China imitating Imperial Japan# CivilSociety - 华人政治
Mr Hanson may be a good classicist. But not so knowledgeable about China.
China 2014 and Japan 1931 are completely different animals. Japan 1895-
1931 was enriched by the massive Chinese money Japan extorted from its
1895 naval victory (2x Chinese GDP which on a per capita basis made
Japan extremely wealthy). It was like a bank robber hit the jackpot,
and the jackpot whetted Japanese appetite for ill-gotten gains, enabled
Japan to expand its criminal enterprise by militarizing, sending out
many students to learn about American/British/German military, sending
out diplomats to buy good will all over the world, sending out ninja
diplomats to assassinate their neighbor's leaders, fund revolutions in
Japanese' neighbors (Russia, China, Korea), and sow turmoil everywhere.
That's why none of these neighbors could even look at Japan without
throwing up their dinner over Japanese hypocrisy and wondering how the
hell could someone so polite and beautiful could murder babies and rape
women and still claim innocence with a straight face.
By contrast, China is still a poor country, even after 30 years of
working like slaves. And because the money came from hard work and
learning about the market economy, China is unlikely to fritter it away
in wild militarist adventures like Japan did.
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