正值端午节 信用卡送礼$500 最后的疯狂# CS - 计算机科学
1 楼
Bill Gurley 是硅谷有名的风投家。投资的公司有second-life等。下面是他对
Many are speculating that the year two thousand and nine represents a
fundamental turning point for the venture capital industry. Some are arguing
that the industry is in dire straits after years of poor performance.
Others have argued that the math simply does not work for the industry’s
current size. Another theory suggests that perma
Many are speculating that the year two thousand and nine represents a
fundamental turning point for the venture capital industry. Some are arguing
that the industry is in dire straits after years of poor performance.
Others have argued that the math simply does not work for the industry’s
current size. Another theory suggests that perma