who is watching "the 3rd rock"# CouchPotato - 美国电视
1 楼
from the sun?
i feel like this sitcom very much. Prof. Soloman and Mary are just like
some snoobish PhDs on this bbs. Harry is a pretty man but sadly is moron
as well (but he merely being a transmitter, his stupidity is quite
understandable). I admire Sally -- if i could be a powerful woman like
her. Tommy is surprisingly pretty when he makes up in girlish style.
Don -- Newman in Seinfeld -- continues his role as a sensitive government
employee, loved by Sally, sometimes.
To oberserve and satiri
i feel like this sitcom very much. Prof. Soloman and Mary are just like
some snoobish PhDs on this bbs. Harry is a pretty man but sadly is moron
as well (but he merely being a transmitter, his stupidity is quite
understandable). I admire Sally -- if i could be a powerful woman like
her. Tommy is surprisingly pretty when he makes up in girlish style.
Don -- Newman in Seinfeld -- continues his role as a sensitive government
employee, loved by Sally, sometimes.
To oberserve and satiri