply divided with numerous lance-shaped, pointed segments,
which may be toothed or entire. They are arranged alternately along the
erect, grooved stem and are a dark green on top and pale green with downy
hairs on the underside. Mugwort has a pungent aroma when the leaves are
crushed. In late summer the small reddish-yellow disk flowers cluster in
long spikes at the top of the plant. Mugwort may reach to 6 ft (2 m) or more
in height. This tenacious herb has naturalized throughout North America and
may be found growing wild in rocky soils, along streams and embankments,
and in rubble and other waste places, particularly in the eastern United
States. In some areas, including North Carolina and Virginia, mugwort is
characterized as a noxious, alien weed. Mugwort root is about 8 in (20 cm)
long with many thin rootlets. It spreads from stout and persistent rhizomes.
Mugwort leaf and stem are used medicinally. Mugwort acts as a bitter
digestive tonic, uterine stimulant, nervine, menstrual regulator, and anti-
rheumatic. The volatile oil includes thujone, linalool, borneol, pinene, and
other constituents. The herb also contains hydroxycoumarins, lipohilic
flavonoids, vulgarin, and triterpenes.
Mugwort acts as an emmenagogue, an agent that increases blood circulation to
the pelvic area and uterus and stimulates menstruation. It is a useful
remedy for painful and irregular menstruation. A compress of the herb has
been used to help promote labor and assist with expulsion of the afterbirth.
A mild infusion of mugwort is useful as a digestive stimulant. It is
helpful in cases of mild depression and nervous tension. The herb also may
stimulate the appetite. A weak infusion of mugwort has sedative properties
that may quiet restlessness and anxiety. Its antispasmodic action may
relieve persistent vomiting, and has been used in the treatment of epilepsy.
Mugwort added to bath water is an aromatic and soothing treatment for
relief of aches in the muscles and joints. In a clinical trial, crushed
fresh mugwort leaves applied to the skin were shown to be effective in
eradicating warts. Taken as an infusion, mugwort is helpful in ridding the
system of pinworm infestation. Dried mugwort leaf also acts as a natural
tinder, useful in holding a smoldering fire. The dried herb has also been
smoked as a nicotine-free tobacco. A species of mugwort (A. douglasiana),
common in the southwestern United States, was used by some western Native
Americans as a prevention for poison oak rash. The fresh mugwort leaf was
rubbed over areas of exposed skin before walking into poison oak habitat.
The two plants often grow near one another.
In Chinese medicine mugwort, known as Ai ye or Hao-shu is highly valued as
the herb used in moxibustion, a method of heating specific acupuncture
points on the body to treat physical conditions. Mugwort is carefully
harvested, dried and aged, then it is shaped into a cigar-like roll. This "
moxa" is burned close to the skin to heat the specific pressure points. It
has been used in this way to alleviate rheumatic pains aggravated by cold
and damp circumstances. Mugwort has also been used in various size cones
that are places on the skin directly or on top of an herb or some salt and
burned. In Japan, some practitioners only use moxa for treatment.
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association
reported on the successful use of moxibustion in reversing breech birth
positions. The study found that 75% of 130 fetuses had reversed their
position after moxibustion treatment of the mother. The technique is said to
stimulate the acupuncture point known as BL67, located near the toenail of
the fifth toe, stimulating circulation and energy flow and resulting in an
increase in fetal movements.
In Chinese medicine, mugwort is ingested to stop excessive or inappropriate
menstrual bleeding.
Mugwort is harvested just as the plant comes into flower, before the
blossoms are fully open. The leaves are removed from the stalks and dried on
paper-lined trays in a light, airy room, away from direct sunlight. The
flowerheads should be dried intact and the dried herb stored in clearly-
labeled, tightly-sealed, dark glass containers.
For infusion, 1 oz of fresh mugwort leaf, less if dried, is placed in a
warmed glass container. One pint of fresh, nonchlorinated boiling water is
added to the herb. The mixture is covered to prevent loss of volatile oils.
The tea should be infused for five to 10 minutes. A mild infusion is best.
After straining, it is recommended to drink two cups of mugwort tea per day.
Use should be discontinued after six days.
Four ounces of finely-cut fresh or powdered dry herb can be combined with 1
pt of brandy, gin, or vodka, in a glass container. The alcohol should be
enough to cover the plant parts and have a 50/50 ratio of alcohol to water.
The mixture should be kept in a dark place for about two weeks, shaking
several times each day. It can then be strained and stored in a tightly
capped, dark glass bottle. Dosage recommendations vary, with some herbalists
cautioning against ingestion of mugwort in medicinal preparations.
In traditional Chinese medicine , the herb is burned slightly in a pan
before simmering with other herbs to stop menstrual bleeding.
Mugwort should be avoided during pregnancy. The herb is a uterine stimulant.
Women should avoid its use during lactation as the chemical constituent
thujone may be passed to the baby through the mother's milk. Mugwort should
no be ingested if uterine inflammation or pelvic infection is present.
High doses of mugwort may cause liver damage, nausea, and convulsions.
No known interactions are reported.
* Coon, Nelson. An American Herbal, Using Plants For Healing. PA: Rodale
Press, 1979.
* Culpeper, Nicholas. Culpeper's Complete Herbal & English Physician. IL:
Meyerbooks, 1990.
* Foster, Steven, and Duke, James A. Peterson Field Guides, Eastern/Central
Medicinal Plants. NY: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990.
* Kowalchik, Claire, and William H. Hylton. Rodale's Illustrated
Encyclopedia of Herbs. Pennsylvania: Rodale Press, 1987.
* Mabey, Richard. The New Age Herbalist. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc.,
* Ody, Penelope. The Complete Medicinal Herbal. New York: Dorling Kindersley
, 1993
* Palaise, Jean. Grandmother's Secrets, Her Green Guide to Health From
Plants. NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1974.
* PDR for Herbal Medicines. New Jersey: Medical Economics Company, 1998.
* Phillips, Roger, and Nicky Foy. The Random House Book of Herbs. NY: Random
House, 1990.
* Thomson, William A.R., M.D Medicines From the Earth. SF: Harper & Row,
* Block, Diana. "What's the Alternative? Yoga for Wrist Pain, Burning Herbs
for Breech Births. Do They Work?" (December 1998).
* Grieve, Mrs. M. "A Modern Herbal, Mugwort."
* Hoffmann, David L. "Mugwort." Health World Online.
* "Mugwort Leaf." On Health., 16030.asp. (Sept. 1998).
* "Mugwort or Chrysanthemum Weed."
Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. Gale Group, 2001.